• wow, no one even bothered to answer.
  • Now THAT'S a good question. Wish I could give more points. Oh yes..I am not a Muslim so I don't have an answer..sorry.
  • If we leave aside the ‘all those virgins to deflower in heaven’ bit and try to understand the reality and certainty of the here and now first, we find that there are many angles of approach to this issue. Here’s one: The level of physical man/woman contact is a good thermometer of the intimacy of a relationship. The looking, smiling, greeting, chatting, walking together, touching, holding hands are early stages in a process that can lead to the “premarital”. In the physical intimacy scale that is it, that is the top. You can’t offer each other anything higher on that scale. With no knots tied both of you can walk away from the relationship. To the person who then shows up with commitment and ties the knot you cannot take that special person to more elevated heights on that scale. Here’s another more crude view: As a woman you may be putting yourself in the same class as a worker in the ‘oldest profession’. With her too it starts with a hello, both sides knowing what they want, both sides consenting, both sides having no lasting commitments towards each other, both sides departing having got what they want from the encounter. She is free for the next encounter. The only major difference between you and her would appear to be the length of each encounter. Hers counted in minutes, yours probably in as many months. God has favoured the woman. She carries the honour and burden of bringing up new life. God has equipped her for this most crucial role for human survival. He wants her to be dignified and requires both men and women to preserve that dignity.
  • it must be understood that according to Islamic teachigs, this life is a test for the hereafter. Yuo got to undergo certain 'tests' in your life patiently in order to acheive salvation in the hereafter. If you give up having premarital and extra-maritals, just because God dislikes it, you would surely get reward from him. If you look at it from the worldly point of view, premaritals can result in unwanted pregnancies, STD's, unwanted children who are a burden on the society etc. In islam, the only way in which sexual relations are permitted is through marriage, a relation in which man has to bear certain duties, such as financial and cerain social responsibilities in return for making a woman lawfulunto him. In the same way, a woman also has some duties as a result of marriage. However, in heaven, there would be nothing bad in doing all this as people would be free from these duties there, and this would not cause all the harm which has been mentioned above
  • (NOTE: capitals does NOT mean I am shouting, they are used to emphasise a word so it is not misread) Though I am not sure, from what I understand is they are there NOT for sex. God has given humans the urge (and pleasure) of sex in this life so that humans keep reproducing and so that the human race does not die out. In heaven, NO NEW humans are to be born (all humans have been born, lived, died and been judged). This means, sex is no longer needed (and so, the urge for sex will no longer exist). They will propably be received as servants that care and look after the man. Women will receive something similar, but this has not been mentioned in the koran (as humans would propably not understand i.e. they wont be male - men are not the best of carers, and they need to be better carers than women) Sorry for the messy explanation.
  • The man may go to virgins but nowhere in the Qu'ran does it say anything sexual about these virgins. That's in your head.
  • ooooooooo
  • It depends. It's probably an ideological embellishment, a sort of purposeful confusion of metaphor with fact. Whoever said theism is logical?
  • its a joke God has a great sense of humor
  • OK, having premarital sex --> pregnancy --> kids without families of single mother (who has to do everything). Sex is a must in life, otherwise there won't be any humans! But with it's please a commitment in good and bad has to be there firs, i.e. marriage. So it's a kind of protection to the women and the new born. In heaven, one should have everything that he or she wishes. So the examples in the Quran are mostly things that we know on earth and they make us happy like food or women (you know how men are!)and jewlaries and clothing for both men and women (for sure women love that). But other pleasures include also the peace of mind and purity of heart are not overlooked in the Quran. Simply, everything that can make human happy will be in heaven.

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