• Well there are lots of things I'd like to achieve; not so much things for myself anymore (I'm getting kind of old for big personal goals) but for my family and others in my life. This might seem like a strange way of answering, but really there's a sense of "shared identity" with other people that drives this. I practice Zen, and the focus of that practice is sometimes stated as "realizing true self". By "true self", we don't mean what most people mean -- some kind of fixed entity living inside your head which is hidden from view and needs to be uncovered. True self is "connected self" -- a sense of identity which goes beyond just me-myself-and-I, and pulls in others in the process. Ultimately, true self is connected with all of life. So it's completely sensible from that perspective to "want to acheive things for others". To have a sense that the lives of those you care about are moving toward a good place, producing accomplishments, etc. This is a very satisfying place from which to view life. And there are things for me to actually DO in this arena, mostly trying to be helpful in various ways. So I want my wife to succeed in her career as a therapist, I want the kids to do well in their careers and have families, I'd like some of my siblings to resolve their personal problems and live healthier lives, I even have some pretty clear goals for some of my friends here on the 'bag. It's a pretty big list when all added up.
  • Graduating as a doctor. Making a difference to peoples' lives in a good way. Family and fatherhood. Not necessarily in that order.
  • Patent my engine. Marry that girl. And the end of my "life movie" will be me driving towards the sunset...
  • To save another life.
  • Reach level 50.
  • World Domination!
  • 1) I want a wife and kids. 1 1/2) Continued spiritual growth. 2) Become more established in my career. 3) Get an advanced degree.
  • Well for starters I want to finish off the twelve pack in my fridge. Hey, that counts as a minor achievement!
  • I just want to be a good person and feel OK about how I approach stuff.
  • I want to get the most of my education, get a great job, make some money, get married, and start a family.
  • I think that i would want to achieve being in the world cup or being a comedian.
  • PEACE, HAPPINESS and TRANQUILITY for all, I am just a reborn hippy at heart
  • For my family and friends to be proud of me and happy to know me. For them all to feel how much they are loved by me.
  • i want to become the best nurse, wife, and mother possible. i want to maybe use my skills and go to other countries and help others in need. and like ive mentioned in other posts... maybe start my own program to help people.
  • God's will be done
  • Total happiness for me, my family and those around me and to contribute something useful to society.
  • World peace.
  • A few things actually. Finish my nursing agree and be the best mommy I can be.
  • ♪♫ I wanna rock! ♪♫ (Twisted Sister) Sorry, that popped into my head. Other than be comfortable and reasonably happy, not much.
  • be a stay at home mom. Teach kids. Oh wait, I already do that!
  • Be the best I could be with whatever I choose to do.
  • Do whatever I have to do to get to the top.
  • I want to settle down and have my own family :) Also, i want to train to be a paremedic!
  • Be who I am and continue to enjoy life with my family and friends, your included too - twisted... :-)
  • Learn and experience allllll I could :D I just think that life's so short and there's so much to find out before it's over... I want to know it all and live it all!
  • Happiness and I have!
  • id like to be able to find a job so i can achieve something with my life except noone wants to hire me
    • Joreta Cherry
      no one
  • be able to experience what every other person takes for granted. A wife/ husband, kids, a house, money, job, healthcare, ira, car, etc

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