• What US President was the thinnest?
  • Thinnest? At first, I was thinking Abraham Lincoln, since he was about 2 meters tall and weighed about 71 kg. His BMI would be about 17.8. He self-reported his weight typically much higher than his doctors' records show. But, anyway, you said under 100 pounds, which is incredibly small for an adult male. Must have been someone short in stature, like James Madison or Martin van Buren, or Benjamin Harrison. Of those three, I think Madison was the most slim, often times sickly with some sort of fever..
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for the comment :)
  • Our nation’s smallest president was James Madison, who stood about 5 foot 4 inches and weighed 100 pounds. The fourth commander in chief was born in 1751 in Port Conway.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for the comment :)

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