• I like to use the round soup spoons.
  • depends on if I am eating soup when I am sick then its in a cup and its chicken noddle, if its winter time then we often have big bowl for dinner and I use teaspoon myself and its homemade soup.
  • Depends on the soup and whether or not I eat it with crackers. Usually either a soup spoon or a tablespoon.
  • i use a tablespoon :)
  • My way of drinking soup will depend on its occasion and venue. If it is at home, I would not observe formality and drink the soup directly from the soup container. However if it is a formal setting I would use a tablespoon for my soup.
  • I drink Japanese miso soup from a cup. I like to sip broths that way too. For more solid soups, I use a bowl and a tablespoon.
  • Oops, another duplicate answer, I'm afraid. Sorry. :(
  • Oddly enough, I use a soup spoon. :)
  • I use whatever spoon I grab first
  • If it's at home and part of the "comfort food" thing .. like tomato soup to go with that grilled cheese sandwich? Then the soup goes directly into an oversized mug and I drink it. If still at home, but it has lots of .. er .. bits in it .. meat, vegetables, noodles, etc .. then I'll go for a bowl and a tablespoon. If out at a restaurant, then they'll typically bring along a soup spoon. No matter .. soup is a good thing. LOL
  • Tablespoon!
  • Depends on what kind of soup. If it's your regular soup I love using a rounded bowl tablespoon (sometimes called a gumbo spoon by silverware makers), not those oval shaped ones. And if it's an Asian soup, I love changing to an Asian soup spoon, those little ones made from porcelain. And if it's a cold dessert soup I like to use a good sized teaspoon or a gumbo spoon if there are chunks of fruit.
  • i soak it up with bread mostly and sip it from the bowl
  • i use a tablespoon.:)
  • Am I weird? I use a soup spoon!
  • My favorite is a soup mug, but we do have soup spoons, also.
  • I do, in fact, use a SOUP spoon! <grinz>
  • If available, I use the soup spoon // 2nd choice is the tablespoon. If soup is served in a mug,then I'll drink it.
  • I use a soup spoon!
  • I ran into this question when I moved to the UK... Now, as most of us know, these things vary from country to country, so I'm going to cover some of the basics. In the US, formally, you should eat your soup with a soup spoon. Lacking that, a dessert spoon is considered the next most proper. In a situation where your choices are what you listed, a tablespoon is only supposed to be used for serving, a teaspoon is the most proper, and drinking out of your bowl is a big no-no. I've found that in the UK, the tablespoon would be what you'd be most likely given, and drinking soup is ok, if it's a purely liquid soup.
  • I always use a soup spoon! I know there are situations (?) when it is acceptable to raise the container/bowl/cup and drink the soup from it, but probably wouldn't feel comfortable doing so ..... unless everyone else were doing the same. The best advice is to first take a casual glance around the table/dining room, and see what most others are doing. When in Rome, do as the Romans.
  • Depends on the soup and where I'm eating it. . When I eat with guests, as a guest or at a restaurant I use a tablespoon. . In other situations, if the soup is just liquid I often just drink it from the container. Or use a tablespoon when there are veggies inside.
  • None.. I use a soup spoon! =)
  • You forgot: "Put your face down in the trough and just slurp it up. Keep your elbows spread to keep the other piggies away." I use one of my favorite two soup spoons in the world: the ones that Mom and Dad had at the ends of their lives.
  • It depends if I'm in a restaurant or at home. If I'm at home, I usually hold up the bowl and drink the remaining contents. But if I'm at a restaurant, I use my manners- spoon.
  • Tea spoon. +5

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