• Because you get the impression that they abuse their authority.
  • Because they're never around when you need them, but look out if your tail light is burned out.
  • I like cops and I try to stay out of their way. In fact, I have a hard and fast policy of never annoying large heavily armed men.
  • Does everyone hate cops? I think they are OK. They are like anyone else, some are good, some are bad, some care, some don't. I suspect many people do not like that they are an authority figure.
  • I don't hate them. I have several relatives who are involved in law enforcement.
  • I dont hate cops, or anyone for that matter. I have family members and friends on the police department. The only ones who seem to have a problem with them are those who either get stopped often and ticketed or ones who have been arrested.
  • I do not hate cops, therefore, every body does not hate cops.
  • I don't hate them all, but many are easy to hate.
  • I like cops. I get turned on by their uniform, weapons and handcuffs.
  • Everyone doesn't hate cops--I certainly don't--but I think many people share a common displeasure in being pulled over. It's the thought of a ticket or increased insurance premium I hate--especially if the infraction was unintentional. Still, I would never confuse that dread with hatred for the brave men in blue that vow to serve and protect me.
  • tickets
  • I hate ALL cops. All the cops I have met were rude and they always thought they were better than everyone else.
  • Because they enforce the law and break it at the same time.
  • I dont hate cops. Almost all of the police officers I have encountered have been polite and professional. I think it has alot to do with the way that you treat them, If you have it already in your head that cops are always dicks, you tend to treat them as if they were, they sense the hostility and wah-lah you have a "rude" cop on your hands. If you start off feeding them a line of bullshit, they arent fooled, its just going to get you more hassle than if you were just honest. If you treat them like you would any other human being that was trying to help you and do their job you just might get a different experience.
  • I find I prefer them to criminals. Traffic cops are heroes when they are chasing others, not me! The other cops (police officers!) are your best friends when you need someone with their expertise!
  • "I don't hate them. I just feel better when they're not around." - Charles Bukowski
  • Peoples opinions of the police can change in a heart beat. i have know criminals that have alway bad-mouthed the police, simply because they are criminals. but, let this criminal become personally injured or assaulted and who is the first people they call? the police. I sincerely hope that the majority of the public does not hate the police. i started wearing the uniform back in 1965. out of those almost 42 years, i can truly state that i have not been insulted , while in uniform. some people may talk behind my back, but i believe the majority still believe and trust in the police. its a tough job seeing the worst of the worst in humans. Lets face it, the first three to five years as a rookie, most new officers are trying to make a name for themselves. do they abuse their power? a small number may. these people are not long in wearing the uniform. we watch for bad cops ourselves and turn them in without a second thought. Most officers would give their life to save yours. its just built into us and thats the way we are. yes, we have bad days just like everyone else. the only problem is that we try not to express our feelings. My answer to your question, after all these years of service is no. i was writing a report today and a man stopped and gave me a bottle of water. he just wanted to thank me for being here and protecting his family. yes, it made me feel very proud. this is why i do what i do. its rare, but it does happen. All i ask is that you do not judge the actions of all police officers, by the actions of just a few. We are not bad people.
  • I don't believe that everyone hates cops. Sometimes criminals express disgust or hatred of police officers. Most law abiding citizens who hear someone break a window in their basement at night are more than happy to call a cop to come and help them. When you have a flat tire on a lonely road, are you going to wait for a gang banger to stop and help you? How about seeking help from a drug dealer when you have 2 small children in the car with you? I have dated police officers and in general they are honest hardworking people. You can't become interested in law enforcement for the income. They along with teachers are greatly underpaid and underappreciated. When a robber is commiting a robbery in a convenience store, are you going to call your neighbor, or a police officer? Numerous law enforcement officers as well as other first responders lost their lives on 9/11 did you hear of any large group of gang bangers or convicted felons showing up at ground zero to help??
  • I don't hate cops but the guilty before proven innocent thing really get's under my skin.I understand that they are lied to so much that it becomes second nature to be so inquisitive.They are underpaid,overworked and overstressed individuals that have a home life and perhaps children and they have chosen to do a job that most of us would never want to do.I think they are the unsung heroes out in the streets doing their best with high demands and limited resources.Who would you rather call when your house is broken into?The cops or the Orkin man?.
  • They may be the case elsewhere, but in Nashville, a recent survey revealed that the police officers in Nashville, have received an 85% approval rating. This is great. You may hate the police, until you need one.
  • Everyone does not hate cops. Lets say they certainly do not hate them when they are needed to save them from attack or crime. All cops are not great, but most are good.
  • Not everyone hates cops, they just make most people nervous
  • where i grew up they were quick to pull you over for looking suspicious like the night i got pulled over for being out after teen curfew .... on my 23rd birthday! but they never stopped to check on people who broke down on the side of the road in a bad part of town (this is before cell phones) and when i called for help because someone was trying to break in my house it took them 30 minutes to show up and they only drove by slowly, they didn't stop or get out of the car. did i mention i lived less than a mile from the police station?
  • I dont hate them I just think sometimes they could be doing better things with their time.When I go and pick up my friends from the bar and the cops are breaking up fights instead of arresting the people staggering to their car ready to drive off and kill people.Let the stupid people fighting beat the crap outta each other if thats what they want to do but lets save people from drunk drivers.
  • I didn't know everyone did. Could you support that question with any facts?
  • Everyone doesn't hate Cops. My Brother is a police Officer and have to say I don't hate him as a police officer, in fact I must say I love him. I also appreciate all of the other police officers. I can't imagine the world without them.
  • I don't hate British Police, they do a great job. Don't generalise.
  • From my own experiences, they have not helped me one bit! when i called them because i was getting stalked and said person had smashed up a concrete drive and threw parts of it through my window....all they were interested in was the herbal stuff i had on my table! justice eh! and theres more :)
  • Anyone who hates cops has never needed one. I'm not saying that there're not bad cops, but there are good ones as well. I believe that these are the majority. Many of us resent being told no. It is afterall necessary at times. Thank God for the Police!
  • Slight exaggeration there. Some of us greatly appreciate them. I've never met a bad one.
  • Cops have a lot of power to ruin your day if you did nothing wrong. It's quite sensitive when they're bad to you compared to a citizen being bad to you. And ofcourse if you're a lawbreaker then you gradually come to hate them from long term fear. Just a guess
  • I greatly appreciate police officers. For the most part, they are very helpful. Unfortunately there are some bad cops just as in any other profession.
  • You must only know people who do bad things. I think it is because you never deal with them in a positive light. Even when you call them for help, it is because something bad is happening around you. They don't show up with the publisher's clearing house people or to take you to the movies! And, almost all of us have gotten at least a ticket, so we have that negative vibe when we see them on the road. They are kind of like bees, you may want them out there but you don't want them near you.
  • I have never had a bad experience with cops. They have been there when I needed them, like when someone was stabbed outside my last apartment, and when there were gang fights in the pool area there too. Just last weekend they came when the guy upstairs was drunk and shooting of one of his many rifles. I for one, am glad to know they are around.
  • You are guilty of overgeneralising!
  • Most people actually don't hate cops. I'm not fond of them, but they are a necessary evil. Cops are arrogant, they lie straight to your face in attempts to get information or confessions, they rely on people's ignorance of the law in order to manipulate you and the situation. They like to set people up by creating ficticious situations resulting in a crime that never would have been committed otherwise. They profile people and their vehicles. Most cops are probably good decent people with their hearts in the right place, but there are just enough asshole cops to make me leary of all of them. I don't like them tailgaiting my car, running my plates, going out of their way to try to catch me doing something wrong when they have no good reason to suspect anything.
  • I certainly don't hate them. Imagine a world without them.
  • I think I know what you mean. I definitely don't hate them, tho'. But, when you grow up around troublemakers, you see all kinds. And, they aren't usually very appreciative of the police. So, it seemed to me that alot of people hated them, too. But, from all the answers, I think we could safely say most people don't hate them. I am really thankful for people like Tantric, John Pennington, and I'm sure there are others on the AB. They put their lives on the line every day, to make sure we are safe. It's a job I was too scared to do when I was younger, and now I can't.
  • dont hate cops, just hate a lot of shitty cops, which there are plenty of...unfortunately i think that the bad outweigh the good
  • I don't hate cops..I'm just surprised that they can put up with what they do every day. I imagine that the burn-out rate must be very high.
  • Ihave trained with police officers for years and count many as my closest friends. I ran a martial arts school for years. The officers in my group acted as my security and helped me profile people coming in for training.I was a Boarding officer in the Coast Guard ,I was involved in boarding boats, searching them for drugs and making arrests.I consider police Officers people in service for our country. Many who might critisize don't have the heart , dedication and love for country that it takes to do the job our officers do.
  • Because some of them can be kind of mean and power trip on you.
  • I don't hate police they perform a very difficult thankless job. Unfortunately as in all professions there are a minority who give the rest a bad reputation.
  • I think that people who believe in true justice hate injustice especially when it dressed in a Blue Uniform that' symbolic of law order and justice... Good cops should act in a judicious and fair manner toward all, even the unjust... The issue of Fairness and Justice should be paramount when they are performing their duties...
  • cops are bullies from high school.
  • I think that people who believe in true justice hate injustice especially when it dressed in a Blue Uniform that's symbolic of law order and justice... Good cops should act in a judicious and fair manner toward all, even the unjust... The issue of Fairness and Justice should be paramount when they are performing their duties...
  • they werent taught respect for authority figures by their parents or they had a run-in with cops or they met with a bad cop.
  • I think that people who believe in true justice hate injustice especially when it’s dressed in a Blue Uniform that's symbolic of law order and justice... Good cops should act in a judicious and fair manner toward all, even the unjust... The issue of Fairness and Justice should be paramount when they are performing their duties...
  • because one tried to rape me when I was 13.
  • I don't hate cops ...just pisses me of when they act like their shit don't stink and think they are a law unto themselves , and the way they act when you don't bow down to them or call them sir
  • I don't hate cops. They are people and some are better people than others. Just like people in any kind of group.
  • As a Cop myself, I can say that there are people who Love to see me drive by their house and through their neighborhood and give them a wave. And there are those who absolutely despise me because they see the cop car and the cop sitting in the cop car as a threat to their livelyhood. Those are the people who as one time or another have been in the back of a cop car, or felt that they unjustly received a ticket. Those that are upstanding law abiding citizens love us, and those who are law breakers hate us. Remember cops have the power to do what civilians can't do. And that is we have the power to take away your freedom. Are there cops who have no business wearing a gun and badge? Absolutely!!! Are there cops who think their shit doesnt stink? Absolutely!! People who love being in charge, and love being an authority figure are the kind of people you never want as a Police Officer. I love my job, sometimes its rewarding, but most of the time its a very thankless job. But I have never forgotten the fact that I put my pants on the same way as everyone else.
  • I don't.
  • I think the use of the word "everyone" might be a bit extreme. I've only had one "tight-a**" cop experience..and I was at fault..he was very stern and by-the-book..(I was doing 90 mph on Highway 5 and had 6 other cars in my wake)..he pulled us all over, but by the time he got to me I had slowed down a bit so he just charged me with 80mph! That was costly, but not as bad as the actual would have been! Every other time I have had occasion to be in contact with a policeman he/she has always been helpful, polite and fair. :)
  • In my time I have only met two 'bad' cops, and even then I can't guarantee that they really were bad. All the rest were good, even the ones that booked me. My cousin used to brag about how he always 'dragged off' the cops in his old car. Six months later he was continually grizzling that the cops were always picking on him. Funny how some people can't put two and two together.
  • I don't think that everyone hates cops. I think this is a hasty generalization.
  • I don't hate cops thats a lil extreme saying cops because not all cops are corrupt. Most of my experiences have been pretty good with the police(with the exception of that lil bytch that gave me a expired lic ticket only 2 weeks expired during a sobriety stop & my hubby was drinking) but I don't blame that on all cops. There are a few new ones thats still uncorrupt to the system that do make a difference but they around here at least are very few & far between. I do think at least around here they've gotten to lazy to do what they should do or at least what they are suppose to do when it comes to theives & murderers but most I think is the red tape they have to follow. Seems like the laws are out to protect more the villians rights then the victims any more but again thats not the cops fault that is the law makers. To many of them chasing young girls instead of chasing drug dealers around here for my liking but they will have to answer for what they do either by their wives or the commanders. I try to give everyone the benefit of a doubt & not pass judgement because of a few bad ones & I'll show them respect if I think they are respectable people but thats in all walks of life not just for the police. But I think they are more with their hands dirty then clean around here.
  • I don`t hate them
  • I think it may be because most people don't like another person having authority over them. Most people like to "make their own rules" and some even pull the ole "I'm a grown man/woman" card when they do wrong. I personally like cops - If I mess up that's my own fault if I need them for protection or help they come help.
  • Well hate is a big word but basically putting it nicely most cannot stand any of them! Yeah if they are plain clothed of duty some can be nice Haa not very many but a few! Once they get that badge on they think they are untouchable and there shit don't stink pretty pathetic but the plain truth and they try to screw you any way they can just to get attention or a pat on the back ! Always have a attorney in contact at all times cuz once they got your name they will not let it go till they screw you with something and i can personally attest to that !
  • i can only speak for myself not everyone. because i have never been found guilty of any crime yet i have jailed, threatened, assaulted, tasered in the balls, run over (knocked off my motorcycle by a cop car intentionally, and had my wife left in the city street in the middle of the night while the carried me away. most cops, i said most, are unintelligent fascist -- notwithstanding whether they admit or know it.
  • Police officers claim to protect & serve the community. What the police don't understand is the effect they have on our lives. They use scare tactics to keep us submissive. Taking money out of our taxes, then chasing us down the road to fine us with some meaningless cash grabs. Anyone ever been ticketed for one working headlight, when actually a faulty wire was the culprit? Minutes after the light activates, you've got no way to prove it. They don't care literally "It means Nothing to them." What they dont understand is that while they sit in their cars sucking back coffee eating donuts and scanning the tax payers license plates for violations to meet their monthly quota. In the alley-way over a real criminal is beating an old man to death. On that street corner a drug dealer is selling poison to children. In that parking lot a drug addict is breaking into someones care. Their lack of focus and care towards the public is obvious. I realize, yes, they are doing their job, sure it's tough. But they should try realize the effect on a persons life they have, when focusing mainly on traffic violations. One, it may be the end of the month for someone with the bills coming in (not everyone has a fat salary and a pension plan); that $150 ticket could break you. Two, that violation may lead to that loss of license often destroying some personalities have a large affect on the path they choose, leading to criminal activities. I could keep going but I think the point is here. What the police should understand is: yes we dont like you- mostly when you directly or indirectly effect our lives.
  • because there is dope through out my children's school, yet the cops are two blocks away giving speeding tickets after changing the speed limit sign from last month. they are like the I.R.S. with guns.
  • Lot of potheads out there.
  • Hmm, let me count the reasons... 1. They often beat minorities and are too dumb to even hide it 2. They tend to represent a sector of society that is chauvenistic, dim-witted, and when this is combined with the power of the state and the power to kill, it is a frightening combination 3. Because they often break up peoples' fun- parties, smoke-outs, and whatnot. 4. Because they often do NOT break up real criminal activities, which leads to the perception that they are impotent, corrupt, stupid, misdirected, or all of the above. 5. Because they are often perfectly willing to be deployed as cash-gatherers for the state, writing useless tickets just to spin the wheels of the municipal coffers. Not only is this annoying (like when you get a ticket for $250 for going 59 in a 55 zone) it also undermines the notion that cops "serve and protect." 6. There is a wild gap in cops' overall intelligence (Im not talking about any one specific person) and the amount of force - deadly force - that they are given
  • It is totally unfair! Only because 98% of them give the other 2% a bad reputation doesn't mean they're ALL bastards.
  • ...Over the course of history, those who have been in the Executive branch of government have often usurped the authority of the citizens that they have sworn to serve. Great examples of this are Napolean Bonaparte, Hitler, Julius Caesar, and so on. So- give somebody a badge and a gun, and sometimes, this will give them the idea that they can now run around and be total jerks to people, and can do so with complete impunity. To say that all police are honest would be a misnomer- police will lie on police reports, and often harass people that were otherwise doing no harm. Aside from this, you don't have to be incredibly bright to be a cop- so people who didn't even really pay attention in High School Civics class can apparently get on to the police force. It would be much better if all police activity were monitored, and captured on video- this way, police could be called to account for their often illegal activities- including excessive use of force, violations of basic constitutional rights, and trumping up charges just to be a bully.
  • "I don't hate them. I just feel better when they're not breathing." - Hat3r
  • i don't hate cops. i like having them around, it makes me feel safer.
  • i had a personal experience i had a seizure they handcuffed me and beat the shit out of me theyre pressing charges against me because i spit on them during the seizure but during a seizure people dont know what theyre doing so im sorry for that but screw them anyway they follow me driving because they know my truck and i dont give them an excuse to pull me over they come past my house 4 times a day real slow and then floor it once theyre past the house i also died on the way to the hospital i was being "combative" it was a grand maul seizure 1st one ive ever had and they tied me down to a bed and now i have chlostrophobia so yes I HATE COPS WITH A MOTHER FUC**N PASSION corruption corruption corruption
  • I'm more neutral to them, I've never had to call them (fortunately) and I don't do stuff that would attract their attention
  • I have mixed emotions. I have great respect for anyone who would put their life on the line for the good of society. However, some cops seem to be on a power trip, pulling peole over for a few miles over the limit, or following people to check for any small thing to pull them over for. (I got pulled over for touching the white line once.) Also, our criminal justice system as a whole blames the victim, and when it doesn't blame the victim, it punishes them. Overall, I would say that I have a slight positive feeling for the police.
  • so many reasons why people hate cops. i hate them. and if you are a cop and you get offended by what i just said, then you must be one of the cops i hate. is their such a thing called police misconduct ? does that ring any bells ? i get harrased all the time just because of the color of my skin and the kind of vehicle i drive *mitsubishi lancer is a non turbo version and is fully legal. the only mod is alloywheels.* 4 days out of 7 i will get pulled up everyweek. ive even been told that i got pulled over because of my car ?? is that a reason to hate cops ?
  • I don't hate cops. I have a lot of friends that are cops...they are nice to have on your side. I think the people who hate cops are always the people that break the law...quit breaking the law and they will like you and you will like them. Aha...
  • I don't. :)
  • because they dont care about you and you shouldnt care about them...........but there are very few exceptions..... they dont help at all but they harass us constanly... ppl dat dnt hate cops has never gotn properly introduced...
  • I certainly do not hate all cops. My grandfather was a NYC police officer for 30+ years, during the times when honor and their duty to the public were paramount. However, the vast majority of cops these days LOVE to abuse their power. What is it about having a badge that almost immediately turns a human being into a power hungry hypocrite? I consistently see cops in the Bronx (Westchester Square, you know who you are)running red lights and speeding through school zones. It wouldn't be so bad except that 90% of the time they're not on their way to an emergency... they're on their way to the plainly visible BP station to get a cup of coffee, where I watch him (from at the same red light he just ran mind you) park in the fire lane. Yet if I was there, he'd give me a ticket (and probably only for taking his parking spot!) The fact is that cops these days have NO credibility. You can't expect people to listen to you when you bust someone for doing the same thing we just watched you do. Now I'm not saying we should be able to park in the no parking zones, or break any other laws for that matter. But don't act surprised when people are belligerent; and don't accuse us of disliking cops because we break the law and just don't want to get busted. We have reasons. For example, I just saw a video (Yes I know, YouTube isn't exactly a reliable source, but this was pretty plain to see) of 200+ college students throwing snowballs at each other while a cop stood by and watched the whole thing. Fine. Then a kid throws a snowball at the cop and he tackles and arrests him. Now obviously this isn't something worthy of nationwide outrage, but think about it. He had no problem watching a snowball fight between 200+ students, but the second he got hit he felt the need to arrest the kid and call it assault. That tells me that he wasn't concerned about the safety of the 200+ kids (although how dangerous is a snowball fight) or the possibility of property damage, or even stopping a possible riot if it went that far. God knows cops have come out in full riot gear for less. He was only concerned about looking stupid, so he tackles the kid and arrests him to make himself seem like more of a man. Say whatever you want, but arresting someone for throwing a snowball at you and calling it assault is abuse of power, EVEN IF YOU ARE A COP. Either that or you're just a punk. In my opinion, most, NOT ALL, police just enjoy exerting their authority and are not the least bit interested in upholding the law. It just happens to be that in "upholding" the law (and I use that term loosely), they get to exert their power. These are the kids in high school that used to push their peers in the mud and harass young girls until they develop eating disorders. The most frustrating part of it was that they never got in trouble did they? I guess nothing changes. To the police that still have the public's best interest in mind, thank you. Know that there are some people that still appreciate what you do and why you do it. Unfortunately you are a dying breed and unfortunately, you will have to deal with the stigma of being a cop.
  • Napolean opened one of the first prisons. When asked who should gaurd the dangerous offenders, he replied "let the guards be more criminal than the inmates themselves" Good or bad, it takes a certain personality to be a cop...and that personality is easy to hate. I dont dislike cops, I hate them, they are more criminal than criminals....
  • I don't! I think cops are there for a great reason, and we need them very much! It isn't hard to obey the law. Cops are nice people, and are just doing their job. They have helped me when I've really needed them, and have saved me from getting my ass kicked by an abusive bf
  • ya i pretty much hate all cops. I'll try everyday to avoid them as much as possible. But for some reason they still find me. Im a 20 year old college student been goin to school for the 3 years, ive made the deans list and the presidents list. College kids drink, not a new concept. I told the officers (after they came into the house uninvited and sat everybody down and proceeded to write tickets) that im 20 years old and that i had one beer, which was 100% true. He said well "your underage and its illegal" The same cop let one of my buddies leave after he told him he was drinking too and that he was underage, no ticket. Same department, different cop, my buddy(20) got stopped outside of bar by a cop, he made him submit to a breathalizer, and he blew a .09. The officer let him go and gave my other friend, who didnt submit to a breatherlizer, an M.I.C. that was about 3 months ago, both of them. 3 weeks ago, in a different town, i was celebrating with my friend for his 21st at a local club. I didnt eat anything before and got a little too drunk. After being sick in the bathroom and noticably having difficulty walking i knew i needed to remove myself from the situation in order to not make a scene and bother anyone. Our Designated Driver for the night let me have his keys and i went out to his truck so i could just lie down and sleep it off. 12:30 i get to the truck, get in the passenger seat and lie down, falling asleep pretty fast. hour and a half later at 2:00am there is a knock at the car window. I look up and and the officer told me to step out and show him some ID. Being as tired and out of it as i was i just got out and grabbed my first id in my wallet, which was the fake i used to get in the club with, half not thinking about it and half thinking he would just look at it and let me go on my way. but nope, he decided to take it to his car and scan it. Next thing i know hes putting me in handcuffs and im off to jail. As he was arresting me he told me the fake is why im goin in, and that if i hadn't given that to him he would of just wrote me a ticket instead. Either way he was gonna to fuck me. I wasn't bothering anyone, i was being smart and removing myself from the situation so as to avoid dealing with assholes. But nope they found me and shoved their long dick of the law up my ass again. oh and it was only 2 months since my last offense, so im still on probation and now i get to lose my license because i drank 6 months from being 21 for my best friends birthday party and was caught sleeping in our Designated Drivers truck. It sucks too because that guy who's 21st it was is going to be a cop and he knows how i feel. Yes it sucks, but the actions of a few cops have made me resent everything about them. There never there when you need em and there always there when you dont want em. Here think about this, name 2 times that an officer was there for you and actually made your day better, and after your done with whatever the situation was you thought to yourself, man im so glad that cop was there cause he definitely just made my day way better. As opposed to the usual thoughts of everyone who finishes dealing with a cop and thinking god what an asshole, man he totaly just fucked my day up. For me i cant think of any one time a cop has been there to help me. Theyve only ruined my day multiple times, and these past two times are financially devastating. So whatever, a cop could be cool as shit, i still dont want anything to do with em and i try to avoid them at all costs, but they still wanna ruin my day.
  • because they're criminals. i don't know any law-abiding people who hate cops. it's always the ones who are saying stuff, "i only had an ounce of pot and he arrested me." i really have heard stuff like that.
  • Haha.. come on this question is waay too simple. Everyone hates cops for ALOT of reasons. And ill give you one more just for laughs.. My family and I were on our way to church to help out with an easter prty. well we are coming up this road and to our surprise a police car was blocking the road.. confusingly we stop and sat there to see a cop walkin to the front of his car..SUDDENLY he draws his gun right on us.. I am very shocked and dont have a clue as to what is going on.. my mother,little sister, and little brothers are in the truck and we did the only thing we could do.. duck. and all the sudden this truck passes us and he pulls away.. NOT only is that wrong BUT that officer should be in jail. We called the station to ask WTF was that about.. BUT you can guess what happened.. Oh sorry we have no knowledge about that.. COVERED THE FCK UP! God as my witness I will nvr forget his face.. that is just one example I have dozens more..
  • I don't hate them! Cops are friendly people that are here to protect us from crime,brawls,drunks,etc!
  • Well. From someone whom has cops within their family; I believe police do abuse the power they have been given; but who wouldn't I guess. The problem is cops today just don't seem to care about the people they protect anymore, they treat everyone like shyt because they think they are better. I know cops that drink on the job, we had 4 off duty cops almost crash a van into our home because they were drunk, the van was pulled away by truck at night and the beer bottles cleaned up; all except for the huge trench in the lawn where it crashed. they were coming from their kids hockey game. When I got in trouble with the police I was sleeping in my car after a party and had booze on my breath... I blew over and was charged with a criminal record for three years with "care and control" for sleeping in a car drunk when we were out of beds at a party; this was my choice between sleep outside and driving drunk...sleep in the car. That is a frustrating thing. Lost license and had to attend a bunch of sessions and that was a minimal charge. Plus fee. Fees. Lots of fees. And the rest of the cops telling you its just luck of the draw with which cop you get. The when you go to get a pardon the cop you get the documents from is swearing and cursing about having to do extra work on a Friday, these are citizens papers and requests which the officer is complaining about. She was meant to do my pardon apps and commented about screwing them up on purpose, I thought she was joking, but she wasn't, she deliberately screwed up my D.O.B, I was shocked. In the whole of southern Ontario I know many police, 80 percent of them are ignorant of the meaning of their status, having learned about it through school. They presume that they should be able to do mostly whatever pleases their egos. So many bad experiences. More to tell. Lots I haven't mentioned. There is something wrong with our cops here in Ontario. They need to take more responsibility for their position. they need to remember what they represent. I think they only look at being a cop as a job. They forget what ... to protect and serve ......actually means. God Save Us All!!!!!!!!!
  • Well. From someone whom has cops within their family; I believe police do abuse the power they have been given; but who wouldn't I guess. The problem is cops today just don't seem to care about the people they protect anymore, they treat everyone like shyt because they think they are better. I know cops that drink on the job, we had 4 off duty cops almost crash a van into our home because they were drunk, the van was pulled away by truck at night and the beer bottles cleaned up; all except for the huge trench in the lawn where it crashed. they were coming from their kids hockey game. When I got in trouble with the police I was sleeping in my car after a party and had booze on my breath... I blew over and was charged with a criminal record for three years with "care and control" for sleeping in a car drunk when we were out of beds at a party; this was my choice between sleep outside and driving drunk...sleep in the car. That is a frustrating thing. Lost license and had to attend a bunch of sessions and that was a minimal charge. Plus fee. Fees. Lots of fees. And the rest of the cops telling you its just luck of the draw with which cop you get. The when you go to get a pardon the cop you get the documents from is swearing and cursing about having to do extra work on a Friday, these are citizens papers and requests which the officer is complaining about. She was meant to do my pardon apps and commented about screwing them up on purpose, I thought she was joking, but she wasn't, she deliberately screwed up my D.O.B, I was shocked. In the whole of southern Ontario I know many police, 80 percent of them are ignorant of the meaning of their status, having learned about it through school. They presume that they should be able to do mostly whatever pleases their egos. So many bad experiences. More to tell. Lots I haven't mentioned. There is something wrong with our cops here in Ontario. They need to take more responsibility for their position. they need to remember what they represent. I think they only look at being a cop as a job. They forget what ... to protect and serve ......actually means. God Save Us All!!!!!!!!!
  • Because some of them abuse their power. Most are good, but a few have given them a bad rep to some people.
  • I dont
  • I don't hate police officers. I realize there are crooked cops out there but for the most part they are good people that are just doing their jobs. I respect them for putting their lives on the line.
  • because people break the law and do stupid shit and hate getting caught for it so they put the focus on cops instead of their own stupidity.
  • For the very large majority of Cops,.... Cops do not use common sense Cops do not try to be understanding Cops treat even innocent people with bullying tactics Cops act like the enemy Cops show no respect Cops jump to conclusions without the other half of the story Cops have no mercy Cops are rude Cops are ill informed Cops are under educated Cops are power hungry Cops constantly are abusive Cops abuse their power Cops lack Humility Cops are arrogant Cops get to retire at a very young age Cops and families get full medical care throughout life Cops get paid a decent salery with great retirement packages Cops get "HERO" status Cops say YES SIR without thinking Cops do not question Cops do not Compromise How they treat peaceful Repub. and dem. protesters most all are facist, militant, fundamentalist republican types Why do we hate cops,...........
  • I don't. But I think a lot of people do because they break the laws they enforce. How many times do you see a cop driving talking on his cell phone. Or Worse yet, drive drunk off duty. They abuse their authority.
  • Cops dont have a good reputatation. I like cops I dont hate anybody. I think cops are good people. Its a very stressful job as is.
  • they just hate the power tripping ones. i honestly didnt mind them until i noticed all the low things they do. me and my parents are total law abiding people, i even served in the military, but i find cops now a days, alot of them really dont give a damn, me and my parents have received traffic tickets that were all traps. so far 2 out of 3 have been dismissed, my first ticket (being the 3rd in the family ever) is in the process of being contested. i also had a friend whose car was being broken into, and called the police in the process, the cops took 45 min and we literally have a cop shop across the street from us. HELLO auto theft in progress, dont feel like catching the burglar in progres? sorry i have yet to see a cop doing something of use, all the ones i have seen so far give you a hard time and are jack asses even if you havent done anything this is from someone who is a full law abiding citizen, worked for the military and who has no legal offences under my belt, for those ppl who think the only ppl who dont like cops are criminals!!
  • For all of you that don't understand the rising hate for cops;your not understanding comes from not seeing these thugs in action doing whatever they FEEL is right according to the hate they have for civilians.Believe me I have worked with them and most of them hate us because we are not part of their gang.Their gang of thugs protect one another even the so called good cops protect their dirty brothers.I have lived in close to 70 different cities in the US and it is getting worse every day.These bums have complete control over every one of us and they use this power greedily with no care for the cost to us civilians.YThey hate us and now I hate them.

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