Almost all homemade, it's cheaper and better for you.
I mostly make my own. Sometimes I get lazy and get a box of instant dinner. It's amazing how almost bearable a meal can taste when it has all those colorings and thickeners taking the place of real food
I'm no good at cooking, so it's mostly store bought. At least I can prepare that. :/ The only exception is when my boyfriend's mom gives us loads of her homemade food, which is really good, but even then I just reheat it lol.
Both, I go to the store to but fresh items, so I can make it at home, LOL.
Both, I buy me lunch everyday but cook our dinner!
If Bob cooks, home made. If I's his homemade leftovers.
Home made. I hate pre-made boxed foods.
90% home made. I love to cook!
During the school year it is all home made, but when the kids are home while school is out its mostly store bought.
Home made & healthy.
Mostly homemade
Nearly everything is homemade.
Unfortunately it's mostly store bought. I am going to change that though. I am going to cook more often, It's healthier and I save money.
Home made and organic where possible
Home made, with store bought ingredients. :)
mostly homemade. and the extra ingredient i add to everything is love. extra primo good! :)
home made
Homemade, except the frozen pizza's.
For me, I would say 50/50.
Home - made :)
Bought from the store & made at home.
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