• Bok choy is a cruciferous vegetable and member of the cabbage family. It's good for a variety of purposes ranging from flavoring food dishes to enhancing diets with its wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


    Since around 500 A.D., China has cultivated this cabbage. Cultivation crossed over to the west around the middle of the 18th century.


    Bok choy contains long white stalk, similar to celery, with large green, mild-tasting leaves. The stalks are sweet and slightly tangy.


    Bay bok choy is a smaller, more tender version of mature bok choy. There's also a version of bok choy characterized by a pale stalks and darker leaves called Shanghai pak choi.


    A 3-ounce serving of bok choy contains about 14 calories and around 1 gram of fiber. The vegetable is also a rich source of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A and phytonutrients like sulforaphane.


    Raw bok choy can be used in salads or eaten with dips. Others may boil, steam or sauté the stalks and leaves.


    Publix: Boy Choy

    Specialty Produce: Bok Choy

    Oregon State University: Bok Choy

    More Information:

    Fruits & Veggies Matter

  • Eating.

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