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  • no. i don't think it is. if a size 5 is too fat then i must be a whale cause i wear a size 7 and so does my mom, but we're not fat. so no. you do not need to lose weight at all.
  • What?! That's ridiculous. Tell your family to go shove it. You will understand later in life when you get tired of it that when people tell you to change yourself, they don't care about what you think, only what they want for them.
  • Are you kidding? A size 5 is skinny. Ignore your family's criticisms. If they persist, tell them that you're healthy and happy with the way you look.
  • What is size 5 in England sizes?
  • Are you squeezing into a size 5? If you are then maybe you should get a larger size and it will help with the "muffin top" that makes you appear to be fat. No a size 5 is what I wear. And I am hot! lol
  • Oh my god! No a size 5 is not big at all!!! Stop listening to them and do what makes you happy. If you are comfortable with your size (which you should ebcause a size 5 is nothing!) than you shouldn't feel like you have to do anything to change that!
  • dont care what they think . and size 5 is not fat , its normal . wear what ever makes u comfortable .
  • OMGosh, if your fat in a size 5 (which I haven't seen size 5 since like 3rd grade!) What am I then a beached whale is 7, so I must be the size of Pluto in a 16 lol. All kidding aside, if you are comfortable with your size and weight, it doesn't matter what other think about you or else I'd be a nervous wreck constantly. I found a chart that you can fill in, if you are the suggested height and weight for you age/build, show them. It's unhealthy to be big but it's just as unhealthy to be too small. if it didn't take you to the proper page, it's on page 3 of the article.
  • You're being facetious... right?
  • THESE People NEED to go see an eye doctor AND sign up for THERAPY... They are grossly mistaken...ignore them... There is nothing wrong with you...THEY, on the other hand, are daft. Gently explain to them that if they do not SHUT UP and LEAVE YOU ALONE....large birds of prey will begin to frequent where they live, work, and go and will poop upon their pea-brained heads every time they venture outside! I will use my "contacts" to request this small favor! (large birds to not appreciate STUPID PEOPLE; and will consider it an honor to defend you.)
  • Well, I think the first question should be.. how tall are you? If you're under 5 feet, a size 5 isn't skinny. However, it also is not fat. It's only fat if you're 8 and having to wear an adult size 5. Being a 5 is a healthy weight. You're not fat, you're not skinny, you're healthy..It is unfortunate that your family cannot see that. If you are happy with how you look, ignore them. Tell them you are happy with who you are, and to leave you alone.
  • I have three words for you: bollocks, bollocks, bollocks! Unless you are a midget, size 5 is somewhere between average and skinny. I wear size 5 jeans, and at 5'4" I am slender. S-l-e-n-d-e-r. Absolutely not fat. What you need to do is confront your family about why they have such skewed views about beauty. Why, for instance, SHOULD you need to be skinnier - and where do they get off thinking that it is their place to pressure you into believing so - especially when you're almost certainly not overweight in the slightest?

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