• 1) What is the difference between Trump and a flying pig? A) The letter F. lol 2) A man goes to Heaven and meets Jesus. While Jesus is showing him round, he spots a broken clock. “What’s that there for?” he asks. Jesus says “that’s Mother Teresa’s clock it has never moved because she has never lied.” “Just over here is Abraham Lincoln’s clock. He lied twice, so it has moved twice.” Where is Donald Trump’s clock?” asks the man. Jesus answers: A) “It’s in my office, I’m using it as a ceiling fan.” 3) What did Trump rename the Presidential plane? A) Hair Force One!
    • DancesWithWolves
      LMAO I love them thumbs up as always
    • Army Veteran
      You make jokes about Trump in here while the world laughs at Pinnochio Joe. Funny - real funny.
  • Trump stole the 2016 election from the Democrats and The Dems stole it back. Trump lost by the same electoral margin that Hillary lost by. Now, call that a coincidence. lol.
    • Army Veteran
      The problem with your logic is that Trump didn't lose - he was cheated. This is going to trigger audits - possibly in all 50 states.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      In your dreams. Do you work for the Republicans? You sound like a professional.
    • OrangeDonRump
      1465 - you always speak with conspiracy garbage, and ZERO PROOF.
  • I wouldn't let yourself get too despondent, as comrade Joe's presidency collapses on itself, just 9 months in. Trump's already stated he'll run again barring a bad health report from a physician. The Dems won't be able to cheat enough this time to save their autocracy.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Oh well lets see
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Kevin's delusional.
  • Just think about all the wonderful things that will happen when the Biden economy takes a nosedive and you won't have enough money to pay attention.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yeah well I see LMAO
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      1465 has been delusional too. BTW I thought Trump was to be reinstated by now? You guys are just following a script. I know it and do you.
  • Look DWW!! A couple members of the TINFOIL HAT Club came in to comment!! YAY!!!
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yeah they sure did
    • OrangeDonRump
      They are ALL BLAB and NO PROOF. Maricopa results have sent a few of them into a tailspin. They've had to revise some of their lies into new talking points (also, with NO EVIDENCE).

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