• My take is that you support a liar. Yet, you continue to demonize Trump. It shows a lot of character.
    • DancesWithWolves
      I don't know what to think?
  • would certainly be bad for my employer, who has several contract laborers working for him that would NOT be considered contract laborers under that new law. - - - HOWEVER: the taxes for those contract laborers (assuming they could all keep their jobs) *** would actually be less ***...because contract laborers pay full social security and medicare, while an employee only pays half (the employer paying the other half). - - - The guy I work for, for example, has a small plumbing shop. He works about 5 contract laborers. Most likely he would probably have to fire 2 of them (i.e. 1/3 of the work force), would have to take fewer jobs (because he would no longer have enough people to work them all), thus would make less money...Meanwhile, the laborers would be complaining about their pay check being so much less, because as a contract laborer NO taxes are withheld from the checks (the laborer is required to pay taxes themselves, which they often try to avoid). Having suddenly 20% or more of one's paycheck withheld - my case that's not a problem, but for most of my co-workers that would be a serious problem. - - - SO: it's a problem for the small business that employs contract laborers, and it's a problem in the short run for the contract laborer as well (though better in the long run...if you can find a contract laborer who considers the long run, which most of us do not in my experience).
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment

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