• I would give proof....I wouldnt just depend on people who never recieved any legitimate proof of my existense to figure it out and even if I didn't give proof I would throw them in a firey pit for not figuring out I was real....
  • Proof! woo yeah, then people can't deny I'm here! Then people like me (Athiests) can shove all their doubting of me where the sun don't shine! woo!
  • If I were God, I would do it just like he chose to do it. Some folks can’t ever get enough proof. We are agents of free will. We can deny, or we can believe. It is like it says at Romans 1:20 : "For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable".
  • I'd go for proof- I can't think quite how I'd go about it though. I could talk to people or appear before them, but I'm not sure how I'd make sure they didn't just think they were hallucinating. I suppose the best thing to do would be to take up permanent residence on earth. But even then some people would claim I wasn't really god, and I was lying- and I'd probably have to deal with several other people claiming THEY were God. Tricky see. I'm glad I'm not God.
  • I agree with perryman. If god just gave proof they we wouldn't have "beleivers" ppl choose to be athiests or morman or what ever but the fact remains they all beleive in something one way or another. God sends me proof all the time it might not be standing right in front of me and sometimes it takes hind sight to see it but i know he is there.
  • As a minor deitie myself, I deal with this problem all the time. Sure, if you provide proof then you are free to have more an influence on the everyday lives of mortals, but haveing corporeal evidence, form and presence will ultimatly cheapen and undermine you're desiples faith in you so no. No definative proof.
  • Have you taken a good look at history? Based on our track record I wouldn't want to have much to do with us either. Not until I decide that we've had enough time mucking around trying to figure it out on our own. Then I'd step in and make it right.
  • He doesn't have to do either... He doesn't have to prove anything to anybody.. he is God! Either you believe or you don't, no high school games of "how high you can piss on the wall"
  • I would, I'd prefer for my people to know me :)
  • I would send balloons from heaven tied up with giftcards. That should prove of my existence.
  • I've always found it funny that people who believe this one creature created everything in the entire universe also believe he would give half a dried out turd about this one species on one planet in one system...We're not even that interesting, so I think it's not a case that God chose not to give us proof, it's just that we're not noteworthy enough to bother with. So no proof, but not hiding either :)
  • Neither. I'd wipe all of you little bastards out and get some freakin' peace and quiet! "God can you make me rich?", "God can you smite my enemy?", God are you really there?" SHEESH! Enough already! ;-)
  • Can you imagine the chaos that would be created if undeniable proof of Gods existence were delivered.
  • I am the single prophet for the Quantum Mechanical theory of God and his revelations and why they have discrepancies both large and small. God created beings with free will because at each choice that they make, the demise of God enlarges by 2, because Schrodinger's cat, is both, Alive AND Dead. Not OR. It is gods will that we make choices and he has gone to a lot trouble to see that there are many schools of thought. It suits Gods purpose that the "God Given Key To The Right Way Of life" is not singular but plural and discordant. For it makes people make choices, and every forced choice serves him. But when you come down to the similarities "Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you" is the most common and greatest. But even that becomes "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" or "do unto him BEFORE he does unto you"(in a bad way)
  • Here is your undeniable proof: I am not God, I am just one of His witnesses.
  • GOD allowed his only son to be crucified and suffer under Pontious suffer, die and be buried.......i think that was to prove the grace of the lord....i have been Catholic since i was a child........even jesus stated to his father when he was dying on the cross and looked up to the heaven's, "why have you forsaken me"????? i think that we will not know all of these answer's until we die......take care....Brian
  • i'd stop bein a Bitch and come out already.... "Prove me wrong!"
  • If I were a god, I would give undeniable proof of my existence. I value a skeptical, reasoning mind over faith any time. I wouldn't expect anyone to believe in me if I haven't given them ample reason to do so.
  • Is the air you breath hidden or merely not detected by your sight?
  • If God cared at all, he would see all the problems caused on this planet by the mysteries surrounding him, and all the different stories, all claiming to be true. But if God were a jerk, he'd demand (through codefied whispers) that everybody bow down to him and praise him constantly (like a Don in an Italian neighborhood), instead of focusing on the real problems of feeding and protecting everybody -- which is our collective job, like it or not. But I don't think that an all-powerful being would be so uncaring, or such a jerk. So I prefer to believe purely in science and then just get on with my life. We have developed the capacity for establishing norms of ethics and morals, so we don't need a list of rules from God -- other than F=Ma, E-mC2, and stuff like that (which we didn't find in a book; we figured it out on our own). If there IS a God, I think he would be just fine with this sort of conclusion from a thinking man. Jesus said that God loves sheep, but I don't think he meant that we should immitate them.
  • "undeniable proof of your existence" as God. Now THERE is a challenge for you! Let's look at this from a totally DIFFERENT perspective, shall we? Let us say, for the sake of argument, that God does exist and that he created the entire universe. Science is in the business of observing the universe around us and trying to figure out how it works. To that end, many theories exist, and more are unfolding, about the nature of existence itself. One of those theories postulates, for example, that in order for the universe to exist as we know it, eleven dimensions are required. This implies, under the assumption above, that God must be at least an eleven dimensional being in order to have created a universe requiring eleven dimensions to exist. So, let's think about that for a moment, shall we? We, human beings, are three dimensional creatures living in a four dimensional continuum, within an eleven dimensional framework. Edwin Abott wrote a book called "Flatland", which described a race of beings who lived in a two dimensional universe. As two dimensional creatures, they are incapable of seeing three dimensional objects any other way than in two dimensions, those by which their plane of existence is defined. Consider, for example, a circular column three feet in diameter and 10 feet tall. If the two dimensional plane of existence occupied by these beings is perpendicular to the column, then all they would see would be a line three feet long. The could not perceive that the column was ten feet tall, nor that it was round. But if the plane of existence occupied by these creatures were vertical with respect to the column, they would see a line ten feet long. Again, they would not be able to perceive it had width or depth. And again, if the plane of existence were parallel to the column, they would not be able to perceive it at all. However, if they were able to shift their perception around as they observed the column, they MIGHT be able to divine an explanation. This is because as they shift their point of view from, say, the horizontal to the vertical perspectives, they would see a line that shifts from three feet long to ten feet long (slightly longer from edge to edge, in fact). And, interestingly enough, since two dimensional creatures can still walk AROUND an object, if they were to walk around the column on a plane perpendicular to the column, they would see a line of constant length. Now, jump up one dimension to us: three dimensional creatures traveling through time. We are just beginning to be able to visualize for ourselves what a five dimensional hyper-cube would look like. And, of necessity, we must understand and explain it in terms which we understand: length, width, depth, and time. Because we have no other way to do so, being creatures defined by our three dimensional existence. Take a look at this site, for a hint of this visualization process: So, it's POSSIBLE for beings of sufficient intelligence in lower order dimensions to postulate the existence of higher order dimensions. Mainly because they can come up with mathematical theorems which have solutions requiring higher order dimensions to resolve. But CONCEPTUALLY understanding them and VISUALLIZING them is something else. Now, flash forward again. Not to five dimensions, or even six or seven. But ELEVEN dimensions. The number of dimensions current scientific theories say MUST exist in order to explain the universe. We have a problem here, don't we? If, hypothetically speaking, God were an eleven dimensional being, then there is NO WAY for us to perceive him or to describe him outside our three and four dimensional senses. Like the beings living in a two dimensional universe viewing a three dimensional object: what that three dimensional object looks like CHANGES depending on how the two planes of existence intersect. If they were observing a human being, for example, and they saw the human on a plane perpendicular to the human at belly button level, who is standing with their arms down, they would see three straight lines in a row. A short one, representing the left arm, a long one representing the torso, and another short one representing the right arm. Now, the human lifts his right arm to pick his nose. The two lines for the torso and left arm are unchanged. But the line for the right arm shifts in length as the arm bends, finally disappearing as the arm lifts completely OUT of the two dimensional universe on it's way to picking the nose of it's owner. If the two dimensional creatures were observing the same human from a vertical orientation, there would be absolutely NO changes at all in their perspective because nothing would have changed in the view for them while the human picked his nose. And yet, for the human, he DID pick his nose! The 2D people just can't perceive it! (Probably just as well...I have to suffer watching my 10 year old son pick his nose all the time.) Likewise an eleven dimensional being would continually shift appearances as our perspective of him changed. We could NEVER view it in its entire eleven dimensional glory as long as we are bound to our limited lower level dimensions. Which, in a way, is an utterly FASCINATING way of looking at God, if he does exist. How we EACH perceive God changes depending on our perspective, because he exists as an eleven dimensional creature which we can ONLY fractionally perceive in three dimensions. And yet, within the scope of an eleven dimensional universe, it is the SAME God that everyone sees. Even if what YOU see is TOTALLY different than what I see. But we humans have this propensity to argue that since something LOOKS different, it MUST BE different. Therefore “MY God is not the same as YOUR God” and we will wage endless wars over something which may, ultimately, boil down to fighting over one group of people who are seeing God’s glory from the three dimensional point of view of a pimple on his eleven dimensional ass and another group of people who are seeing God’s glory from the three dimensional view of him picking his eleven dimensional nose. So, back to the question: “If I were God, would I choose to give undeniable proof of my existence, or would I prefer to stay physically hidden from man”? If I WERE God, as an eleven dimensional being, then I COULDN’T provide direct, undeniable proof of my existence to three dimensional creatures living in a four dimensional continuum. There would be seven dimensions of my existence forever beyond the direct perceptions of human beings which could ONLY be perceived through indirect means. Unless, or until, human beings transcend the limitations of their existence and extend themselves into higher dimensions of existence, there could be no direct observation or proof that I, as God, would exist. Bring onthe DR's! I can handle it!
  • Why should I give proof of my own existence to my own self?Know your Self and that is enough!
  • God claims that there is already undeniable proof. "The heavens declare the glory of God. The firmament showeth His handiwork." "I will praise Thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well." "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are CLEARLY [emphasis added] seen being understood by the things that are made so that they are without excuse." The problem is that man believes what he prefers to be true and the idea of being accountable to a holy God is not something that sinful man appreciates. Not believing what God has already revealed of Himself is as absurd as not believing in the architect of a building or the painter of painting. The "handiwork" of the individual obviously proves his existence.
  • If I were God, I don't think it would matter if I gave undeniable proof of my existence--or NOT! Man, in his infinite wisdom and VANITY, will always "find" ways to prove HIS superiority and "divine being" and "intelligence"--over TRUTH. It's really strange to me, how there's SO much controversy over the existance of GOD--but very little, if any, over the existance of satan!!! Any hot debates going on over whether or not satan exists? Hmmm...
  • I would not give any evidence of my existence. do you know how many wars were started because different groups of people believed that their different gods communicated with them?
  • If I were God I would stay hidden and let the people have their freedom of choice. Wether they believe in me or not, I do not think I would care. If I were the God that the Bible speaks of I would have made everything on earth anyway. They do not have to convert to me I do not like to be the center of attention anyway.
  • No need for him to 'give' proof, just look around and you will find all the proof. Everything you see is proof. And then, He gave proof by dying on the cross.... and rise after again!
  • Of all the silly and bizarre things humans have dreamed up over the ages, a giant, omniscient, immortal, omnipotent, invisible spirit that controls everything is probably the silliest. The entire concept of invisible spirit(s) flitting around the universe, spying on us to see who is having sex with whom, is more than silly. It's more than bizarre. It's pathological.  
  • The vast majority of things in our life we accept on trust. Not only do we NOT keep rushing to the lab to personally verify every little bit of information we come across, we do not even ask for proof on some rather important aspects of our own lives. Even regarding our identity, we are happy to accept, without question, purely on trust, that those we call ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ are our biological parents. Our decision to believe in the existence of God has elements of trust, reason and the exercise of our free will. HQ 18:29 acknowledges that we have free will in the matter “Say, ‘The truth is from your Lord’ So let him who wills so believe, and let him who wills so, reject (it)” If God were to give us UNDENIABLE proof of his existence then, unless we were mad or suicidal, we would have to believe in His existence. That in one stroke would make our free will meaningless. So I expect the answer is No UNDENIABLE proof of existence because it would make a mockery of free will on this issue.
  • Only if I were very insecure and egocentric and into terrifying lesser beings,..which God is not.
  • If I were God, infinately powerful and all knowing. I sure as hell wouldn't pay any attention to the inhabitants of a single, small, insignificant, blue planet, when there were absolutely BILLIONS of other plantets out there. Kinda makes sense that he has never answered a single prayer, when you think about how much time he must spend paying no attention whatsoever to earth.
  • one of the best reads I have had in a while. From my own experience I believe this "eleventh dimension" is a plane where there no longer is such a thing as separateness as we know it because when I meditate at times I feel that I don't even have a body anymore and I feel the most indescribable feeling of peace that this 4 dimensional universe we inhabit does not have enough words to define and in this eleventh dimension only feelings hold the answers because when words are removed, those feelings have so much more meaning and power. They are not restricted and put in a box by definitions that even in their most complex and beautiful form still would not do them justice but in fact can at times play their part in distracting us from letting go and really feeling the magnitude of the truth without any boundaries. Thanks for a unique perspective Cheif :)

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