• It doesn't matter what you say. The moment that question is asked, you are doomed!...;-D..
  • how about something like this: if it doesn't, say "of course not, sweetheart/baby/darling/sugar/honey. you look absolutely beautiful!" *kiss cheek here* but if it does, say "to tell you the truth, it doesn't do your beautiful, sexy body justice. you'd look much better in the other dress you like." *kiss cheek here.*
  • I, personally, expect honesty. But my husband and I are open like that. If he looks stupid, I tell him. If I pick some bizarre clothing combination, he'll tell me. It's much less stressful to be honest.
  • From my husband I expect him to know that I mean does this look good enough or should I get something that I look better in. We have been married for 22 years, he knows what I really mean by now.
  • We just want to make sure you still find us attractive. It is nice to know that even if we put on a few pounds thet you guys still love the way we look. Women know when they gain weight, we know if something makes us look fat. Most of the time women say this just to be reassured of your love and commitment to them.
  • If I ever ask my boyfriend if I look fat in a dress, I want him to give me an honest answer. I mean it. I don't like it when guys just say things because they heard that's what women want to hear. Why should I be interested in insincere flattery just because it makes me feel good temporarily?
  • The TRUTH.
  • I don't ask him. I'd ask my daughter or someone who knows..I could have a bathrobe on and he'd say I look fine..No sense of fashion, that man.
  • I think most girls want us men to give them an honest answer, but in a way that is not too blunt and coarse, like "Yes, that dress doesn't do anything positive for your figure. Do you have another one?" rather than "Yes, you do look fat in that dress!" I think things can be conveyed in a gentlemanly manner without hurting the feelings of a lady, and still be honest and affirmative. :)
  • when asked that question i always say "girl it ain't the dress"!
  • Honestly, I think it's one of the dumbest things a woman can say to try to win someone's attention/approval. She'd have to be confident in her own looks to ask such a thing. A woman who really feels fat wouldn't ask that.
  • That we look gorgeous!!! (What did you think we would expect you to say?)
  • I think most women want to hear "No, your face does" as an answer..... Must be why I'm single. =P
  • Honestly, I'd want to know the truth! That way, I'd know to change my clothes. :-)
  • Ive never asked anyone that question in my life, i think i know what looks good on me : )
  • I've never asked someone tha,but tell us the truth. dont make it harsh or anything just tell us the truth :D
  • Haha I'd never ask a guy that. But if in a brief moment of stupidity I did, I'd want back a "no, you look gorgeous," or something similar. If she looks fat? Who the hell cares. Tell her she's beautiful.
  • just smile and give her a kiss, she'll be reassured and you won't have to lie if she actually does look fat in that dress ;)
  • If I ask I expect the truth..I would be really pissed if you lied and let me go out in a dress that made me look :)
  • Even when those seams are trembling and about ready to burst............I LIE my ass off!!!
  • I,personally, would never even contemplate going out in public with an outfit I had any doubt looked decent onme. I would want a guy to politely suggest something else if I looked bad in it.
  • Oh Yeah!
  • Just tell her the truth but not too bluntly or sugar-caoted.
  • when we ask that question its meant to mean does this dress make me appear bigger than I usually look, because i think it might, and if it does i will change dresses because i don't want people looking at my pouch even though most the rest of the world has one, but i'm wearing a dress tonight, so i'm suppose to look better. (i don't feel that way, but I mean I'm pretty sure thats how t goes)
  • We NEED to hear ..."No you look gorgeous"
  • Smile, and say 'no, you look really good'. Unless you want to wait another five hours until she finds a different dress while silently hating you.
  • I have never asked a guy that question and never would.
  • I would like to give my wife an honest answer, because I love her and don't want her to feel any uncomfortable out there. She also appreciates my honesty all the time.
  • We expect you to say "NO!", plain and simple. Tell us how you find us totally attractive above all other women ALWAYS regardless of what we have on. Very simple. :)
  • i expect you to tell me the truth.
  • If you think it looks fat, find a way around it tell her it sits funny on her, or tell her how beautiful she looks in the other one, be honest, but only so far
  • Its not the dress that makes you look fat .Its the fat that makes you look fat lol
  • "No it makes you look normal."
  • I'm not quite sure... but if I ask that and it hugs me somewhere the wrong way or something, I would like to know what the problem is and what a suggestion for another article of clothing I have would be!
  • I'm an old broad, but never in my life have I ever uttered the words "Baby, does this make me look fat?" I have a mirror and some days I do turn around and mumble "Mirror, mirror, shiny glass, someone tell me that's NOT my ass!" but I know if something makes me look fat it will stay on the store rack, not hang in my closet!
  • Do the math; if she asks the question is because she thinks that the dress makes her look fat. If you answer "No dear, it doesn't" you're saying that it indeed makes her look like what she is, namely FAT. If you say "yes dear, it does" you're telling her that she indeed is FAT. The bottom line is, you better hope she never pops the question.
  • I think in most cases, when a girl asks that question, she's fishing for a compliment. She doesn't want a real answer, she's feeling insecure and wants to hear something nice.
  • no, its the three bigmacs and XXL milkshake you had earlier that makes you look fat. the dress looks nice though! no, not really, women expect the truth.
  • That yes I do look bad in it.
  • Honestly? We don't want to know if you think we look hideous, but we do want to know that we look nice, even if it's just for you. If you really like what we're wearing, obviously tell us the truth. If not, don't tell us that we look fat, maybe say something like, "You look fine/beautiful/pretty (depending on how insecure your partner is), but I prefer that blue dress/pair of jeans/black skirt (whatever you think looks great on them)."
  • i dont know who says that anymore considering its such a brodcasted statement its nothing more than a joke to say... but really if theyre asking, they kinda know it does, say they look curvacious and hot, because if she's wearing a dress your probably going somewhere nice and you just wanna get out of the house ASAP, besides if your flirtacious you might get a little more than a night without bitching later.
  • Personally, I ask that full well knowing I'm not fat. Give your girl a compliment!
  • I expect you to tell me the truth. Most women know when they look "fat" in a dress, but if I cant tell more than likely I'd go and ask one of my female friends. But if I were to ask my boyfriend, then I'd expect him to tell me the truth, but just not be too rude about it.
  • If we ask a question, we do want the truth but in some cases it is better just not to ask. My husband would say something like, "If I say yes, will you take it off so I can see you naked?" You gotta love him.
  • sat that it looks nice, if a girl asks its coz they think it does, so unless it really is a horrible dress make them feel confident and LIE LIE LIE.x
  • i dont like to go fishing for a reason to yell/ get a compliment
  • You should say...I think you look sexy and pull us close and kiss us.
  • "no baby that dress doesn't make you look fat. you make you look fat" hahaha just kidding :) when i ask questions like that, im really honestly fishing for compliments. i just want to hear my man tell me how .... and ...., etc. i am. it feels good to hear
  • We expect you to glance us up and down and say "No, actually, it makes you look kind of skinny".
  • Just answer the question. If it's not flattering then say so. For goodness sakes we don't wanna go out looking bad
  • Something that reflects the level of tact you would like from us regarding your bald spot and your semi-erection. That's all.
  • You can say whatever you want when you realize that since they did not spell out "fat", you can think she actually said "phat", and you will win that round. And the winner, by knockout, is . . .
  • say No you look great, beautiful in that and walk away, your job is done.
  • always ALWAYS tell her she looks great (even if you're lying).
  • Honestly. I want the truth. If the dress makes me look fat I certainly don't want to be walking around in it. If I ask, it's cause I'm not sure if it does or if I'm being neurotic. So I want the person I ask to be honest.
  • "you'll need a satellite photo to get all that ass in the photo"
  • The truth :)
  • If the dress makes me look fat, you had better stop me from going out in it! I would be so upset if I went out in public in a dress that made me look fat! Of course you can say so in a tactful way that doesn't imply that it's me and not the dress that is the problem. For example, you could say, "I think that you always look stunning, and I feel that the dress you wore a few weeks ago is most flattering on you." I would understand that you didn't think that I should wear the dress I asked about, and you would save yourself from upsetting me by saying that I looked fat in a dress.
  • I would say "That dress makes you look so fat you should have your own zip code!"
  • I expect to hear the truth. When I ask that question, I am not fishing for compliments. I seriously want to know whether or not I need to change my dress.
  • We expect kind honesty. We want to look our best when we're out. So I would probably say that telling us that we look good but that there's another dress that we would look even better in. keep our hopes high.
  • If it looks like there should be someone behind me narrorating the story of Moby Dick, please say so. I don't wanna leave my house looking like a beached whale. If I look like a fat ass...tell me. But be kind about it. A simple, I like this one better, this one shows your features off and that one doesn't flatter you at all, is way better to hear.
  • I would expect you to say that i am beautiful in waht ever i wear. But if i am asking that question it obviously means i am insecure about my self. So either way you would lose, because by saying that i don't look fat in the dress i will tell you that ur lieing and if you told me i looked fat my insecurites would worsen
  • I expect something like..."Well, no, not really. However, I like the way you look in this style...or that colour....better, Honey"
  • Personally I've never asked that question and most likely wouldn't. Of course I'd like a man to think I look nice but I wouldn't fish for their opinion. Rather have them be proactive and tell me how they feel first
  • I would want him to say the truth, so I can change if I do look huge.
  • No hunny, you look absolutely fantabulous!!!!
  • " Oh Its a dress! I thought it was a tent!"
  • I was married to my ex for 36 years, and have been married to my current wife for almost a year, and I have NEVER had any woman ask me that question. : )
  • the truth, so I can change before the rest of the world sees.
  • If I have to ask, that means I'm either: 1) in denial that it makes me look fat, and want him to tell me it doesn't. 2) fishing for a compliment.
  • Say the truth that you love her the way she is. Maybe not exactly like that because she may think you are trying to nicely tell her she is a whale.
  • I always want the truth!
  • Most women will say honesty but in reality we just want to be sure that you are still attracted to us. Its nice to hear your partner say that "you look beautiful in that dress" even though you know that you gained a few pounds.
  • I was gonna say I would hope they would be all like-"no hun it looks really nice!" but i would want the truth because if im having some rolls hangin out and its not lookin good and my guy doesn't think so...i need to know! but in a polite way please...
  • The only safe answer is, "You look perfect." (stunning/marvelous/sizzlin'/etc. can all substitute for 'perfect'[not a girl])
  • Honestly ,just don't say anything ...and ask us in return .. " What do you think ? " . Then .. just keep on saying yes to whatever we say , lol . It helps :)
  • allow me to quote the time machine... "if you do not like the answer you should avoid asking the question." while most women want to be told they look good no matter what, some women like honesty... I stress SOME I had a couple female friends who learned I was painfully honest and 2 asked me questions I did not want to answer, one because I liked her as a friend but she asked why guys were not attracted to her... she was a big woman, worked out to be strong rather than fat, but still big. the other because my answer was the girl needed to dump the guy and being a part of her breakup would mean I could not date her.
  • I really think it depends on the girl. Some want honesty(i do). And some are looking for a compliment. Its a double edged knife my friend lol.
  • Dumb question, unless you want an HONEST answer. If you can't handle the truth girls, don't ask it. So my answer to your question would be: THE TRUTH.
  • The truth. I crave honesty in any situation.
  • I don't. I'm afraid to hear the truth. It's alright when I keep saying that I'm fat (which is true). But when someone else says it, it hurts.
  • if you want her to be happy say no say yes watch out lol
  • erm... i would like to be complimented on my dress or the truth
  • we just want to hear compliments. and when you say "oh no honey!" we always say "your lying!" but then your suppose to say "how could i lie about something this beautiful." and kiss us.(:
  • Just say no, for your sake. I don't think that question should EVER be asked! It's so loaded and not a good idea!
  • The truth.
  • I do not ask that question, but if I did then I would expect an honest answer. Which should be yes because I am over weight.
  • Lol, I know that's a silly question, but just say 'no'
  • I have a hard time believe that women even ask that. I think it's gone to the realm of cliche at this point. But to answer the question, they are looking for an honest answer for one of two reasons; 1) they are self loathing and need to hear criticism or 2) they are looking for a fight.
  • Nobody EVER ask that question unless she already knows the truth: she's put on a few pounds or is retaining water, and yes, in that dress, it's noticeable. She's trying to assess whether it's noticeable to anyone besides herself. Unfortunately, if you say "yes", you're acknowledging that she's put on weight or is looking less than her best, so you're in the doghouse. If you say "no", you're either lying to her or telling her it's OK that she puts on weight, so you're in the doghouse. The very worst thing to say is "no more than usual". But even if you say nothing, rip the dress off and make mad, passionate love to her, you wreck her hair and makeup so you're in the doghouse. This is not a good state of affairs. But one of my girlfriends once told me how to answer the question without ending up in the doghouse. "Well, the dress obviously isn't cut right for you, so let's go shopping for another one that fits better."
  • Either a yes or a no. I never ask that anyway. If I think it makes me look fat, I don't say anything or I change something about it. Same thing if it makes me look skinny; if it makes me look skinny, I change something about it or don't say anything and hope no one will notice. I never know what I want to look like. I confuse and hate myself.
  • I wouldn't. Cause I'm not fat.
  • well everytime i ask my husband that he will always say the truth, sometimes it isnt what i want to hear but his logic says would you rather i lied to you and you felt self conscious in public; so true.
  • If someone asks you that they want you to tell them how freakin' hot they look in anything! And if you love them you should!
  • I want you to tell me the TRUTH...dont know about any other woman
  • i never ask that, i know how i look.
  • I would like an honest answer, but I am very different form other girls
  • I've NEVER asked that question, but if I did, I'd expect him or her to answer honestly. I REALLY hate games like that. If you don't want an honest answer, don't ask the question.

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