• Only the last three's like tart and cart...don't confuse the two. :-)
  • Nothing at all. Angina is strictly an above-the-waist affair.
  • Unless they moved my heart down there when I wasn't looking, not alot. Although blood flow to both is a very good thing;)
  • heartly
  • No Satine Angina is pains in the chest, sometimes the back and throat too it affects different people in different ways, I am sure it has never caused pains in the vagina.
  • "Angina is strictly an above-the-waist affair" written by Eltinwe is not correct. intestinal angina: cramping postprandial abdominal pain caused by ischemia of the smooth muscle of the bowel in patients with mesenteric vascular insufficiency. It is possible that the word angina originated from infection of vagina. Due to development of specific words for diseases connected with vagina, the original word is used in a different sense. The word is still used for vagina in slangs. "A general pussy. A person who is weak and gay-like." "When the Taint tears and all that is left is a hole that is the anus and vagina."
  • If Dinah moves to South Carolina, Lynna would break her china. They just rhyme is all. Consult your local dictionary.
  • Actually they DO have something in common. They say that the cramps that women get during their periods are the same kind of pain as angina of your heart, only a bit worse. SO guys, that's what they feel like. Finally a way for you to relate it to something you might know about, though probably later in life.
  • No, it has to do with your heart :)
  • "angina" comes from Greek "anchone" = to throttle. It should really be "ankhina"! "vagina" is Latin for scabbard. So the meanings aren't related, but they are both medical terms!
  • The angina is an extra orifice possessed by women of Indian origin. It's located between the anus and vagina. Scientists believe the angina developed because Indian men have great difficulty aiming their small penises.

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