6-28-2017 Not a clue. But it sounds like an interesting story!
Linda Joy
Is that a picture of you in your avatar? -
Jewels Vern
Yes, at age 2. My brother wore the same outfit for his picture 12 years before. -
Linda Joy
You were a cutie pie! Large gap! Any siblings in between? -
Jewels Vern
I am the youngest of six boys and I have two little sisters. My father is memorialized by this museum: I spent several summers there in the late 50s. "There' being about a half mile to the right of that picture. -
Jewels Vern
My father quit school before finishing the third grade. At age 13 he departed his father's household, hitched a ride across a state line, and got a job as a construction laborer. At age 21 he married a 15 yo girl. For a while he manufactured lead ornaments which he copper plated. Then he opened a lead mine in the Arizona desert. Every detail of this story is a crime now. -
Linda Joy
Wow! I'll have to see if I can acquire the use of a computer so I can look at all these links people are leaving me that I can't get to on my phone. -
Linda Joy
My father was a child molester who left when I was two. I left home at 15 to try and keep myself safe from the second stepfather who molested me and was molested 4 more times the following year by my sister's husband, his brother, my cousin, and my cousin's (his sister) husband. I'm thankful children are better protected (though still not safe) these days. -
Jewels Vern
Wow! All I was was neglected. I never learned social skills. That's why so many people hate me.
USA? Surely you mean south Canada?
Linda Joy
I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.
never heard of that
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