• good advice. if you know your enemies, and you know what they are up to, you can keep a close eye on them. it's easier than if you don't know them at all. that makes them unpredictable.
  • In the corporate world it might be good im not really sure, my career it wouldnt apply. but in a personal life sense i dont think so. why would you want someone you dislike,distrust and generally are irritated by around you? and more so why would you want this person around your family. I have found that keeping the people i truely want nothing to do with, away from my life works wonders, they very rarely try to make contact with you once you iniate the severing of ties.
  • Really, it depends on why they are your enemy, and how you deal with it. I for instance, keep my enemies very close, partly out of choice, partly because I'm made to. At least I know what they are up to, and I am not completely out of control.
  • Keeping your enemies closer than friends could cause confusion and also cause you to be far more vulnerable for attack.
  • I'm going to go with bad. If you spend all of your time on your enemies--more so then your own FRIENDS--you're going to become obsessive over it. Wouldn't you rather ignore them and try to live your life the happiest that you could? Plus, if you ignore someone, then tend to go away.
  • Bad Advice. Your enemies will no doubt be a bad influence on you. I don't want to spoil my useful habits. Besides, the closer my enemies are the more chance they have of hurting me. Stay away. STAY AWAY! I say.
  • I prefer to keep my friends very close and just know my enemies if possible. My friends and I can all protect each another. I am not worried about any enemies. I am not being tracked by the KGB or anything!
  • If I do get to know my enemies, I would like to keep them as far away from me as possible. Friends are a positive influence on one's life but enemies are not. Check out my friendship blog at for some beautiful e-greeting cards and friendly tips.
  • good advice
  • it has some merit. At least you know what they are up to, but it involves a whole lot of masquerading and hypocrisy. I am too old for that now...
  • Excellent advice. I know this from experience. One step ahead too never fails.
  • The best advice you might ever get.
  • VERY good advice. You can trust friends- enemies need to be watched.
  • My Grandfather was a Very Smart man - And I know he'd agree - Good Question
  • yes its very good acvice wish i would have heard it about 6 years ago. it would have saved me alot
  • good advice cause then you can control them and have the upper hand and they cant hurt you but remember even your friends can be enemies in disguise
  • good advice cause then you can control them and have the upper hand and they cant hurt you but remember even your friends can be enemies in disguise
  • depends on the enemy ... i think " keep away BUT be so careful " ... enemies want you to make mistakes or may fake mistakes making'em yours ! .... so " don't make mistakes !! & be more cautious ! :-)
  • Thats one of the truest things ever said. Its deep so you have to think about it
  • If you can't get rid of your enemies, then it's best to be able to keep a close eye on them--keep them close.
  • Very good advice. Rules to live by.
  • amazing advice
  • I'd say that is definitley some good advice to me.
  • Sounds like a quote from Sun Tzu "The Art of War". It's sound, practical business advice.
  • The real question is, "What about the neutrals?"
  • Sometimes your eneminies will tentd to spread rumors and do all sorts of damaging acts towards you so its best to keep track of them.
  • Bad advice. You should go about your life without regard to your "enemies". There will always be people trying to pull you down, to belittle you or make you feel small. You cannot listen to them, or even acknowledge them. You just need to live your life in a way that you're proud of. If someone does something negative to you or is out to get you, just realize that it's sad for that person because they don't live their lives in a way that they can be proud of, and move on.
  • Excellent advice!!!!!! Live by advice!! Always know what they are up to!!!!!
  • hell yeah thats good advice
  • My advise is similar, Be careful of everyone until they earn your trust.
  • i'm all about constant vigilance, great idea but make sure your friends aren't pulling that trick on you
  • Good advice. You neva really know who your true friens are until they stab you in the back. Like I always say "FRI (as in fry) END you in the is what some FRIENDS do.
  • Sun Tzu, The art of War. Good advice. If they are your friends and can trust them, you don't have to worry about what they are doing, as opposed to people you don't trust, watch them closely.
  • Didn't work for bush
  • Bad advice, keep no one but your beloved close to you. Everyone else keep in check by having a reputation that preceeds you.
  • Friends can be converted into enemies.
  • To a point, it can be good advice. If you are completely obsessed with your enemies and push your friends away, it can be bad advice.
  • top of the range advice
  • "KEEP THE FRIENDS CLOSE, AND YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER" This is very good advice because when we keep our enemies closer then they will tell our bad qualities... and if we will improve that particular bad habits then we can become a perfect peson..
  • It is a national wisdom Really good advice!!!
  • Excellent advice :)
  • Sorry, I don't want enemies closer to me than my friends. And I don't want to e watching 'enemies'. I couldn't waste the energy. These are the words of someone who sounds a bit guilty in that he feels he has created enemies and someone who exaggerates his importance, no matter how better prepared he may sound than me. I can't spend the negative energy doing such a thing. I think if you have very close friends that they are a better more honest protection than those enemies. I trust my friends with my life.
  • I would say that i half agree.I kinda have a situation like that right now. My boyfreind talks to this girl at work its no big deal and they send each other emails occasionally. But the problem is I get so jealous and possesive over it. So I have decided I just have to let it go he loves me. So I invited the girl to come snowboarding with me. Shes prob a nice person and I am learning now not to pre judge people based on your own insecurities. So hopefully she wont be my enemy for long! But on the other hand as for keepeing you renemies closer is dissagre. Id they have done something to you atsome point and you have alegit reason not to like them then yeah stay away. Trying to stay close to that will only create drama and who needs more of that. But for sure i think if there is a person you dont like just mainly becasue your insecure and you dont want your BF or GF hanging with them I say do something with them maybe you will really get along!
  • I think it depends on the enemy and yourself as well. If you're a strong person, why not? However, if you're a weak person and easily influenced by people close to you, it's better to keep your really good friends close. This is to make sure you are not influenced in a bad way. Therefore, you stay strong. The most important thing is to know yourself, your weaknesses, and your strongpoints. If you can handle your enemies telling you your weaknesses, then this advice is good. If not, then it isn't.
  • i found it best to keep them both at a distance people ar just no dam good...
  • Excellent advice PP.
  • It's a confusing prhase which really means that you should keep an eye on your enemies. To have your friends physically close, but not your enemies. Just, be on your guard.
  • The WORST ADVICE EVR. I don't think it was meant to be taken literally. For years I have surrounded myself with Frenemies and have been betrayed,robbed and hurt so many times now that I am completely alone and find it painfully hard to trust others =[
  • i live by that. always have, and now, im at the enemies front door!
  • Bad...just don't make enemies! Duh!
  • It's good if you interpret it sensibly. My interpretation is to always avoid having enemies. By keeping 'enemies' close, you'll understand them, keep them in sight so they can't get behind your back, and eventually learn to be able to get along with them. Whenever you're considering someone an enemy, you should look at yourself (from experience). Hmm... and what does enemy mean anyway? Someone you hate, or someone you don't trust maybe.
  • Not good advice. Keeping your enemies close will just torment you and put you at greater risk of getting hurt. They're not that dumb. They'll figure it out and use it all against you. That's like getting close to the enemies trenches. They're enemies and no matter how much you try to play nice it's not gonna work. You just end up being shot down...sooner or later. Stay away and out of that negative and suffocating environment. It won't do any good. You'll just dwell, stew, and become obsessive, I've seen it. Keep clear and continue on with you life. The best revenge is living your live happily the way you want!
  • Works good in war movies but not so much in real life. Why would you want to see your enemies daily or hanging around you so you can keep your eye on them. I'd like mine on the other side of the world thank you. Nope, not advice I follow sorry. I surround myself with friends who like to buy me drinks and I the same!
  • Great advice, it can't hurt to keep an eye on the enemy
  • What if you enemies smell bad?
  • godd advice :)
  • Dunno. Maybe good... but then if you do then you're asking for fights! LOL XD
  • Yes, but also no :)))
  • ABSOLUTELY...although it is hard to do...but very wise!!!!!
  • I do believe you should keep your enemies close but not closer than your friends. I mean they are your friends after all. Besides if you keep your enemies too close, they might find out some things about you that they don't need to know.
  • If your enemies are 'working colleagues' then keep close the 'negatives' not the person. Remember what they have done, 'forgive but dont forget.' If they are within your friend circle, let them go! Life is too short. Think what advice you would give a younger member of your family (circle of friends) if they wre faced with a similar 'friend'???!!!
  • I think it's bad advice unless we are talking about "knowing" your enemy. If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu
  • i wouldnt want to be friends with some of my enemies - they are just disgusting
  • awesome helpful advice!
  • very wise advice. Your friends are not to be associated with hurting you, and therefore don't need to be under a watchful eye like your enemies.
  • i disagree, keep your friends close eliminate the enemies!!
  • It doesnt mean you are supposed to be fake and hang out and be close with the ppl you hate. It means that you are supposed to keep an close eye on your enemies. You can trust your friends, so you dont have to "watch your back" with them. its good advice.
  • I don't know my enemy that's the problem. But if I knew I would not worry about him. He can not bother me.
  • some of the best advice ever...
  • Good and bad advice. You've got to keep your enemies close because that way, it's not as easy for them to get one up on you. Buuuut, at the same time, if you keep your enemies close enough, your friends may think you're two-faced and not understand your intentions.
  • it doesn't say "allow your friends close and your enemies closer" is sayes "keep" meaning the farthest away. your friends can go where ever they want no issues, however you should know where your enemies are so you know they are not behind you with a knife. I prefer not to have enemies even if it means I don't have many friends.
  • Bad advice because your friends aren't getting the better half of your attention.
  • Very good advice. keep an eye on your enemy. Your friend will keep an eye on your back.
  • Excellent advice..if you can't get your enemies far far away..keep them really close. :)
  • Good advice. Helps knowing what your enemies might be planning and to learn what their weaknesses are.
  • I woun't say Closer and Closer... I surlly will keep my frieds closer and my enemies on sight.
  • All depends at which position you are seating and the angle of your view, the range of light, the capacity of your eyes,obstructions and shapes and sizes and a few hundred more conditions............ a bad advice for me since I would rather keep my real friends were they are and the enemies as far as possible that i could not see them. Bottom line I don't want to have the snakes closer than my friends.
  • Depends on your situation, and how bad the enemy is. An enemy that will never do you notable harm? keep them away. Are you in a position of major power, so much so that anyone could attempt to usurp your position? keep them close. That advice is generally taken in the context of a king. Kings had many men trying to steal their throne, so keeping a very close eye on them was a good idea.
  • The best advise I can give.
  • great advice!
  • Good advice. Also, be cautious of who you let in as your friend, or at least how much you trust them.
  • Good advice- your friends may betray you, so leave them "close". Your enemies cannot betray you, but you must know what goes on with them. Therefore, let them closer.
  • AWESOME ADVICE!- my ex best friend accused me of stealing his ipod and I didnt, and so thats what I base my current relationships on.
  • Bad-Keep your friends close and screw your enemies! Don't waist time on people who don't matter!
  • Very good advice
  • Good and bad. Who wants enemies around them at all. In one case though, it did work for me.
  • Bad.....keep them both far away because enemies will screw you every chance they get and friends almost always eventually turn into enemies somewhere down the road so they'll end up screwing you too. :)
  • only if you had enemies
  • Good. All of us need to be looking out for our backs.
  • How about, don't make enemies.
  • Keep your friends close and your enemies within handgun range. : )
  • i agree:)
  • great advice!!!
  • Brilliant advice.
  • BAD would the US want to keep the terrorists closer than its citizens?!?!?
  • Terrible advice, I say find a way to put your enemies in jail so you can spend your free time enjoying your friends and the short time you have left here on this earth.
  • good advice if you have your friends close thats good but to keep your enemies closer for the purpose of having more on them then they have on you so don't have to worry about them
  • Very good saying. I agree.
  • Goes hand in hand with "The best defense is a good offense."
  • yeah, if you're close you might convert them into friends :) if not, at least they're close enough for you to maul them >:)

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