• I have never watched he the guy that preaches that wealth is good and going after it is even better? Any person who uses religion to extract millions of dollars from others is a shyster in my book..whatever "holy" words you are extorting money from people by telling them that is the way to serve the deity they believe in. In my opinion, the best way to honor one's religion is to live it by being kind, helpful and non-judgmental..that's it. You don't need to worship in fancy buildings..use that money to help others, not to flaunt the wealth by spending it on ostentatious surroundings. :(
  • Doesn't Osteen just rub you the wrong way?? Is he saying that if you are sick, poor, and/or otherwise that you are not a Christian? I am not a "religious fanatic." I follow Jesus Christ not religion. Try watching some Mark Driscoll, we like him in our house. He will step on your toes though, don't go hating him for that, give some of his videos a chance. He has one on Osteen that you could watch. Hope this helps!! Watch the Osteen one first!
  • I am not a believer. I watch television evagelists and wonder about (1) their sincerity of belief (2) their audience's credulity, and (3) their hyocrisy quotient. Joel is pleasant enough, though he does have a rat's face... As long as he preaches love thy neighbor he can;t be too harmful...
  • Don't know what you mean by religious fanatic... I am religious, but I am not christian. And Joel Osteen still bugs the heck out of me. He just seems oily and fake, like a snake oil salesman.
  • If you would read your bible you would know the w=answer to this question. Joel's God is too easy going, he forgives without penalty. Joel will probably go to hell. Read your Bible!
  • I like him OK, I enjoy listening to him occasionally, but I do not set my schedule around it. His message is always positive and easlily understood. His sermons are not nearly as "in-depth" as most evangelists but it seems people like this as he has a huge following. If you ask me any positive message is a good thing.
  • I haven't made up my mind yet.
  • Osteen in concert is 60% asking money, 30% singing, 10% teaching. Also I read body english. His crying or even the choking up is fake. Your body will slightly bend at the waist, your nose will get stuffy and your stomach muscles tighten. He does none of this each time he always talks about his father. If you lie about one thing you will lie about others. He's all about the money and his religion accepts all if you send the money.
  • Ok, I am Christian, but as you can imagine by my current avatar, I am very relaxed about my faith. I am not a fanatic by any means. I have actually gone to that church once, and talked to the man. He is exactly as he seems. He found his perfect place in life, and is so happy to be where he is, doing what he is doing. It is rare that you run into people like that, and you can always tell who they are. I don't know if his sermons are inspiring, as I haven't watched any in quite some time. I do know that the simple fact anyone can really be that content is inspiring though.
  • A little bit of both really. He is interesting for 5 minutes, then I turn the channel. :o)
  • I think he's creepy as hell : +4 :)
  • Bugs me like crazy.....oily. And I'm a Christian. Not sure he is though....
  • I am a Christian and I find him annoying.
  • He seems like a very nice person, but watch closely and see how much he actually talks about Jesus and his teachings. Does he ever mention the hope of God’s Kingdom (the theme of Jesus ministry) and the blessings that it will mean for mankind? His ministry seems to be more about him and he has gotten quite wealthy through his formula.
  • Joel Holstein, holy cow.
  • Hey sally, can i first tell you that the only reason that i opened this account is because i thought that it was of the utmost importance that i tell you how retarded you are. how you make it through the basic list of things that one must do on a daily basis to survive is beyond me. Don't believe me?... When the question was posed "How long did it take to build the Brooklyn bridge?", you responded with, and i quote, "There were sailing ships so tall that they could not sail beneath the completed bridge. Think of the 12 year old boys whose job it was to climb those masts in all weather to trim the sails. Ice on the yardams, the ship rolling in heavy weather.Those boys must have been made of stronger stuff than we are today." May i make the recomendation that you stop giving answers to things that you obviously have no knowledge about. It would save us all a lot of trouble.

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