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  • Some condoms contain natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions. If you are using a spermicidally lubricated product, it contains the spermicide Nonoxynol-9. Some users are sensitive or allergic to spermicide or lubricants. If you or your partner have had any reaction to latex rubber, spermicide or lubricants, do not use those products. If either partner has a reaction to a specific product, discontinue use immediately. Allergies to latex are increasingly common, but even more common is an allergy to the spermicide (Nonoxynol-9) found in most spermicidal lubricants. condoms can promote yeast infections in two different ways. first, a lot of condoms come packaged with a lubricant that contains nonoxynol-9, a spermicide that may kill the HIV virus. a friend of mine has been insisting for years that she gets a yeast infection every time she comes in contact with the stuff. sure enough, several recent studies have shown that nonoxynol-9 is linked to yeast infections. if you suspect this is your problem, try using a condom that doesn't have a spermicidal lubricant, and use a different spermicide or additional barrier protection. condoms can also cause yeast infections if you are allergic to latex, although this is less common. if this is the case, don't give up hope on practicing safer sex. you may want to try some of the newer plastic (polyurethane) condoms. Using a latex condom can cause a woman to develop candida yeast of course resulting in a vaginal yeast infection. Yeast infection causes vaginal itching and extreme discomfort. Some women complain that after using condoms during a sexual encounter, they develop yeast infections. It turns out they’re right. Latex condoms can cause yeast infections in people who have latex allergies. Up to 4% of the general population have allergies to latex. Natural rubber latex comes from a substance that is released by a tree found in Southeast Asia called H. braziliensis. A condom is considered a ‘dipped rubber’ product because it is dipped into a vat of rubber. Latex has natural rubber proteins which sometimes induce formation of antibodies called IgE antibodies. Once antibodies are formed, the next time a latex-sensitive person is exposed to the latex, mast cells release chemicals which cause an allergic reaction. The more someone is exposed to allergens, the more IgE antibodies are produced next time the person is exposed to the allergen. When someone who is allergic to latex uses latex condoms, they can develop normal allergic reactions such as swelling. The result can be a yeast infection. vaginal yeast infectionIs there any way for a latex-sensitive woman to use latex condoms with her partner? No one wants to use condoms that cause yeast infections right? The best thing to do is to avoid the latex condoms. What about safe sex? Latex condoms are one of the safest protections against STDs. Lambskin condoms protect against pregnancy, but not STDs. One option is to for the male to put on a latex condom, assuming he too is not allergic to latex. One can then put a lambskin condom over the latex so that the condom is not touching the inside of the vagina. This method can drastically decrease the incidence of yeast infections.

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