• I think you're mixing him up with your guy.
  • God does not like these things. Most of the time they are the result of man's free will and then God is blamed....usually by the ones who claim not to believe in Him in the first place.
  • I see were you're coming from, this world is full of nothing but suffering and misery. And no, God doesn't like the condition of things today. But if you sincerely want an answer to your question, then please consider this article.
    • dickw60
      Nope! have nothing to do with the watchtower as it will lead you astray teaching you about other gods and twisted truths.
  • edit: condensing answer, be back soon
  • What makes you think he likes them?
  • He does not like it, simply. The fact remains that if you can't be angry without sinning, it is better to choose to hurt than to rage as the pagans. What is more, Jesus was and is God, and all of His suffering was part of prophesy, and He lived and even died fulfilling all the Messianic prophesies, as evidenced by His statement, "It is finished". Lastly, all Christians who suffer for Jesus will be rewarded, and that goes for all those that have been persecuted in any way for righteousness sake, especially martyrdom, as all the Apostles.
  • God will not force you to do anything just as he won't stop you from doing things. God gave you freedom of choice. Things both good and bad happen without his interfeance. God will however guide and direct those whom can Truely open their hearts and minds.
  • God doesnt, he hates to see us hurting and suffering. God gave us the freedom to make our own choices and the choices we make cause us the pain, suffering and misery.
  • Because I think they needed to find an effective system that could scare the crap out of the people that the church had total control over. Imagine this you want someone to do something for you but they don't believe in it so you tell them if they don't do it they will go to the most horrifying corner of existence. Now what exactly do you fear? Well whatever it is it will be there in Hell. Now do realize they took in little Children and fed them these little stories until their adulthood. That gives the church 18 years to brainwash the child into believing that there is a hell and that they will go there if they don't mindlessly follow the church. Excellent form of brainwashing and it is entirely legal too! Now they go out into the world and tell everyone of the God who tortures the non-believers so that the non-believers in turn will look at the Bible in fear and say to God, "God I don't want to go to the magical scary place!" However that manner of indoctrination does not work on me so you are going to have to try harder Peter! Hey I also found a website featuring Peters opinion of the God who codemns so! There are some historians that believe that Peter purposely created the story of the end of the world, Armaggedon, so that they could scare both the non-believers and the believers into doing exactly what they wanted. The historians claim that Peter wanted them to do what was morally right.
    • dickw60
      You are correct in one of your statements, "The church brainwashes children" and adults I must say. Church leaders most often do not teach the Word of The Lord God but the doctrine of their particular church. Churches have ruined and turned away many who would greatly be rewarded if they were taught about the LOVE the Lord God and Jesus has for ALL people, He is not selective. Read and learn the truth from the book, "The Royal Law Of Liberty" by Darwin Chandler. It is available on Kindle or from Amazon books. I promise it will teach you the truth of the Lord God and the Bible.
  • When I was a believer, it always seemed to me that God simply did not care. He did not want people to suffer, but their desperate cries for help did not phase him either. That made me go through a strange peroid of believing in God, but hating him. It's much easier just not believing at all. You don't even have to ask any of these questions anymore.
  • The hardest concept of religion vs non religion is the essence of eternity. For if you dont belive then you think things evolved from one thing to another, but then where did everything come from to begin with. Of course if you do believe you struggle with the same answer that even if God created everything where did he come from. But ultimetly its much eaiser to believe that a eternal being created all the things that came into play in our existence vs the solution of trying to figure out that we all came from the big bang which came from plants which came from dust which came from ?? well no one knows what came before what after a certain point know do they. Its like what came first the chicken or the egg, well obviously the chicken, otherwise how would the egg hatch, but also if there was no hen then the egg would never have conceived a chick., story being that If you dont believe then youd have to proof that everything came from somewhere until you reach a point where you have no answers, or if you do believe then you not God is eternal and that he always was, always is, and always will be, and that gives an explanation for all existence.
  • Its a part of himself that he wishes he did not create and quit long ago from the creation process once we were created
  • Perhaps it would be easier if we replaced the word "God" with "The Powers that Be" or "Mother Nature?" When someone asks why Mother Nature lets cute furry creatures get eaten by lions, nobody seems to question "her" benevolence; mother nature isn't assumed to be benevolent. There ARE powers bigger than people, powers like aging, the weather, many types of disease... and it's useful in some ways to say "that's a force bigger than us." People might otherwise think they're all-powerful and they're of course not. The wise man seeks shelter with a hurricane approaching, whether you attribute it to God, Mother Nature, or Chaos Theory.
  • It's your test!
  • Mine doesn't like it at all. Sorry t'hear about your's.
  • He doesn't..People do.
  • It is not a case of whether God actually does that, for He simply does not do that. Perception is everything, and religion, to the minds and even souls of many, has acted as a poison. Seek romance, and find love. Love is the key to purity. Jehovah is the King of Purity.
  • God has been consulting with Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and George "Weasel" Bush. Turns out that it's not torture unless it kills you. So there's no need to worry about it. It's consistent with the American Way.
  • Because God is a reflection of human behavior. He shows both the good sides of us and the bad. Nothing's perfect. Why should God be?
  • God does not want us to suffer but it's one of the ways that we learn and grow as people and hopefully Christians. It's the same as the way parents must give their children freedom and allow them to be hurt sometimes as they grow up. You can't learn to ride a bike with out a few skinned knees.
  • we make our own problems not GOD. besides just imagine how boring life will be without problems
  • He doesn't. This is just another example of someone not taking responsibility for the results of their own actions. I guess it's easier to blame God than it is to take control of your own life. God gave us free will. WE are the masters of our own destiny. God bless you!!! :D
  • It is never said that He likes it, but He allows it for our good as the trial of our faith, and no discipline for the present seems to be joyful, but grievous, nevertheless afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness.
  • No doubt the believers would say that it's to test your faith, but as an atheist, I think it just shows that the so-called all-loving god either doesn't exist or isn't as all-loving as we're led to believe.
  • No, this is serious. A perfect god would *not permit* something he "didn't like." It makes no sense. I'm sure you can see this, but perhaps you feel you must continue to repeat nonsense you were taught. . C'mon! Fess up! :)
  • no it was a thought to the previous statement about proving the existence of God. As to why God permits suffering and misery, well you would have to take the side that the devil plays a more active role in this earth than anyone chooses to believe. The only time people ever seem to band together for the greater good and even mention God is when there has been a disaster or sufffering of some kind yet people do not thank him for things hes done all along. Instead they choose to blame him when bad things do happen when in reality its are own evil and anger that makes us kill, and lie, and cheat, and steal. SO then why does God allow innocent people to get hurt. believers can only assume its for the greater good. We as a people are to narrowminded to see this because we only view the things directly effecting us. But people often forget that If we are made in his image, and likeness, then he exhibits the same feelings we do. Just because the church says God is perfect does not mean that he does not show any emotion except for love, even in the bible he made plagues, and killed people, and brought about a flood on the earth that killed all but some people, and of course the animals.because the world had become so corrupt. God allows these things because they are brought upon us by are own choosing, and if he were to intervene it would take away the whole concept of free will. Then why do you ask did God give us free will in the first place if he knew what was goign to happen? well like I said before if we were made in hs image and likeness, meaning he portrays the same emotions we do,would it not be much greater to have someone beleive in you because they choose to or because you told them to? Take a child for instance, if you were to tell them to clean there room, you would be glad they obeyed you, but however if they did it without you having to ask them, would you not be more joyed for them that you didnt have to tell them, I think if you ask most parents you'll get your answer. Also take a pet for instance, if you know a pet can do a trick but dint actually see it your not that thrilled about it, but watching your pet perform the trick makes it much more enjoyable, same way with us, when we choose to follow God, he is that much more pleased, and when he sees the good we do it is enjoyed even more. However if you chose not to believe or do good then why would God want to help when you've already lost yourself, Would you help someone after they have humilated you or teased you or threatened you or even accused you? and just like us God does not take well with demands, if someone were to demand you to do something it irritates you and you probably wont want to do it, but if someone asks you, you respond in a positive way. If you were to truly think that he might do something for you to help you he will, but if you are demanding it to have him prove himeself to you then you will get nothing.
  • I'm reasonably certain these are human choices/activities?! ;-)
  • God made human after his image... god is just a big floating human (or maby he's normal size). He is just as rotten as everybody around you.
  • God doesn't like those things, I think a better question to ask is, why does man like torturing, suffering and misery? God make man in his likeness and image. If we look we will see that the bible clearly states that God is Spirit and a creator and then we can assume that man is spirit and a creator. The spirit of man dwells in our bodies. Our bodies are not who we are, we are spirit and that spirit creates. God making us to create means we create torturing, suffering and misery. That is why God left us an answer to how we can create what we want instead of what we don't want. It can be found in the Bible.
  • God (or Nature) does not have goals or an ego, nor a personal identity, it just does what it does-- no intentions, nothing deliberate, self-conscious or done "on purpose". Our conscious minds perceive some situations as suffering because we are goal-oriented and self-centered. The bad defines the good in the same way that darkness defines light. Each brings out its opposite through contrast; just as without silence there could be no sound and without valleys there could be no mountains, humans must acknowledge the potential for suffering in order to appreciate joy, otherwise all experiences would be neutral. In seeking to avoid suffering and attain joy we define our own identities and give shape to our existence.
  • I've often thought that he made the switch. Satan is called The Deceiver, what better and bigger deception that to pass himself off as God? Only the infinite gullibility of humanity could allow him to succeed. But - how else to explain pain, suffering, infectious bacteria, the 1000's of children who starve to death every day through no "free will" of their own - and being asked to worship the author of such atrocities? +5
  • He doesnt like it. He loves it! cause everybody in this lifes gets a whole lot of it. And the in end ( as a bonus) you get to wilt and die, unless of course you have a car accident or are murderd, or youre killed in a fire etc. So we must conclude tha he really is into it.
  • he does'nt like torturing or any of that its just that too many peaple are doing bad things and god is not gonna just let'em be happy with it
  • It's not that God likes it it's just everything he does has a reason and a story behind it. To make you feel fortunate of what you had or have, etc.
  • God doesn't cause these things, people's free will causes most of it. as for tragedies that can't be blamed on a person, i can't say. maybe it's meant to be a test of your faith.
  • That is why I believe that God sent his son to suffer and die for us. To let us see that suffering,(and everyone suffers),is being kept now as points against evil for a day that is coming. Anyone who suffers against wrong is not involved in it any more. Believing is finding love in the one who gave his life for us. Love those who suffer and help them in any way you can. Suffer with them and you will share in their reward.
  • The god you are referring to seems to have a little "g". Mine has a BIG "G", and torturing, suffering and misery has never been on His to-do list.
  • That's how he shows his followers how much he loves them and how merciful and kind he is
  • Mr_Natural seems to be very confident that "if God doesn't like something, then he wouldn't permit it." To me, that seems like putting human characteristics on a divine supernatural God. From my understand of the Christian God through the Bible, God puts up with way more evil that he doesn't like for a multitude of reasons, the main one of which is that if he had Mr_Natural's, "if I don't like it, its gone" attitude, then he would wipe out the entire human population (because "ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23). The below passage is just one explanation of that: Matthew 13: 24-30: 24Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. 27"The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?'" 28" 'An enemy did this,' he replied. "The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?' 29" 'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.' " What's the point? That to remove all the evil in the world, God would have to destroy EVERYBODY!!! So he allows them to exist together until the time of ultimate judgement (end of the world). So Mr_Natural. I understand why you would think that way about God, but I hope you consider that maybe God doesn't think or do things the same way humans would and that maybe he allows evil to exist for reasons beyond that "he likes it."
  • He doesnt, its only mortal human beings that like doing those sort of things.
  • And you get this from where
  • Apparently we humans are suppose to learn from it.
  • He doesn't. And, no, I do NOT want to discuss it.
  • If there is a god, I'm sure heshe doesn't like those things. It is people and circumstances that create most of the suffering and misery ion life as far as I can see.
  • Because he hates us.
  • Well, I have to respect the fact that there are other Gods that people believe in, and many who don't believe in God/a God at all. I can't speak for them and it would be unfair of me to try, so I'll tell you about the God I believe in. He's a loving God who gave people free will. I don't believe we're all born sinners, I believe it's a learned trait. My God is saddened by the misery and suffering that occurs around the world. He doesn't like it at all, and neither do those, myself included, who believe in Him and Jesus Christ. That's all I can really say.
  • I dont believe there is a god, i believe in science. the story of an omnipotent being is just ridiculous to me. But when i die, if there is a god, ill be the first one to admit i was wrong, but ill also be the first one to ask him what the hell hes doing while people suffer.
  • Variety is the spice of life baby.
  • as for my Genes, They fit just right ;D
  • Jehovah God does NOT " torture" This word has been wrongly applied and only occurs as the word " torment " in this...(Revelation 20:10) And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. And it only applies to Satan...being tormented. If you were prevented from what you enjoy most would not you " be tormented "???
  • God does not like it but sometimes uses it to punish people who reject God. Most torturing, suffering, and misery is of human origin.

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