• A full circle is 360 degrees, sooooo.... 360 / 24 = HOMEWORK TIME :-)
  • By "each angle" you must mean each EXTERNAL angle, meaning that the angles INSIDE the polygon are 180-24 = 156 degrees. It's the external angles, however, that are the key to calculating the number of sides, as suggested in another answer. You can figure it out...!
  • From what I remember, the internal angles of any regular polygon with more than 3 sides always total 360º. Your answer is 360/24.
  • 15 360÷24 = 15
  • It would be impossible for a polygon to have exterior angles all of 24 degrees.
  • 15 = 360/24 Draw a circle and its horizontal diameter. From the left intersection of the circle with its diameter, draw two symmetrical lines at 12° angle with the diameter. One cuts the circle again on the upward right, the other on the downward right. This figure can be rotated 15 times around the center before it comes there again. It generates the polygon. (The diameters are only construction lines).

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