• Her everything else. There's too many neglectful parents, it's hard to find fault in devotion to one's children.
  • Part of her and she part of you which means to you both the children should be everything it called "Family". + :o)
  • That her children come first in her life.
  • So they should be her everything. A womans children SHOULD come before anyone else, even her husband. It takes a very special person to understand that :-)
  • it would make me sad if I was married since she's forgetin the love. Although children are dearest to their parents, spouses shouldn't forget their love :'( sniff
  • It makes her children her flesh and it makes you not quite there yet. It's possible to love more than one child and it's possible to let in a new person and make them part of you, too. But it does take time and for some, the new person will never come from her own flesh and they will always be number one. But then again, for some married couple who have their own children the children always come first, even with the birth parent.
  • It makes you a priority-but not her first. Which is a good thing, I wouldn't trust any woman (or man) who put a lover before a child.
  • It means you have a woman with her priorities in the right place. It is an expression, which simply means that she loves her children and places them above anything else in her life. It does not mean that there isn't room for you in her life and heart. It does not mean that she doesn't love and care for you. You are an adult and a self-sufficient one, I am guessing. They are her children, and will always need their mother. It's not about you, so don't take it personally.
  • someone very special if she thinks u are great enough to be in their lives ; )
  • I might just be the only one who really gets your point here uknow. I've heard that before as well and often wondered, for one if the relationship with the father that brought those children about would be a part of that everything had it worked out in a positive way.
  • when a woman tells me her children are her everything, thats makes me the person she's telling that it...(am i missing the point, lol?)
  • They are her #1 priority
  • An idiot,... if it bothers you.
  • Happy. Every mother should feel this way. I understand it and applaud it.
  • Well, thats a good thing! I think you need to be understanding of the wish to have you embrace her children as well. If she always sides with her children and does not make it a point to spend any time with you then this may not be the type of relationship you need.
  • If it makes you feel slighted or makes you a poor candidate to date a single parent.
  • Number two.
  • What about Our Lord? Read your Bible.
  • Her second in command.
  • Your children should be your everything too. Aren't you their father?
  • When a woman talks about her children, she is not talking about you at all, but about her children. So you shouldn't assume anything based on her feelings towards her children. If you want to know what you are to her, ask her! :)
  • Better than some women whose children are sadly not at the top of their priorities.
  • Really touched.. putting their children first about anything else. That is what you called the mother's love.
  • A sperm donor
  • i tell my kids this all the time. to here them say it back is wonderful.
  • Like the least popular Darrin from Bewitched.
  • I think she should get a life because children should not be "her everything." And she ought to start paying a little attention to her hubby before he feels neglected and starts to wander.
  • Lucky to be around such a great woman. That's what.
  • My kids are my world, but I do date and have a life. If my kids are not accepted by others, then I'm not accepted.
  • That she loves them very much. I wouldn't take it too literally.
  • Theres nothing wrong with that, it is completely understandable. I love my child and my hubby about the same but my child is without a doubt number one. My hubby understands, I think he probably feels the same.
  • second.
  • yeh it just means she really loves her kids and it doesnt mean that there isnt room for you to get some of that love too you know just in a diffrent way she sounds like a good woman and just know she will always put her kids first in any situation as long as your cool with that i dont see a problem
  • Well, look at it this way. Her children are hers, both family wise and you know no matter what they will always be there. A guy, specially if dating, will either stay with her or either just be a short relationship because of something like either cheating or just not having enough time for the girl. Your kids will always be there through thick and thin... a guy may not.
  • To me :It means that she had gone through alot of for them.It also means that she an unending love for them and any man that wants to court with her must love her children as well.There's nothing bad in that .
  • It doesnt make you anything, she's just telling you not to try to make yourself first. and not to ever do anything to hurt her kids because she will hurt you. lol. J/k but seriously. Don't mess with her kids they come first in her life.
  • Number 2...or maybe you ain't ;)
  • It's like this. I have two kids who I love & adore VERY much. I do love my boyfriend, but in most cases I put my kids before anything else. When i get paid, they get everything they need FIRST. When I wake up in the morning they get their breakfast FIRST. These are just examples. It doesnt mean that I dont love my boyfriend. It is a mothers job to make sure that her kids are taken care of. My boyfriend understands. How would you like if your mother put her boyfriend before you? A loving bond between a man and a woman is nowhere near as strong as that of a mother and her child. If you cannot deal with that, then you do not need to be dating single moms.
  • I would wonder about a woman that didn't feel that way, children first and above all.
  • It basically means that her children are always going to be number one and you're just going to have to deal with always being second to them.
  • I think the worrisome aspect of this expression is that a woman who says her children are her "everything" seems to have no other interests, desires, wants or needs other than being a mother, including being a good wife. That's a problem. While being a mother is honorable, and God knows important, we're all human beings, with our own needs and desires. Too many women put their own unfulfilled hopes and dreams onto their children because it's easy to dote on them, and those children carry that around for the rest of their life. There is something honorable in showing your children that time with your spouse is sacred and should be honored. On the other hand, it might just be an expression of enthusiasm from a mother who adores her children.
  • When a woman says her children are her everything, she probably doesn't even mean it. My mom told me and my sister all the time that we meant the world to her, and we were the most important thing in her life... However, she stayed with her abusive husband, resorted to drinking, and was never there for us. If that woman is there for you, she doesn't really mean it. I think that she may love her children a lot... but she isn't going to be there for them at every second and ignore you.
  • She is a good mother but I'm not her son.
  • I'm in the same boat with my boyfriend and his kids. Try not to take it as a statement that you're not good enough for her. Just be there for her. Right now she's all her kids have, for whatever reason. It's very hard to be a single parent in this world - there's soooo much to do just in every day life. She obviously loves you, or she wouldn't still be with you. I know it's hard feeling like she doesn't have the same desire to be with you as much as you want to be with her. It's commendable that she's there for her kids like that. Too many single parents drop their kids to go out and date and try to find love. You've got a good woman there. Support her as best you can, and you'll have a fantastic relationship as time goes on. She'll realize she can trust you and will bring you more into her world!
  • Second to her children... If you are lucky...
  • That makes you her friend. A parent should consider their children their everything.
  • Second string, guy.
  • You are Nothing ! If you are the biological then you are the creator (Sperm Donor) of her everything. She should give YOU props.
  • Eventhough she says her children are everything, it's most likely symbolical. She still loves you. Right? I don't know you guys, can't really help=)
  • Her something.
  • I'd ask her.
  • At a rank somewhere below the well-being of her children...and, in my mind, that's right where I belong!
  • When I dated a man with children, I was told the exact same thing. I did not like it and I certainly did not get it. It hurt to hear it. (so thank you for asking this important question). I have learned... Children Must come first. As a parent its your job to parent them. Children rely on their parents (because honestly thats really all they got). Kids do not have the capacity to take care of themselves until they are older. Having my own daughter I now get it. It does not mean that there is no place for a mate. There is. It just.... the relationship Cannot be a selfish. It must include the children (as it is an extension of the person). The way I see it is that you fall in love with a person and their children make up a part of them. You need to love the whole package. So I guess when someone tells you their children are their everything, they are telling you that is what it is. Now up to you if you can accept that.

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