• Gestation is 63 days, or 9 weeks give or take. Usually before you can feel the tummy area getting larger, their nipples change, they get larger and hard.
  • I've been wondering the same thing, my dog is in heat and an of our dogs... well let's just say some puppies may be on the way. but this is the most helpful informat i found: She will get bigger around 4-5 weeks if she is a small dog or 5-8 weeks along if she is a bigger breed dog. She will get lazier and lay around more. She may get sick and vomit or experience a temperament change. Around 6 weeks they tend to lose their appetite for awhile. They want smaller meals and urinate more due to the growing uterus squishing everything else. They dig and scratch as if making a nest for their pups. Around the last week their nipples fill up with milk. If your female went into heat and didn't get bred she might still show all these signs without being pregnant. To rule out this "false pregnancy" for cheap you can get a dog pregnancy test at the vet for $20-$30. If you don't have the money for that you just have to wait and see if she has pups 58-66 days prior to mating. You need to be with your dog as she has pups and call the vet if something goes wrong. If you don't it could result in death. Labor includes pain and often the dog looks like she needs help when she really doesn't and people end up trying to help and messing everything up so you need to know what to expect. To find out what to expect on the birth of pups go to: Good luck!
  • how long does it take for a dog to have pups. And do you need to carry dog to vet to be examinied.

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