• People who are honest, charitable.
  • Justice marks all of Jehovah
  • 5he bible says," mercy triumphs over judgement." This means that mercy is greater than jidgement which means, God although we are guilt will forgive us our sins; and since God does this and knows this, we ought to do the same. Judge according to the truth, i would say, yet have mercy on the person and comfort them. If someone steals, you dont ignore the fact that they stole and lie to yourself or others, yet you should have mercy on them and love them more than jidge them. Your love for the other must triumph over our human tendancy to judge people. Even God who has all power to judge correctly lets his mercy triumoh over his judgement, so what ought we to do? Have mercy.
    • kevonb129
      GOD had mercy on us through JesusCrist, the greatest gift we could ever recieve. Will you accept Gods gift of mercy or reject it?

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