• You are currently traveling forward at 1 second/second. Any other direction or speed is currently impossible.
  • Write a journal and review it in 10 years, see or paticipate in a play, read a book, see a homemade movie; these are all ways to time travel. -Gondorf the 5th-
  • There are some possibilities. If you look through a powerful telescope you will see light that was generated many years ago (maybe many light-years ago)...which means you are actually looking backward in time. Or, you can time travel in your mind. You do this when you bring up old memories of past experiences. You can re-live those experiences and your brain will react (and so will your body) much the same as it did when you actually lived through the experience. You can also imagine future fantasies. Your mind is a powerful thing and can actually imagine scenes happening in the future. Whether these will occur the same way you imagine them is, partially, up to you.
  • Stop consuming lead paint?
  • ... make some progress in the scientific field of 'Temporal Mechanics' and invent something that can actually perform time line conversions, then use it.
  • i'll tell you yesterday ;-)
  • With your butt.
  • when you find it out, contact me, I'll come with you:)++
  • Use time machine.

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