• if it's just a bee? nah. I was that girl in school who would pour juice in my palm to lure a bee out of the building. Wasps? hell yes. freak out time.
  • god i wish i could sit as cool as a cucumber! I'm the girl that would accidentally run in front of a bus cause im trying to get away from the bee!!!
  • I freak out ... especially when I'm in the car!
  • Bees? No, I Like bees, but yellow jackets, I get as far away as I can!
  • Why wouldn't I be.
  • No I do not freak out. If I stay still I am very unlikely to be stung. The Bee will die if it stings me I will just be sore for a while.
  • I'm fine, so long as it's not trying to get into my mouth or ears.
  • I don't freak out but I do tend to move and avoid the bee as I ma allergic to their stings.
  • I freak out because I have been stung many times when I was a kid and those memories of them are painful. I remember my arm swelling up so big It looked like a giant cabbage patch kids arm and I also got stung by a dead bee while walking on the grass and it hurt like hell. I don't mess around when I see a bee or bees, ppl can make fun but I know they can cause some serious damage.
  • I love bees and wasps. Don't freak out about either though I am careful not to bother them.
  • they never freak me out but it bloody annoys me when they hover right infront of your face! just to annoy you!!
  • I'm cool. I was told when I was young that if you didn't move they wouldn't sting you. WRONG!! I was at a picnic and a bumble bee suddenly showed up in front of my face. I sat very still while he stung me between the nostrils. I felt it all though my sinuses. Glad I'm not allergic to them. When I was a kid I was helping on the farm (dad's hobby farm) by hammering, with my new hammer, the staples into the fence posts. Out of the base of one post came a swarm of bumble bees. I was still for about 5 second during which I didn't get stung. But being 5 I took off running and received 13 stings.
  • No. Nothing Good ever happens when I'm jumping around, waving my arms, and shouting like a little school girl. Someone usually gets shot.
  • I just tell them to bugger off!;0)
  • I stay cool and let them pass.
  • I absolutely freak out I am really afraid of them. When I was 20 I got stung and had such a bad allergic reaction I spent nearly three weeks in hospital six days of which I was in intensive care, I really try and avoid being anywhere near them.
  • No. However, I become very careful not to attract its attention because I really hate to get stung.
  • Although it bugs me (haha!) I do not freak out. I usually just wave it away.
  • No, it will only sting if provoked.
  • Ya know. Bee stings really don't hurt that bad. I suppose a bumble bee or something like that would get your attention. Other than that. They're just annoying.
  • I'm rather highly allergic, they don't scare me or anything, but I get the hell out of there pretty quickly.
  • Oh I'm a giant spazzz!
  • Honey bees are really having a tough time of it in past years. I hope they'll be around forever - if not, what will pollinate our food? I have been stung numerous times. Each time I get stung, the reaction is stronger. And no, I don't "run" or freak out, but that business about them not bothering you if you are still is simply not true. They are attracted to certain things; obviously sweets (and not so strangely, they hang around people with high blood sugar), nice smells (perfume in summer can be dangerous). But mostly bees don't bother people much. It is those monster fuzzy bumblers that are kind of aggressive sometimes. Carpenter bees (they have a hard head) can be scary looking, but don't bother people much either. There are these creatures here called Cicada Hunters. They are huge wasps, they are bigger than large locusts - and that is their prey - large locusts. They tend to come around in late summer, early fall when locusts are plentiful. They mostly are not aggressive, except when they get trapped someplace. And they are loud as hell. They do scare me, even when I know what they are all about. As far as mud daubers (hornets) I don't love them, but they eat flies and that is OK with me. And really, they don't want to mess with humans either, but do get pissed when they whack into you. Ah, yes.... warm weather comes and it's time for stinging things.
  • I spaz out! Sometimes it turns out its just a fly too! It must work though because I've never been stung!
  • Hey, were a household of three women...all running in three directions, you would laugh your sock off lol
  • I guess I freak out... if you count screaming and running away as freaking out lol. Sometimes I try to stay still though! My friend has the same reaction, so it's lowkey fun when we're 'attacked' at the same time.
  • I'm pretty cool
  • I try to be cool. I don't think they like people who freak out.
  • Ehhh ahhhh swap jump slappp.... freak out!!!!
  • Cooly kill them. I only get stung when I am minding my own business. Never get stung when killing bees or destroying their nests.
  • yeah no i run like there is fire in my pants, the last time i acted cool like a cucumber i got stung
  • I remember the last time a bee came on me, I ended up literally karate-chopping that sucker to the ground; let's just say it never got back up -_-'. I'm actually a little more calm about it now (it's just the spiders I have a problem with now)
  • I stay cool. In over 50 years i've been stung twice despite growing up on a farm and living among bees most of my life. They don't want to sting, because it means their death. Bees are like every other creature and just want to go about their business. I love having a bee land on me so that i can look at her closely. They are a marvelous testiment to the wisdom of our Creator and are worthy of our respect. Also, we need bees. Something bad is happening to them and we do well to show them extra patience. Our orchard has a hive of earth-dwelling bees which are fascinating to watch. I can sit within a foot of them and they just come and go, pollinating our fruits and berries. I think they might sense our feelings and will treat you very well if you have no fear of or malice toward them. They can't love as we do, but they seem to react to our attitude. Be nice to them and they will return the favor.
  • I am cool! I was raised around bee hives! I never smash them. If bees go extinct we all die!
  • Bee's don't freak me out, fire ants do! I'm cool with bee's.
  • Cool as a cucumber I don't bother the bees they don't bother me.

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