• :) Smile, Happy, Laugh : ) Smiley without a nose :-) Smiley with a nose :-D Wide smile :-> Sarcastic smile :-( Sad :'( Crying >:o Angry :-{ Mustache :-< Fu-man-chu :- Skeptical ;) Winking happy face B-) User wearing glasses 8-) wide-eyed, excited :D Laughter =-0 Surprised :-i User is smoking :~i more smoking :~j Smoking and smiling :-! more smoking : / i no smoking :-y Said with a smile :-X Lips are sealed :-P Bratty :-: Toothless :-| Indifferent :-B User has overbite (-: User is left-handed 3:] Pet smile 3:[ Pet frown d:-) Smiley with cap {:-) Smiley with wig +:-) Smiley priest =:-) Smiley punk rocker >:-> Devilish smiley 0:-) Angel >;-> Winking, devilish :-* Kiss :-{} big lips
  • Usually, to indicate some sort of action, I see people using "*...*" around their words (e.g., *raises glass for toast*). Of course, you could go with the standard "XO" for hugs and kisses.
  • Meet me at Adult AB in half an hour and I'll show you!:)
  • ............... ...........b...A ...........$b..Vb. ...........'$b..V$b. ............$$b..V$$b. ............'$$b..V$$$$oo oooooo.. .............'$$P*.V$$$$$ ""**$$$b......o$$P ..............."..oooZ$$$ $b..o$$$$$$$$$$$$C ...............$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$b. ..............$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ..........o$$$o$$$$$$$$P" "*$$$$$$$$$P""" *$$$P ........$$$**$$$$P"q$C... ."$$$b.........$$P .......$$P..."$$$b.." $....$$$$$b.......*" .......$$......$$$......" ***$$$$$$$b..A. .......V$b.....Z$$b........... "*$$$$$b$$: ........V$$..."*$$$b...b. ........."$$$$$ ........."$$b....."* $...*b.........."$$$b ..........."$$b......" L.."$$o........."*" ............."*$$o....... .."*$$o............o$$$$$ $$$b. ................."*$$b... ....."$$b.........$$$$$*" ...""*. ....................."*$$ o......."$$$o.....$$$$$' ......................."$ $o......."$$$b..."$$ $$......oo.. ........................." $b......."$$$$b.."$$ $$$$$P*"""" " .........................." $$......."$$$$b.."$$ $$P" .........................L." $........$$$$$...$$$$ ..........................$$$; ......o$$$$$$..$$$$ .........$.l.............." $$'.....$$$$$$$P..$$$P ......I..$b.b.'.......... .."P....P*""*$$ $$;..$$$ ....$P..$$o."..".... ........".."......$$ $$...$$; ...$$;..$$$.."A."$.. "........'.......o$$ $P...$P ..$$$b..$$$$..*$.."$$$$o. ...........$$$$P...$" .$$$$$..$$$$$.."$$o." **$$$$o.'...o$$$$P". ...P $$P"$$b.$$$$$$o.."*$ $$$boooooc$$$$$$$P".... $$..$$$."$$$"*$$.... "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$C...o" I"..$P"$."$$b.. "*$....."**$$$$$*" *$$$$$$$" '...$.."$."$$$. ...""'......... ....."*$$* ....$...."."$$$$o ...."I......."$$$$b. .. ................"$$$b." $o. .................."*$$." $$$o. ...................."$$o. $$$$b. .....................'$$o '$$$$$b. ........ .............'$$ .'$$$**$o .......................'$ $.$$$..'$$ ........................$$;.$$ $o.."$. ........................" $:.$$."*o..". .....................L...$$.$P ....l..'. .....................$...$$.$; .....................;$.$$P.$ ....................."$$$ $.P' ......................$$$;: ......................$$P .....................o$P .....................$P .....................I
  • How to make happey faces. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

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