• Before there is any discussion about stopping the greenhouse effect, it's important to avoid confusion and know the difference between the "greenhouse effect" and "enhanced greenhouse effect." The greenhouse effect is vital for life on the planet. Without naturally occurring greenhouse gases (water vapor, methane, nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide and ozone) trapping the sun's heat in the atmosphere, Earth would be as cold as the moon--too cold to sustain life as we know it.

    Enhanced Green House Effect

    According to ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement, part of the U.S. Department of Energy's strategy to understand global climate change since 1992), the "enhanced green house effect" describes the amounts of gases being placed in the atmosphere as a result of human activities. The global community's dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), along with waste heat from other energy sources, adds to the amount of naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere, trapping more heat from the sun. This means the greenhouse effect has been "enhanced."

    Stopping Enhanced Green House Effect

    The simple solutions--to stop using fossil fuels and releasing waste heat--are not possible any time soon. It is scientifically uncertain the enhanced green house effect can be stopped, but there are ways to reduce man-made greenhouse gases. Solar and wind power may be the answer in some instances, but are not practical in geographical areas where there is less sun, wind or available land. (A wind plant requires thousands of acres to produce the same amount of energy as the hundreds of acres needed for a coal-fired energy facility.) Nuclear and geothermal energy can contribute to meeting vital energy requirements and reduce greenhouse gases where solar and wind cannot. Reforestation, replanting an equal amount of trees and rain forests lost to lumbering, agriculture, development and fire, renews the amount of carbon dioxide absorption and release of oxygen carried out by trees during photosynthesis.

    Conservation, Science and Technology

    The consumption and use of energy is unavoidable but conservation, the responsible use of the planet's natural and manufactured energy resources by humanity, is always wise. Everyone can contribute in small ways that are magnified by millions of individuals. A few simple examples include walking and biking when possible, adjusting thermostats, replanting, reusing and recycling. Meanwhile, political consensus and scientific opinion are not exact. Research results keep changing and, hopefully, becoming more accurate. History has proven that society becomes more energy-efficient as technologies improve, and scientists worldwide are constantly pursuing new and improved energy-source technologies. Some of those technologies include hydrogen, increasing hydro-power by harnessing the oceans' tides and waves, and capturing and reusing methane gas from landfills.


    Atmospheric Radiation Measurement

    The Greenhouse Effect

    U.S. Senate Minority Report

  • What greenhouse effect? This is something thought up by tree hugging people who play into the lies to gain money and notoriety.
  • not sure if we can

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