• Why not just believe and you don't have to go to Hell? Look here's the deal. When sin came into the world, we were all born into sin. God is perfect and He can't be around it. It's kinda like us hanging around with a dead carcass that's been lying around for days...HE just can't deal with it. SO since He loved us so much He sent His only Son to die for our sin, Jesus took YOUR sin and MY sin upon Himself that day so that we wouldn't have to pay for our sins. The wages of sin is death, that's the reason for the sacrifices in the Old Testament, Jesus was our sacrifice. If we don't accept the offer, well we must die a true sinners death, we take our sin upon ourselves and we pay the price for them. I agree it doesn't seem fair BUT you are given the choice and you make the decision and we can't even say He didn't warn us :)
  • God will forgive...but only if you cease doing what is wrong...
  • Along with the answer by pugwashjw65 about repentance, the Hell thing is a misconception. As quoted by plumsplum, the wages of sin is death, not an immortal soul in a literal hell fire.
  • If the god you are talking about and the common conception of hell are true, then the answer is simple: the god is a dick. I'd rather be in hell than jerk off his ego.
  • I think you need two things: 1. A different concept of god. 2. A spelling checker.
  • If you knew just how holy and sovereign God is, you wouldn't forget to ask forgiveness. I can assure you of that. The Holy Spirit would convict you until you do. We are no longer slaves to sin so we must stay away from it. No we are not perfect but we must continue to cleanse ourselves. *You acknowledge that you are a sinner and aren't acceptable before God. We acknowledge our depravity. * We repent of our sins. * We seek forgiveness * Acknowledge Him as the ruler of your life * Thank God for His abundant mercy and grace.
  • I'm not even sure if I believe God has forgiven everyone. Even in that case, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with God saving some people and not others. That being said, I do believe that if God is real, it is his decision whoever he allows into heaven, and not ours at all.
  • I don't believe God is about to forgive Satan...
  • Hell and heaven you create. Law of the land may punish you physically. But you are the only one who can punish you in reality. God lies within yourself. So repent is a punishment you do to yourself.
  • Hell is not a choice of God, it is the choice of man who wants to reject God. "For God so greatly loved the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life." (John 3:16)
  • You don't get forgiveness without repenting first. God does just toss forgiveness around like Jolly Ranchers.
  • Brilliant kick-gods-ass logic! +666
  • How about don't believe in a god or hell and just choose not to do bad or dumb ass things because it feels good to be and do nice. Then you do not have to say you are sorry. .

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