• Which specific excitement are you referring to? Sexual excitement or just happy/playful excitement? I think it depends on the individual animal b/c some dogs don't enjoy bath time. Some hate it and will struggle with all of their muscle to get out even if that means pushing the person bathing them out of the way! :P While others put up with it and some fall asleep in there b/c it's so relaxing. So which kind of excitement are you talking about??
  • I think of the song words "I feeeeeel good" when I see that.
  • I don't think they are excited. Instead, they run in circles after a bath because they don't like being wet.
  • Maybe the same reason we get excited after a bath (as a little kid) It feels good. Instinctively we dogs and humans) may all be wired to get dry asap (unless you're a fish)
  • Mine gets excited because she can see me in all my glory.

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