With some, alcohol ignites certain wires in the brain that bring out aggression. Some people get liquid courage when they drink and feel the need to get nasty for some reason. I dont drink anymore with the exception of an occasional glass of wine with dinner now and then. I never felt the need to be violent or aggresssive towards anyone. I just dont understand that.
Indeed, alcohol truly is liquid courage. But you can always counteract its effects by finding someone bigger, meaner, and more drunk than you.
It's undos our supreme humanity, and within our potential to be animalistic, violence could be an result
I think a lot of the time it is pent-up aggression that has built up but been kept sublimated under control in day-to-day life, and alcohol relaxes this self-control and lets it all out.
When a person is drunk,his blood alcohol level rises.If it get's to 5% then it's almost RIP for him. Alcohol percentage in blood increases a person's reaction time.It doesn't give the brain time to react accordingly to situation and when horribly drunk,it results in switching of emotions.And there's where violence starts. .. Some people are really don't get violent under any circumstances.Actually it's not the alcohol that makes a person violent.It's their violent nature supressed inside them that come's out due to switching of emotions.Hence they bahave akward and insane.
Most of us? Certainly not me, nor the people I drink with. We're the friendliest bunch of people on planet Earth when we're drunk. A little bit 'too' friendly when it comes to the ladies, too, if you know what I mean xD
Some people get silly when intoxicated, others violent. Alcohol affects everyone differently. It depresses the brain and blocks the normal inhibitions that are considered the societal norm, thereby letting out ids act out, so to speak.
Only Quervo Gold does that to me. I can drink almost anything else but tequila and be just fine. Tequila makes me want to fight.
It brings out the side of you, you never though was there.
I suspect that you are experiencing an Eastern USA phenomena. When was a boy I lived in Western New York and it seemed that every boy in High School was picking a fight with me to prove he was tough. My parents moved us to Phoenix, AZ and the new High School was a social shock. No one wanted to fight, everyone was most friendly. My conversations with others from the East over the years have confirmed the general aggressive nature of the Eastern States, drunk or sober they all want to be gangsters. You just need to drink in the West, I'll keep a beer cold for you.
Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people? Alchohal used to make me and my friends happy and silly. "I love you man! You're the greatest!"
Getting drunk makes you sloppy thats why i dont like to get all the way drunk. just buzz'd =)
People don't know what the hell they're doing.. Anger is triggered easily.. Built up agression come out.. Alcohol is a depressant... I could go on but wont
That's interesting. I have a friend who is, quite frankly, an uptight jackass under normal circumstances (he has his good points, which is why he's my friend). But he turns into sentimental sweetheart when he drinks. It's something many of us have talked about, and worries us a little, actually, since we're worried that the fact alcohol has a positive impact on his personality might turn us into codependents.
It does`nt do that to me, when I drink light liquor I get silly and laugh at everything, wine I can also get silly and beer I get tired but happy
yeah not me..... alcohol chills me out and helps me stop thinking so much. I relax. My personality rarely changes although although if it does, I'm just a little happier... Rum especially chills me out, tequila makes me happy. wine gives me a headache. beer i don't change much at all, although after alot maybe my speech starts to slur a little!? eventually with all alcohol i just fall asleep....
Why does everyone keep calling my habitual drunken date rapes "violent"? I prefer to see it as agressive love-making that may or may not be memorable.
Not in my experience nor in those with whom I socialize do I experience a "violent side." None of us are alcoholics or boneheads, so perhaps that's the key...
Alcohol doesn't do that with me. It just loosens my inhibitions (to where I don't care whether or not other people like my dancing) and makes me tired.
Alcohol does not impact everyone in that way, though it frequently does. Most often, its the alcoholics that will act rageful when drunk, as opposed to someone who goes out at gets drunk once in a while. Alcohol decreases inhibitions and make make underlying emotions appear stronger. The biggest contributing factor is that when you drink, you are impacting the frontal cortex of the brain, the seat of rational thinking and good decision making. So when you're drunk you may very well act in ways you wouldn't normally.
I think it's because it emerges suppressed emotion, and as most of us are law abiding citizens, violence and anger which we otherwise keep welled up surfaces. The opposite is true though, some people get really happy and all, maybe because they suppress that from their daily lives. I think basically, alcohol shows your true self, although vaguely, since your actions are amplified by intoxicated perception. :/
Alcohol removes inhibitions...period. If you have violent tendencies they will come out. If you have a jovial'll be laughing. If you're affectionate...well know.
Maybe because we have a wild animal inside that we control when we are sober but lose control of the reins when we drink and the beast gets loose?
I don't get angry when I'm drunk :)
Its because alcohol increases your energy level but at the same time weakens your nervous system. That causes the body to go unstable and makes people look violent.
NOt me. I tend to get giggly and silly, or I go to sleep after a few glasses.
Not my experience at all, Zack. I know of no one of whom that is true. Jim, I, our family/friends simply get relaxed, a bit more talkative and jolly and ultimately sleepy. The people of whom your question would be true sound like very angry people waiting for any excuse to unleash that anger. Sounds dangerous to me and very sad.
I CANNOT drink Tequila without becoming very violent. I start fights, beat things that dont need to be beat, lose my temper over wierd things, and if you try and have sex with me it will happen but YOU won't enjoy it. I think I have violent tendencies, and drinking just uncovers what is lurking beneath...
Because guzzlers of alcohol are fighting demons and everyone becomes a demon to a drunkard.
Well for me it just makes me more loving
that usually only happens to most people when they are already mad , upset or depresed before they start drinking and the alcohol relaxes them enough to show it.
alcohol works as a depressant and can make the person very irrtable and agrey or possibly sad
Gin makes me want to kill people. Everything else makes me extremely happy, then burn out and want to sleep! It depends on the person.
well really it's like a demon deep down inside waiting to come out, so when you drink your bad side comes out. the one that says i dont give a shit about this or i dont give a shit if i get a damn ticket for speeding. drinking is fun for the most part but when you go to far your just edging the violent side to come out.
a person who is drunk haved more alcohol intake than what a normal person should haved in his body.thats why it control his brain and emotion and bring back to his mind sad event.and most oftentimes make him violent.and fearless.
Cause we control our violent side always. And when we're drunk,we can't control ourselves and eventually lose the control of anger and violence.
Not me. I'm a happy drunk.
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