my parents, my grandparents, and a lot of my parent's friends have been married that long. i don't have to ask - i can see that they love each other and get along. i could stay married that long, provided i meet someone i could love that much.
My parents, my grandparents...the other grandparents... My aunt and uncle...the other aunt and uncle... "With love" - and they dont just divorce...when trouble arises...they come up with a solution...and they dont let money...or stress...or a impulse ruin their marriage...Thats just nonsense. I see myself still married when im 90-100...or till I die...i suppose.
I do know some couples who have done that. It seems like they fall into two general groups: - Those who are very well matched. - Those who are nearly dead. The latter group includes those who are physically healthy, but so suppressed and lifeless that they just couldn't muster the wherewithal to get out of a failed marriage.
My parents are going on 60 years. From what I can tell, the secret seems to be truly meaning what you say during your wedding vows, and sticking by them every day. When they got married, marriage wasn't generally seen as a temporary situation, something fine to do for now, but which can be easily shrugged off when the novelty wears off.
My sister and her husband has been married for quite some time, I don't think its been thirty years but I always remembered one of them saying that communication is key. I've been married 8 years come July 14th and I believe we will be together until one of us die or we die together because we have God in our marriage. We try to always put the Lord first in both of our lives and when we do we certainly notice the difference.
My dad and the mother were married for close to 75 yrs. They stayed that way for convenience, the same reason they married in the first place.:)
My grandparents were married 68 years. I never asked them because I know. They were determined when they got married to make it work and never give up and they did until one of them died. I am 38 and no prospects so I see that as almost impossible for me
My parents. Their answer is simple: Good cooking and great sex!
I know lots of folks who've been married 30 years plus. I've been married for 24 years.
my grandma and grandpa have been married for like 45 years so yeah I know someone
My parents are close to that number. Honestly, it's simply about not giving up when troubles arise. As long as their is love, their is a way through anything.
yes, they all said basically the same thing (in different words) put the feelings and needs of the other ahead of your own. if you both do this, you cant go wrong. Can I do this? I believ so since i always put others ahead of myself anyway.
I also know a few couples, but two of them have been really happy. Both of them communicate very well (I mean communicate, not talk), are very honest to each other, trust in God, always respect each other through their facts, they care about ecah other a lot. They are strong families... when me and my husband go through rough moments we use to spend a few days to one of these families and we always find there the solutions we need.
Yes, my parents. And I'd very much like to emulate them. I think I'll wind up in a lifelong relationship.
My parents were married over 50 years. And they loved each other until they died. I don't think that Aris's and my relationship will last that long, because WE won't last that long. But I will love him forever.
My next door neighbors are at 35 years, my wife and I passed the 20 year mark last year. My parents? You'll love this one: Mom has been married 4 times and divorced 4 times. She's currently living with the last one she divorced. (It's a long story.) The theme for her last wedding was: "May the Fourth Be With You." My father is the runner up at two divorces and three marriages. My Mother in law, surely a n00b in this contest was married once and divorced once, but my Father in law, an Episcopalian priest, was married and divorced 4 times. So you see, it's really remarkable that we have stayed together.
Yes I know a lot of couples that have been together over 30 years.
Oh yes. I'm nearly there. My parents are there and the majority of my aunts and uncles. My husband's parents made it past 50 until death parted them. All my siblings have been married for decades. I think it runs in families. People learn how to have a good marriage by seeing one in action. That's the true tragedy of today. +5
Mine has seen 25 so far - I guess we can make it to 30.
I have been married for 35 years. You see, it is this little thing called a vow. I took it , gave my word and my word is good. So, we are together 35 years. It has been a wild ride but we are doing it together
Thankfully, yes, yes, & yes. My parents & my husbands' parents have stayed together this long because of love & commitment to each other. What a great heritage they've passed along to me & my husband of 20+ years! (THANKS, Mom & Dad & Inlaws!!)
Let's see, there' and Hubby. We will celebrate our 35th this year, and still going strong. My parents were married 45 years before they died, his parents are celebrating their 62nd this year, his sister and her husband are in their 30th year now. All my Aunts and Uncles on both sides were married in the late 1940's and stayed married until they died, or are still going strong, and all Hubby's Aunts and Uncles are also still married, 30 - 40 - 50 years, or passed on. Most of my cousins (a couple of dozen) are still married to their original partners. I only know of three or four people in my family who can't seem to stay married. Edit: I forgot the "How to" part. In any argument there must never be a loser and a winner. You either forget it, or agree on it.
My husband's grandparents have been married for well over 50 years now, and if you ask Grandma, it's because they sleep in separate bedrooms. ^_^ (Grandpa snores. To the point that it's comical.) Everyone else I know that has been married that long are members of my stepfather's family. And they stay together because they honestly believe they will go to hell if they get divorced. These same people all got married at the age of 17 and younger, because it was dishonorable to date for too long without getting married. Yeah. Oh! And yes, I hope to be married to my husband for that long at least. ^_^ But it will be because we want to - because we are best friends, and have been since before we dated.
I don't believe it's all that hard to stay in love once you really commit to falling and being in love.
My grandparents, my grandfather said it was because he always let grammi have her way, and grammi said because she always let pops have his way.:):)
yes, i can honestly say that i know many couples that have been married for more than 30 parents are at 52 years, and many couples at church...i have many uncles that died after celebrating 40-50 even 60 years of marriage. i am not sure i want to be married and if got married today, i don't know if i'd live long enough to see a 30 year anniversary.
I've know scores of couples who have shared decades together...far more than those who have called upon a divorce lawyer. My Mom and Dad were happily married for some 57 years when Mom passed away. Broken hearted at the loss of his mate, my Dad anxiously followed her to his grave within two years afterwards. In my large family several have been married longer than 30 years, and there is only one who has been divorced. Even his current marriage exceeds three decades. My s/o and I have shared our wonderful relationship for over 36 years, now. Those years have literally flown by. +5
27 or 28 years my parents (I know not exactly 30, but pretty damn close)
Wife and i have been married 43 years. The name of the marriage game is respect for each other. Once the respect is gone, so is the marriage. Wife and i have so much in common, its like looking at each other and seeing each other. If we had a problem, we did not run home to our parents. we stayed together and worked it out, together. We have always considered ourselves as one person against the world. we are a team that can fight anything that comes down the highway. Being married is like working a third job. you have to work at your marriage for the marriage to work. And, never go to bed with an arguement unresolved. it will be much worse the next morning.
I and my wife. Married August 10, 1970 we are 38 years and counting. And we were married for Time and Eternity. No "Til death do us part" automatic divorce clause in there. . How? 1) We love each other. 2) Commitment. We never ask about our marriage: Will this work? but rather "What must we do to MAKE this work." and we do it, together. 3) It's never "your fault" or "my fault". It's "our problem" and we work together to find a solution that fits our needs. 4) To keep your marriage brimming With love in the loving cup, Whenever you're wrong, admit it. Whenever you're right, shut up!
My parents. Having lived with them, I would say it is out of mutual respect. I can only hope.
My grandparents recently had their 50 years anniversary. Also, my parents have been together for close to 30 years by now, although they've only been married for 13 or so. I suppose they just love eachother and wouldn't be able to live on their own.
Ya my parents, gran parents, all my aunts and uncles. My boyfriends parents are pushing 30 years. I know a lot of couples that are together 30 years +++ Divorce isnt really all too common in Ireland tho. Mainly because 1. It wasnt legal before 1997 so people that got married before that knew it really was forever and 2. People tend to get married a bit older 28-35
My parents are married for last 26 years and they were each other's first love and it was the first relationship for both.I've seen their love growing with time.There were time,they could have easily got seperated but,they worked against all odds and made the relationship work better.I'd say were not just lucky but,they were sensible and had true feeling for each other. . When situation was tough it bonded them closer.They didn't give any space to distrust or didn't give any problem a scope to overwhelm their love life. . I'd say both of them worked equally well balanced to make it successful.Had anyone of them had been unwilling,today the story might have been different. . Yes,I have their blood in me and I do believe that I can make it provided the person withwhom I'm in relationship thinks in the same manner as I do.It works both ways.A single person can't help much.
Friends of mine were Bf & Gf at age 12. They married in 1976 and are still wonderfully happy today. They have never ever dated anyone else in their lives. I firmly believe with those two, when the time comes and one passes on, the other will definitely follow soon. I believe that TRUE love, loyalty and trust is found in our youth.
A bunch of my grandparents, greatgrandparents, aunts and uncles have been married for over 30yrs. They were commited to making their relationship work. Through thick and thin they worked it out and stayed together even when they wanted to strangle each other. lol It is a commitment that my family specifically takes seriously.
Yes. I know of more than one couple who has been married for over 30 years, actually. Did I ask them? I might have. My guess is that they stayed together so long because they know how to take their vows seriously, unlike a lot of people who just break the promises they made on their wedding day. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can have a relationship that will last that long provided neither one of us dies first. I'm not a big fan of divorce. Even if someone gets divorced, I still view that person as married to his or her "ex-wife/husband". I wouldn't even KNOWINGLY date a divorced person if his or her ex-wife/husband is still alive.
There's an 'ole saying about marriage that I happen to agree with. It goes like this: "Go into marriage with your eyes wide-open. After you're married, keep them half-shut!" Me thinks that's how MOST long-term marriages work !
Yep... My parents: 56 years, May 30, 2009... My grandparents: 55 years, 6 months before my grandfather died in 1986... My uncle and aunt: will be 50 years December 20, 2009... My aunt's parents: 59 years before he died in 1997... My other uncle and aunt: 34 years before she died in 2000
My parents were married over 40 years at the time my father died. I have some co-workers who have been married over 30 years. My parents never had shouting matches, always calmly discussed anything that bothered them. They never let little things bother them. I could have that type of relationship if I could find my match.
my parents, some of my aunts and uncles...+5.
my parents are married 46 years i think you know its love when you can stick someone that long ......
i know a couple that's together from 1949 year.. lol so about 60 years)))) they r my grandparetns.. and they still love each other and r very very happy)))
By best friend ~ 44 years My husband & I ~ 42 years Ya gotta have a lot of forgiveness, humor, love, respect and patients.
My in laws - 48 years and counting. Seem to have as much fun and laughter in their relationship as when they first met. They are inspirational
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