• Talk to a lawyer now. Document your son's behavior as well as anything his father does that seems weird. The lawyer may be able to refer you to someone schooled in child behavior or you may need a guardian ad litem to see if something is wrong there.
  • Your child is two and extremely bonded to you as his mother. When his father takes him out of his home to an unfamiliar situation it's normal for him to be upset. You might be slightly over-reacting? If you think there is some kind of abuse going on, check your baby over as soon as he comes home. Ask for an explanation from you ex for an bruises you are concerned about. Children do fall and get hurt you know. He's probaly just not used to it and misses mommy?
  • I am in the same situation. Yes, If there are marks on the child (not normal every day type toddler marks)take pictures first of all, question what has happened and keep record of everything. If you think there is abuse going on report it to the police and a your lawyer. Then go to court and fight for full custody. They will not let a two year old say he/she doesn't want to go with a parent. My daughter is very attached to me and she does not like going. But she doesn't show any signs of abuse and there is nothing I can do but let her go and worry while she is gone.
  • I think I would take your son to a child therapist. They ae very clever in finding out about what the child's problem is. If you think there is some type of abuse going on I am sure that these professionals are adept in discovering what it is. Good luck to you.

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