• I agree with it.
  • i completely agree with this method..its family..and there is a reason for smacking him..however his mother might feel different..thats something to worry about..but if she doesn't mind least he is being disciplined
  • yep 100%
  • ...Kid needed something to wake him up and pull him outta his bubble. Shoulda did it along time ago.
  • Of course not. She should have poured her beer on him & then put her cigarette out on his arm.
  • Damn right it was. The only thing that was hurt was his pride.
  • WRONG! how old is your cousin?
  • I don't believe so. Personally, I believe that anyone who has to solve their problems with violence is lacking in communication skills.
  • Woot Woot Go Mama!!!!! I bet he thinks twice before doing that again.
  • No, she was just proving him right.
  • I bet if I say no I'll get downrated. LULZ. At the very least, some words and attempts at explanation should come with said slap. Violence solves nothing, and if anything, this act only feeds the rebellion. If some bitch who wasn't even my mom slapped me across the face, THEN threatened me, you damn well bet I'd keep acting up. She probably won't knock his teeth in his throat for real, so it's just fear tactics, which are extremely shallow and primitive. Next, chicken sex!
  • One thing I've noticed is kids these days have no idea what respect is, and it seems like they're almost taught that whatever happens, as long as they're on top, then it's ok. This, on every level, is so fundamentally wrong it's not even funny. I believe that every child should learn respect at the earliest age possible... while I don't believe in violence, i'd still give this mother a huge congratulations on this. He needs to know who is in charge as well as a little humility. Sad part is, this more then likely do nothing more then piss off the kid and make hate his own relative, but one can only hope it'll actually teach him a lesson.
  • YES! it most certianly was right. you do not disrespect your family elders like that. you simply dont. your mom was and is completely in the right
  • Not sure that I agree with that method, but I know someone who would have taken a plank and knocked the crap out of him, especially if he is a teenager. He has some issues that need to be resolved.
  • If anyone called my mom a bitch, I don't care who it was, if she didn't beat their ass, then I would (or my brother would, or my husband would, etc). Your cousin sounds like a piece of work and probably needs a good ass kicking.
  • It works for me.
  • Not right, no. But as long as she didn't actually DO it, some people just talk like that. I grew up with far worse trust me and I survived.
  • TECHNICALLY, he could probably have her arrested for child abuse and/or assault (depending on his age). BUT, if so, he'd have to submit proof, and from other questions, I don't think he wants to talk to the police or prosecutor. HOWEVER, from other questions you've asked: Yep. It was right. It may be the first time the kid's been forced to even THINK about respect. Now, she needs to get him to respect himself. Keep an eye on him. If he's the violent sort, there may be trouble. ;-)
  • I don't see where she done wrong, with just a slap across the face. That is if he was already warned what would happen, if he keep being disrespectful to his elders. If I had talked like that, to my elders back when I was a kid. I would of gotten, much more than just a slap across the face. For my bottom would of been so red, that I would not of set down for a week or more. As far as that 2nd warning goes tho. Being that he is only 14 & not 18 or above. I'd say if that was to ever take place. Then it would be going way over the limit, and should never happen. Let's just hope that the slap, let the kid know who was the boss of the house. And that no more bad name calling, was to ever take place again. And that the elders should also limit any bad words around the children. Because they are to be good role models......Plus 5 for your question.
  • Geeez! I love your Mom!! What about you, were you stunned by her action? Did you get the message?
  • Not if this cousin is a child.
  • Shit yeah she did the right thing. She just needs to back it up, now. There in lies the problem. Don't threaten them with something you're not willing to do.
  • That one was deserved.
  • I gave you 2 points but if your mom is on answerbag I'd give them to her. Of course she did the right thing! Nobody can call your mom a bitch!
  • absolutely
  • Wow..that's horrible. She was rightfully upset about what he called her ... I would have talked to him a little differently or to his mother rather than threatening that. But, I guess she knows what would work with him. I hope it does.
  • We'd live in a very different world if ill-behaved kids were sorted out in a way they could understand and respect. This sounded like a situation that called for remedial action. It could have been preempted way back, but as it wasn't, I think this was reasonable. Kids make very poor demigods, knowing they are untouchable.
  • I'd say so.
  • I think its absolutely .... AWESOME!!! ... so tired of all the punk ass kids these days thinking they are grown and can do whatever they want, whenever they want
  • public answer: no, thats wrong, time out is the only way honest answer: HELL YEAH!!!! After she knowcks his teeth out, shove a bar of soap in his toothless face.
  • Your mom could have been charged with assult, but she did have provocation also. She should tell him he is no longer welcome in her home for a period of time. I read one comment saying he did later call and appologize which was good of him. I still live with the concept children, teens and even adults are to be respectful of their elders. If I had said something like that to my aunt my dad would have heard about it and would catch pure hell for it. There was a time back in history he would have been taken before the city magistraits being turned over to them. They in turn would bring the young offender out and the offender would be stoned to death! Aren't you glad we don't live like that now? I know your mother was upset and understandably and I am also sure she would never "knock his damn teeth down his throat" but at the moment I am sure she felt that way. Please ask your cousin to be respectful of others at all times he will win in the long run.
  • Yep ; I'd have done more than that !! Good for your mom ... !! +5
  • Aside from self defense, I don't believe in hitting anyone....that or boxing. Anyway, violence typically does not work. Since it is not her child, she doesn't have much of a say in the matter. She should talk to the mother about it. If I were the mom, I'd get out the old bar of soap and take away some privileges like computer, tv, play station etc.
  • Well he still has his teeth... so its all good. the minute i said "bit" my teeth would have been on the floor.. before i even got to the "ch".
  • Yes! More kids need to be smacked up side the head! . They have become a thoughtless clan of disrespectful little sh!ts.
  • Yes, unhesitatingly. Its called "respect for your elders", unfortunately a rare condition these days. My question is: where were any males of the family to set this boy straight? I remember a time when some male (son, father, uncle, grandfather, etc) would have taken upon himself to square the errant boy away and preserve a mom's honor. Ah, yes...the good old days.
  • This sounds like a similar situation that I was in myself at one point. My father was this way with me. I never called him a bitch though. Although this is very disrespectful, i think there could have been a better way to handle it. i don't think that anyone deserves to be threatened and hit. If your cousin is being disrespectful...then how is your mom getting your cousin to treat her with respect? Certainly slapping and threatening will not make your cousin respect her any more- I think that is something that she needs to be aware of. Don't push your mom to do anything that she isn't willing to do. Many people who believe in hardcore discipline are stuck in their ways. But the only way that someone can really understand that discipline doesn't work is the one who has been disciplined. I have been spanked and hit for 17 years- and I still talk back and cuss. I will never change my ways because I have lost a lot of respect for those who have hit me- it has taken many years for me to overcome this.
  • I think its OK to slap people if there wrong. Makes me think of clapping. But you also gota think about why the kid is disrespectful. Could he be onto something when he calls her names she not comfortable with? Maybe she is a bitch. Maybe he just wants attention and knows what name she listens to, ether way its the law of the jungle in my book, and ya need to put that squirt into his place. Anyway, we give curse words power by making them taboo. If your mom would just have said "no YOUR a bitch" it would have quelled the situation and have removed his power over that word and its association to her and her behavior. By reaction with force over someone smaller/younger then herself, she validated his comment with out a solution to the problem. Fear isn't respect. Its hate.
  • Sorry to say it, but the bitch label sounds justified to me. Respect is something that has to be earned, and just from that, I can tell that she's done nothing to earn or deserve his respect. He'll remember the slap. And the threat. He'll remember it for years, and he will eventually grow to despise her. And he will NEVER respect her. That type of behavior just breeds hatred, and where there is hatred, there can be no respect. I've seen it time and again.

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