• Oppose Why?! Smoking people have their rights too.
  • YES!!! Ban it is a filthy habit! But I suppose they are only putting themselves at risk!
  • Support. Have you ever seen the amount of smoking related trash left at the trails by unconsiderate smokers?
  • I would support it. Parks are about the only outdoor atmospheric refuges in an urban environment. I think when most people go to a park for exercise, they do so with a secondary expectation of having relatively clean air to breathe during those activities. Second-hand smoke is antithetical to that purpose.
  • There is already a smoking ban in force in UK, you can get a fine for smoking in public places..
  • I will definitely support a ban on smoking in outdoor public parks. People must be allowed to breathe free.
  • Oppose.
  • I think we should all let our government tell us what and where to do things, mean while the people who work at the factor where they make cigarettes are losing their jobs if they smoke or not! but whats another million jobs lost..welcome to the USA!!
  • Oppose. I would however support a ban on the politicians who want to micromanage everybody's life while pushing the latest trend! I can't wait until citizens have no rights left....Smokers make an ethical choice of pleasure over life longevity. We're not allowed to choose our own ethics anymore? Who decides whether "longevity" has to be everybody's ultimate value? Yeah, it effects others, but I can't think of one single decision that people make that doesn't effect everyone else, for good or for bad. Next we'll outlaw SUV's hopefully, and becoming rich because it means others have less, and why not drinking? It's a bad influence, and some don't handle it responsibly....
  • Support. I hate smoking.
  • I would oppose it. What is the point? You may as well ban campfires and BBQ's. They produce far more "pyrogens". Add to this the exhaust from all the vehicles and the smoke from a cigarette or cigar is insignificant. Much silliness.
  • Only if there was already a ban on campfires would I support a ban on smoking-- due to the risk of brush fires. But keep in mind that smokers are the segment of society that litter the most. Cigarette butts are the #1 item picked off the ground by cleaning crews.
  • support. I smoke but i keep it entirely in my car. I think public buildings (ie; gov or university) should have it banned and that privately owned buildings (ie; restaurants or bars) should be allowed to choose of their own accord. I think public parks would fall under the gov-owned property clause in my setup
  • Yes!! I Strongly support it!! Because, all are having right of using clean air, wind nature.
  • I oppose. I can see banning smoking in most indoor places where the public goes. But outside in a park, is ridiculous. Outside, there is more then enough fresh air to make up for any smokers. I oppose the banning of smoking in bars too.
  • I would support.....
  • Oppose
  • oppose.
  • Oppose. Why are smokers singled out for treatment as though they have leprosy? They've been driven entirely out of public buildings in most places (and private as well in some places), now there are regulations on where outside they can smoke? Whats next? Not in your car, not in your house, not ever? Secondhand smoke? Give me a break, I could perhaps buy it in a building (I'll leave aside the dubious proof that it is so harmful) but outdoors, especially in an outdoor park!? If you are that close to the smoker maybe you should put a little distance between yourself and them. I also suspect the air quality in general in a public park in any urban area is probably just as dangerous if not more so than the smoker's secondhand smoke. I do not smoke and find it hard to breathe around smokers but that gives me no right to impose my will on them. Consider also that we have more laws on the books than ever before. Do you really feel safer?
  • I would not care in a park as long as a person doesn't litter her butt.
  • i support it. Its a really bad habit, and parks are for fresh air. How are we supposed to get that fresh air if there are several people smoking? also, if there are younger children around these smokers, it is second hand smoking. Why should children have to inhale this smoke, there are playing outdoors, where the air should be fresh?
  • Oh, for God's sake! How is the fact that someone is smoking in the out of doors going to affect anyone else? Jeeze! Get a LIFE!
  • If it were up to me, I'd make cigarettes illegal and legalize drugs. Those only do harm to the ones that do them while cigarette smoke can affect everybody within range of the smoke. If ever there was a disgusting and unhealthy habit for which others have to pay, that's it!
  • I support a ban on smoking in public parks when there is a large crowd, such as during an outdoor concert.
  • I would / will support a ban on ANY public smoking as I have enough health issues without others giving me their 2nd hand smoke ....
  • Support. Many people now smoking will end up dying from that habit, in a hospital, paid for by taxpayers because they don't have any money. Anything I can do to help people stay alive. I always voted for smoking restrictions even when I was a smoker. And I see more and more teenagers smoking.
  • i would support a smoking ban altogether (but thats because i just quit smoking and it would make life easier for me)imagine the laws we would have if we could make laws to make life easier on ourselves. talk about a double edged sword.
  • No, not as long as the butts are disposed of properly. The people that keep trying to ban smoking in more and more places should be careful what they ask for. What is next. A ban on cologne and after shave? A ban on flatulence? A ban on babies with diapers? Don't kid yourself some scientist will make a connection to cancer for all of the above.
  • I would oppose it.
  • This is how evil works folks: Cultivate fear and hatred at every opportunity. Second hand smoke or not, you're still going to die. You're kids are still going to do things they're not supposed to. And corporations are still going to find ways of poisoning people for profit. Deal with it!
  • If your smoke can be inhaled by another person, You should not be allowed to smoke in that area. If there is nobody around, You should be able to do whatever you want.
  • i would support it and im a smoker why because it would help me quit and not all smokers are behaved when smoke in public place i.e. blowing smoke towards you and such forth
  • No I have emphysema and I can not even walk in the parks because of people smoking that is how bad it is. I think they should have a smoking area only to go to to smoke. They have a right to smoke but I have a right to breath and a smoking area so many feet is ok then both are honored.
  • No, I would not support it. I would not take the right away from them no more than I want them to take a right from me. However, they do need to respect nature and not throw butts wherever they feel like. But that goes for the general garbage too. People don't respect nature.
  • It already banned to smoke inside public places...outside might be different. Love the new Ontario law. Find it strange when im asked to go to smoking/non smoking section in michigan though
  • I would support a ban for the world even though it would reduce the tax base and may hurt some employed by tending to cancer patients.
  • I don't really care but the less smokers in this world the better. There just killing themselves and they stink which is there choice but when they blow there smoke in my face then it becomes my problem as well.
  • Support it of course.
  • I would very strongly oppose it. I am aware tobacco is a filthy habit but I have used it fifty years.In this period of time it seems every pressure group in existence has ben out to restrict some part of my personal freedom.

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