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  • She is self centered, now if you had asked what excuse they try to use, it would be my husband doesnt pay attention to me.
  • She's not happy with her relationship with her husband.
  • dont give her wat she needs..=P
  • She has low self-esteem, she feels like she's taken for granted, she thinks or knows husband is cheating, she no longer wants the marriage but unaware of it/unsure how to end it/afraid to leave, she's fallen in love with someone else, or she's a whore.
  • Because she is bored and wants some strange, same reasons why men cheat.
  • neglect....
  • Opportunity
  • her curiosity
  • I believe a wife cheats because she feels emotionally distant from her husband. Along comes some dude whether it be a neighbor, a co-worker a delivery man and he tells her she looks pretty or she makes him laugh. Then he begins to show more interest in her because he would like to have sex with her and before you know it, he has made an emotional connection with her and she goes to bed with him.
  • 3 Reasons Why Your Wife Will Cheat On You - You Must Be Aware Of These Before It's Too Late There was a time when men used to cheat more than women and women used to get used and abused. But in the present day society there is almost no difference between males and female and females have more or less an equal possibility to cheat. You see it's always better to catch it before it takes place so that you can save yourself from a possible mental torture. Read on to discover some of the major reasons why your wife will cheat on you... Money issues- Every woman wants security in a relationship and one of the major reasons why several relationships break up in the present day and age are due to money issues in the relationships. Money is a very vital part of life no matter how much people might try to deny it. You see financial problems can cause certain issues which might lead to a lot of friction between the couple which could possibly lead to cheating. Not spending enough time with each other- Another reason why your wife might cheat on your might be due to the lack of time you spend with her. Often couples get so involved with work and their daily routine that they are not able to spend enough time with each other which often leads to lack of intimacy which might lead to cheating. Not feeling significant enough- A relationship with no respect in it is bound to end sooner or later therefore often when the woman does not feel appreciated and significant she tries to get emotional revenge by cheating on the husband. You see this is the reason why it's extremely important to show proper appreciation and love towards your wife whenever necessary
  • Selfishness, self-centered, self-importance, self-absorbed, etc. Do you sense a theme here? Cheaters are "about themselves" and could give a shit less about their families, no matter how much "love" they may profess to have for their offspring. If you think that this is someone extracting revenge, you are SADLY mistaken. I have NEVER been cheated on in my life (at least to the best of my knowledge). There is no excuse. Adultery is immoral, or at the very least amoral. Many lower life forms have more self-respect than cheaters. What does that have to say about a human that commits adultery?
  • Lack of consequences for her in event of a divorce.
  • Some guy sweeps her off her feet...... and she falls for it. Well, I'm guessing.
  • either u dont satisfy her emotionally or physically or she is just has self esteem issues
  • attention!!!
  • Lonelyness (usually from the husband spending to much time answering questions on internet and not enough with her...) And a craving for a bigger penis ,,, Both are what she told me ,,!!
  • She is of poor character. There are a million and one excuses, but that is the only real reason someone would cheat.
  • she feels unloved and/or used
  • Because she didn't study.
  • I believe it would be general neglect.
  • Usually it's because she is seeking attention, appreciation, exceptance, and love from the other man that she cheats with. Sexual affairs started by women usually are done to feel an emotional need, not physical. She gives herself sexually because she is having her emotional needs met, knowing how to make your wife feel emotionally fulfilled is vital, because outside affairs/sex is a symptom of a bigger problem, and for women it's usually emotional in nature, whether a need, or maybe a reprecussion from a past hurt.
  • Because she's a woman. We live under the pretext that men are the hunters, for food that is. Women love the man they marry or want until they see something a little better than they have. The mind begins to work and, although she is happy with what she's got, that other would be nice. Her man has given her his best, maybe she can better that. As time goes on, the other side of the fence looks greener, her mind tells her'You can do better than this.' The thrill of seducing a new man, getting him into her bed, is better than any aphrodisiac ??. Once she begins this way of life, there is no stopping her.
  • I think its because women need to feel "needed" and attractive. If another man listens to her and tells her she is attractive if and when she is vulnerable, that would be a time a woman may cheat. I think many women have issues with their husbands not listening or making them feel valued.
  • Because her husband did not make her feel appreciated.
  • because the husband is probably cheating on her.
  • If there’s a failure to communicate – which is so reinforcing to women in terms of intimacy, emotional satisfaction and relationship satisfaction – then women look outside the relationship for that kind of connection. This is the most important reason women cheat. When you’re unhappy or dissatisfied in your relationship, you’re more likely to be tempted to look elsewhere. Another reason is having different interests. When you start doing things separately, your odds of connecting with others who share your interests increase. Women who have false illusions tend to end up cheating because they never really knew the guy to begin with... or hoped he would change. When a woman’s Prince Charming turns out to be a frog, women often cheat in hopes of finding a new prince. Of course...some women are in pretty good marriages – things are good, the kids are fine, the husband’s okay – but she’s bored and needs some excitement. You can be in a relationship with a perfectly wonderful, loving man and still need extra affirmation that 'you’ve got it goin’ on'. Last but not least, if a woman finds out her significant other has been cheating, she may heal those hurt feelings by having sex with another man.
  • me again. Here is a part where the husband is a long haul trucky, friends tell him his wife is playing up. Just think of the agony this man is going through. He has to be away 70% of the time, has to have the money coming through for the kids to eat, go to school etc. He is driving twenty hours a day, wondering where his wife is, is she looking after the kids?? If he stops work to try to sort this lot out, he goes broke, truck payments, government payments, mortgage, school fees, housekeeping plus the money the wife is using so she looks nice for the boyfriend. So, to keep things going he has to ignore what he hears and keep slogging.
  • Her husband ignores her, makes her feel insignificant, disappoints her...
  • More than likely the husband is neglecting her needs. Many times, cheating is caused by a lack of communication and one of the two being lonely.
  • her husband obviously isnt cutting it.
  • Overheating beaver, only tools with knobs will kool it.
  • Revenge
  • either she is bored and wants excitement or she is not getting enough attention and not appreciated...
  • because i make her cook and clean, and she cant study for her final. (hypothetical, ill never marry)
  • Booty call.
  • Hungry Apetite!
  • Quite simple- 80% of the time it's due to something missing within the marriage or within herself.
  • they don't value their marriage enough not to.
  • Lack of a value system, no respect for herself or her husband and no integrity.
  • Boredom or revenge.
  • I read a review by a writer who signed up for a website where you hook up with married women. The writer noted that almost every last one of them said they wanted a 'spark' in their life.
  • because she's a lying whore. i know that sounds harsh and i am only semi-serious, BUT I have heard all kinds of excuses. They are just that. excuses. If you feel sooooooooooooo "neglected" that you think cheating is the get a divorce or how about trying to get help for the marriage to the person you made vows to? Instead they go get laid and try to make it sound so much more noble then when men cheat. A cheater is a cheater.
  • my wife said she cheated because i told her she was fat and noone wanted her,then she proved me wrong when she hurried out to get laid.but i was right also cause she come draggin her ass back for forgiveness cause he wasnt gonna keep i think we both learned something out of this..any1 can get laid&i should have changed the
  • hypothetically speaking.. maybe she's a stay at home mother who get's physically beaten and emotionally abused by her husband and divorce is out of the question as she doesn't have the money to support herself. She meets someone who she takes a liking.. he's nice and respectful and they have great conversations. She slowly develops an attachment to him leading to an emotional affair.. leading to a physical one. but then again.. that's not all too common is it? most likely they feel neglected..
  • Absolutely when she knows for a fact her husband is having an affair or when the husband is always away
  • loneliness
  • Stupidity.
  • -trying out a change -revenge -she gets a chance
  • Whoa, a little unforgiving with some answers here. I will give you a realistic one. If the wife who cheated doesn't feel an ounce of guilt, then she is self centered etc. etc. There are many reasons why people do what they do. I think the best way to say it is that her needs weren't being met. Yes, this drives women to cheat. It is a shame for her to have to fall into a situation of cheating. But yeah, most def. her needs have gone unsatisfied for a long time.
  • Comparison.
  • I believe there r 2 cases 1.It is in her geens,she has a happy mariage but she wants to stick her finger in the honey jar.If she stays unreveiled,everything is great her hundsband will never know.but if something comes out,a strong evidence is needed because there is no way that she will admit it 2.she is lonely,her hundsband is not treating her well,emothionally distress,revenge,etc.With other words marriage has gone bad and because of many reasons she doesn't have the character,dignity or is not on her own interest to be honest and end it up
  • Because she is a slut. If she is a "Coal Burner" you are white and will never give her what she wants, you have got to expect her to be opening her legs for other guys for the rest of her life. Enjoy the non sexual times with her becoming a "Cuckold", or kick her to the kerb.
  • she got tired of her husbands tiny,old dick and wanted a big,fat one.
  • i cheated on my first husband after years of being abused (mentally & physically), partly as a revenge but mostly because i wanted a great excuse to end the relationship. looking back, i know how twisted that sounds but when i was in the midst of it, my brain wasn't thinking clearly. this was years ago and i'm remarried now, to a wonderful guy. i would never, ever cheat on him. as for the most common reasons, i think it's mostly that a woman feels "kicked in a corner" and not appreciated. low self-esteem factors in, too.
  • boredom
  • Because he doesn't obey like he agreed to in his wedding vows ;)
  • revenge feeling unappreaciated
  • well as much as people like to think that its because she is a self-centered whore, this is not always the case.In some cases, her husband abuses her or cheats on her and she can not leave him for reasons involving money or children, and seeks support and love outside the marriage. This is not justifiable as cheating never is, but there can be reasons other than her own self pleasure, but sometimes she is simply some one who for one reason or another can not commit and wants what she wants when she wants it.
  • REvenge or lacks morals and self-esteem.
  • My reason are: Her husband ignores her, disappoints her, More than likely the husband is neglecting her needs. Many times, cheating is caused by a lack of communication and one of the two being lonely. When she knows for a fact her husband is having an affair. Maybe she's a stay at home mother who gets physically & emotionally abused by her husband, then she feels lack of(sex)interest on her husband, and divorce is out of the question as she doesn't have the money, job, home to stay or support herself and kids. He isn't respecting,understanding her. They are out of mind,even they don't know what are they doing to their loved ones and family too. Some husbands are having sex at work place, then when they go home they don't feel like to sleep with their wives. Some husbands are living double life, that they couldn't sleep with their wives.(Some pimps are doing businesses that they steal their husbands&wives from their loved ones for money). Then what can their wives do? Whom they are going to tell their problems? That's the way their wives are making someones friendship,(but what this bastards(some fuckers) are do is taking advantages on Innocent's. This is the way wives life are going to be messy. She doesn't know what to do, if they didn't get support and security from their husbands? That's the way they start to get bitching around breaking someones life, breaking somebody marriages, they are uncontrolled with their mind and heart. They get jealousy on nice families and people life. Then they don't hesitate to do anything?. In a family, husband is a like tree and wife and kids are like branches, if a tree will break down, then how come that branches are stay strong? It's not the wives problems, it's also husbands problems too. If their husbands are not taking care of their wives?, Why would their wives cheat on their husbands?. If our husbands are going to sniff somebody, then their wives are also going to do the same thing to. It's better to take care their families first, then others too. In our family, I have 6 brothers and 3 sisters, they all are taking care their families first then others. This is the lesson I learned from them that how to be a nice wife to be with my husband. I learned a lots of lessons from my families. You will get good answers from MAURY SHOW watch it. I learned a lot about people life that How they are living around like this way? What is wrong with this people? Why they are breaking someones life like this. Why they don't do their own and families businesses instead of messing around everybody life? God Bless Everybody, whoever have problems.
  • My ex was just a slut, but there are many reasons women and men cheat and it isn't always because of sleeze. It really depends of circumstances. I can say my ex was what I say because like the dumbass I was as a kid I married a stripper who liked more than one guy and often at a time. Don't try that at home kids. You'll be sadly disappointed even if it sounds like paradise. Trust me on AINT paradise unless a broken heart has appeal to you...been there, done it. ;)
  • Emotional needs not being met and low self-esteem.
  • the first reason why a wife cheats her husband is that she is hurt, Very often men do not realise they hurt the feeling of their wife. You know woman need affection, she needs care. Somtimes husband ignore their wife, or make them feel they are just a sex machine, so they are disapointed and start looking outside the house
  • She feels she has been used and abused and not appreciated by anyone. Doesnt feel special or loved..
  • a husband with a poor credit rating.
  • Dissatisfaction in her own life. Something is not being fulfilled.
  • The same reason husbands cheat , because they are bored and because they can.
  • Husband is unattentive. Husband does not give with an orgasm when they have sex. Husband is never home to spend time with wife. Women need attention! The crave it, like men do. Husband is off having a fling of his own, with some woman. Woman is depressed and vulnerable.
  • ...lack of intimate attention. really thats it. If she cant get the attention she needs form her husband, including sexual satisfaction... shell find somebody who can...
  • because they get really lazy and cant pleaure her
  • For the EXACT same reason a husband cheats: Because she has no honor.
  • Birth control!
  • loneliness, boredom, revenge
  • The same reason a man does. There is a problem in the relationship that needs to be filled. Somebody comes along and . . . all she wrote.
  • Because she thinks that you have all the aces up your sleeve!
  • not enough attention.... or maybe shes just a hoe!
  • bcuz their husbands dont give them enought attention or they seek new adventures...
  • Loss of passion, not enough in common which allows for connection
  • Neglect
  • no emotional satisfaction.
  • coz she needs to have a better sex, she needs a orgasm may be.
  • Ignoring an attentive wife, lack of appreciation and lack of mutual understanding to a married woman will cause her to find the void in a relationship, cheating is commonly practiced no matter how faithful we are. Temptations are hardly control when you find bettre confort from other that our spouse can't offer.
  • her huspand also cheated :P
  • She fell out of love with her husband and is totlly disgusted with him, not connection...Woman must feel a deep connnection with a man..
  • Circumstances.
  • Because her husband cheated on her, told the other woman he loved her, and the husband won't agree to a divorce or separation. She wants to getthe same kind of love from another man that her asshole excuse of a husband would not give her.
  • When she's not happy and she's bored at home and her husband ignored her to give attention. Most wife can do to find alternative to look attention from other guy what husband can't give.
  • I would say that they are bored and fed up .
  • There are so many reasons why someone would cheat. Maybe she isn't that into you or she wants the thrill of a new relationship. She may actually still love you but feels the need to try something else. She may be addicted to the excitement of cheating or she made a mistake. There are so many other reasons.
  • Because she doesn't love him anymore and is not interested in him anymore
  • The same as for husbands. . . . . .immaturity and insecutiry!
  • The SAME reason husbands do. . . . . . . .immaturity and insecurity!
  • *spat* The inability to he honest, direct and get out of the marriage before fucking around.
  • Lack of affection, Lack of passion, Lack of communication, Lack of sex, Lack of trust, there you have most of the common problems
  • Because she is not getting the emotional things she needs usually. But their are w**res out there that are more like and men and do cheat for physical aspect the same that their are men who cheat for emotional aspect all depends on the situation.

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