• Nothing. US just being unfair. Im glad you see that, points boiii
  • Because they say so
  • Well the way you worded your question seems a little biased! I don't think we are trying to get everyone but us to get rid of weapons, we just want to limit how many people have them. I don't see us trying to get the UK or France to give up their weapons, but we want to keep them out of the hands of religious zealots.
  • Because we don't trust other countries with them, particularly those countries that have a history of supporting terrorists. Do you honestly think that it would be a good thing for Iran to have them? One of the things that kept the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. from launching our nukes at each other was that each of us valued life. None of our leaders taught their people from an early age that it was a good thing to stage suicide bomb attacks against our enemies. Many of the terrorist sponsoring states and organizations are teaching their people just that. When a group of people glory in death, then the threat of destruction is not a deterrent. So, we don't want nuclear weapons proliferating because we don't want them falling into the hands of people that don't care if they live or die in the act of killing thousands.
  • Because we dropped the bomb on japan and dont think we wont kill again
  • First of all, we invented the thing. Otherwise, the nuclear club is a small one which is governed by international standards and treaties. Seven other countries do have nukes, contrary to your question. This does not prevent other countries from trying to develop their own nukes. If we were discussing gun control, would you favor everyone in your neighborhood having guns no matter what their criminal status in the world? Excerpt, Wikipedia: This is a list of states with nuclear weapons. There are currently eight states that have successfully detonated nuclear weapons. Five are considered to be "nuclear weapons states", an internationally recognized status conferred by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In order of acquisition of nuclear weapons these are: the United States, Russia (successor state to the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, France, and China. Since the formulation of the NPT, three non-signatory states of the NPT have conducted nuclear tests: India, Pakistan, and North Korea. Israel has also been widely believed to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons, though it has refused to confirm or deny this, and there have been reports that over 200 nuclear weapons might be in its inventory[14]. This status is not formally recognized by international bodies as none of these four countries are currently signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  • Because as long as the rest of the world cries on our shoulder for protection (like France in WWII) or for foreign aide (like Iraq, which recieved 18.44 BILLION in 2004, or Afghanistan, which recieved 1.77 BILLION in 2004) then we get a bit of a say, and we have a right to protect ourselves from threats, such as a certain North Korean dictator who poses threats. Just as you decide who you meet that is possibly dangerous to you and your family (like the ex con down the street, you know he is dangerous, so you percieve him as a threat) so does the country, and the world, decide who is a threat to the world as a whole.
  • because the biggest, loudest kid in the sandbox decides who gets the toys.
  • At present the US is NOT the only Nuke weapon holder... India Pakistan Iran? Japan China Korea Israel UK Canada
  • Because we had them first. But, now that no one has any real idea as to how many are out there, or even more importantly, who has them, we are loosing our ability to "control" who gets them. Especially since our credibility is in question with the UN.
  • Because we can!
  • The fact that they have them! It's all explained in this song....
  • First off, the US is not the only one with nuclear weapons. Our allies have them too. Why would you want to build nuclear weapons if you don't intend on using them? It would kind of be a waste of money, don't you think? The US has had these weapons for decades, since before the nuclear arms race, which was a stupid thing, but a lot of superpowers engaged in it along with us. Now the government is finding ways to get rid of many of them in a useful way (nuclear power). But even if it was Canada that started building nuclear weapons, i'd be Why? Because of the first point I made. Why would be build them now if you don't intend on using them? No offense, but your question doesn't quite incorporate the truth.
  • Nothing. US is just being hypocritical. US - The country which developed it first, which doesn't mean that nobody would have ever developed it. As soon the physics of atoms are out it was just a matter of time to develop a technology to make a weapon out of it. US is the only country used a nuclear weapon. Don't give me the terrorist crap, US is supplying nuclear weapon to Israel which is no less than a terrorist nation (I am not anti-Jew, it just doesn't matter what religion the majority people in that country follow.) Germany - Who where key in starting two world wars (don't blame WW-2 just on a crazy man, he had the support of the German citizens) is holding the nuclear weapons. UK which attacked and occupied other countries all over the world is having nuclear weapons. Japan – Invaded and occupied other countries in world war 2, having nuke. Iran is yet to attack anybody and I dont think they will they know better and others are calling for thier blood. I am not from Middle East or I am not a muslim. Just saying UN and the present international notions are downright wrong. -Parthan
  • We have the right to decide who gets nukes for several reasons. First, we have no history of terrorists. second, we're the strongest country. But if you think about it, it would be safer if no one had it. So even though we have nukes, its more of a precaution than anything. Cause if Iran or some other countries get nukes, than we have to be able to defend our selves. We defend ourselves by presenting a threat by haveing nukes. So even though it would be better if no one have them, its not going to happen.
  • The US was the first country to successfully detonate a nuclear bomb. I guess maybe the patent forms didn't get filed in time. Just proves the importance of trustworthy office staffing.
  • What the hell? The US aren't. France, US, Britian, China, and Russia are all legally allowed members. Iran - rumoured, Pakistan and India - confirmed, Israel - officially denied, I think? , North Korea - rumoured to the best of my knowledge
  • good question no one gives us a right, if everyone wants to play god go ahead make my day!!!
  • The US is not the only country that has them. As you can see from all the other answers, there are a few other countries that have them. The reason the US, and it's allies are allowed to have them, is because we will not use them unless that is the only option. In WWII, if they had not been used on Japan, the US would have been too overextended to pull back together after the high cost of WWII on industry. A decisive, finishing move was required, and they got it. As for people saying they didn't deserve it; well the individuals did not, the nation did. You do not go pick a fight with a non-enemy nation that has the military ability to decimate your nation and expect to not get whooped! As for these days, those who are "allowed" to have nuclear weapons have not used them. It is more of a deterrent than anything. Anyone knows that if they go too far against us or our allies, we have the option to turn their sandy desert into a sheet of glass. The US and its allies keep the rest of the world from becoming a danger, through the threat of our own nukes. It has kept combat nuke free since WWII. It is like having a handgun in one's home for personal protection. It hopefully never will be needed, and is a shame if it is. But if someone busts into my house and presents a danger to me and my family, I will blow them away without a second thought. The US is the biggest and baddest dog on the block. If someone attacks us, they take the risk.
  • U.S. Actually Isn't The Only Country That Has WOMD's, weapons of mass destruction, We Just Prefer To Be On The Safe Side And Make More, And Destroy Everyone Else's
  • There are a number of nuclear non-proliferation treaties in place which gives not only the US, but seveal other countries the right to have nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, there's no way to enforce such treaties, so we have countries like North Korea and Iran with active programs to develop such weapons.
  • Im british military and we have nuclear weapons, so does france, germany and china to name but a few. North Korea are trying and so are iran. So its not just the US
  • Are you familiar with the expression, "Might makes right"?
  • We were supposed to be the arsenal of democracy. Oh well that didn't work out too well.
  • everything so far.. we were first, most stole the tech from us we are the biggest in the sandlot we have so far been proven the most responsible and we can
  • No other country? Russia, China, No Korea,India, Pakistan,Israel, Iran?,Britain, France all have nuclear weapons.
  • "The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT or NNPT) is a treaty to limit the spread of nuclear weapons, opened for signature on July 1, 1968. There are currently 189 countries party to the treaty, five of which have nuclear weapons: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and the People's Republic of China (the permanent members of the UN Security Council) . Only four recognized sovereign states are not parties to the treaty: India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea. India and Pakistan both possess and have openly tested nuclear bombs. Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its own nuclear weapons program. North Korea acceded to the treaty, violated it, and later withdrew. The treaty was proposed by Ireland, and Finland was the first to sign. The signing parties decided by consensus to extend the treaty indefinitely and without conditions upon meeting in New York City on May 11, 1995. The NPT consists of a preamble and eleven articles. Although the concept of "pillars" appears nowhere in the NPT, the treaty is nevertheless sometimes interpreted as having three pillars: non-proliferation, disarmament, and the right to peacefully use nuclear technology." "The impetus behind the NPT was concern for the safety of a world with many nuclear weapon states. It was recognized that the cold war deterrent relationship between just the United States and Soviet Union was fragile. More nuclear players reduced security for all, multiplying the risks of miscalculation, accident or unauthorized use, or through the escalation of a small nuclear conflict." Source and further information:
  • We have the right to possess nucleur weapons because whether people want to admit or not, we are the strongest country in the world. It is therefore our right. We, might i say have the best nucleur weapons also. Saying it would be better if nobody had them is partially true, but again we, if anybody would be the country to have them because we can, and no single person or nation in the world is going to stop us. It's also good that we have some reason for other nations not to attack us. They need to understand that the United States of America will not be messed with, but will not use our vast power of nucleur weapons unless we truely need to. I myself hope we never have to.
  • it is called MAD. mutualy assured destruction. and it only works with large nations which value it's people. we are not the only nation with them. There are 5 nations involved in the nuclear nonproliferation treaty (China, France, Russia, UK, US) and 4 other nations known to have nukes (India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan) russia and US each dwarf the rest of the world combined. the reason we have nukes to to ensure noone uses them because anyone who does kills their entire population because NPT will glass them.
  • actually there are other countries with nuclear weapons hince the name nuclear powers of the world not nuclear power those countries are china, russia(barely), and england all of which has a teaty swearing not to use them and over time to destroy them
  • Another way to ask the question is what gave the US the right to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, but no other country? The simple answer is the US is the strongest, and nobody has the power to enforce the rules of war on us. We will do it again if we feel "it is necessary", and nobody can do a thing about it. Victor's justice is constant throughout history. If you slaughter civilians and win, you can say you were justified and nobady can do anything about it. If you slaughter civilians and lose, you will be executed for war crimes. Some would say this is hypocrisy. Perhaps they are right, but what difference does it make? The strong make and enforce the rules, and that's that.
  • First off, there are at least NINE countries who currently have active nuclear weapons programs, -US -UK -France -Russia -China -Pakistan -N.Korea -Israel -India If we did not have the atomic capabilities that we do, what would stop a hostile nation from becoming aggressive against us? Mutually Assured Destruction, if someone were to successfully fire a nuclear weapon at us, there entire country would effectively be turned into glass. Nuclear weapons are absolutely NECESSARY for national defense. Think of it this way, would you try to rob someone with pepper spray, or someone with a shotgun?
  • other countries do have nuclear weapons!!!
  • KiloWattKid, What an excellent question. Some things in life are about the practical, and not what is fair or just. It would be great if we lived in a world without weapons of mass destruction. The reality is that these weapons exist. The next best thing is to have as few countries as possible with this technology. The more countries that have these weapons, the more dangerous the world becomes. Wars have a greater probability of becoming even bigger and more horrific catastrophes. It isn't about what is fair. The fact is that the world is a safer place when the major powers prevent weapons proliferation. Whether they have a right to do this or not is irrelevant; it is in the best interest of us all. I know this probably isn't palatable to you, but it is real life. Life is fundamentally unfair in many situations...and for our own goods.
  • Ha. I always wondered the EXACT same thing. Sometimes, it's like the US believes it can and should control the whole world. If we can have them, why shouldn't everybody? Worse comes to worse, they have a right to defend themselves......But maybe that's what they're afraid of?? Or maybe they're afraid we'll get hit first. Nobody REALLY likes the US. They tolerate us. Sometimes, barely. Maybe it all goes back to a power struggle? That being said, not sure how I feel knowing that North Korea & Russia have those type of weapons lol what hotheads ;x
  • We own the patten, duh!
  • Because no one has the capability to question them, America is so heavily armed even their allies are afraid to answer them. If America became a little more accepting and less ignorant they could control the world.
  • First off, we have the right because we invented it, before anyone else did. Does the Manhatten Project ring any bells? Second, we never said no one else could have them. China, Russia, India, France, and dozens of others have them. We just have to be cautious as to not only who wants the technology, but also as to WHY. The reason that everyone is in a panic when a country, say Iran, for instance, wants to make nukes, is the unclear reasoning behind this desire. Is it for self defense, or is it to weild more power in a region? Are they threatened, or are they the threat? People who want power can NEVER be trusted with it. As the saying goes, Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Seems to me, in regards to Iran, that the little guy want to run with the big dogs. How long before he wants to be the only dog in the run?
  • Other countries do have them, check out the countries on the UN security council
  • Because America thinks it has more rights than any other country.

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