• Oh, sweetie, I'm glad you got out okay. From experience I would say you still think about him so much because he was a huge part of your life even though he was negative. It still hurts just as much because your still keeping his memory very fresh. Get with some friends and blow off some steam, try journaling about the bad and the good to get it out of your system and celebrate yourself!
  • This is a very good question, dear! Lots of folks go through that. One of the main reasons why is due to a co-dependent outlook on your relationship, combined with a strong aversion to being alone. Many people have been sold a bill of goods by hollywood (you complete me, what's wrong with me - I'm all alone). The truth is that being alone should be a time of comfort and solace, not an indication that something is wrong with you!!!! I was like that up until about 13 years ago. Then I learned that I am perfect just the way God made me. I don't need "fixing" and I am really pretty awesome, minus a few things I continue working on. Before we can be a wonderful partner for someone, we first must be able to emotionally stand on our own two feet. I can't emphasize that enough! Most people look for the person who will complete them and are disappointed over and over again because the relationships fall apart. They thing they are cursed!
  • well it's because despite all of your boyfriend's problems and abusiveness, you still had feelings for him. It's perfectly natural, and it's one of the reasons why people stay in horrible and abusive relationships. Even physically abusive relationships. What you've got to realize is that you stronger than that. You were strong enough to realize that this relationship was unhealthy, and you were strong enough to end your relationship despite your strong feelings for him. Time will heal, but if it doesn't such as in your case, it may be because on some level, you haven't really given up on your "relationship". On some level, you're not believing that it's truly over. Where you ended it, maybe you're unsure if it was the right thing to do. Time will heal if you can really believe on every level that it is over forever, and no matter what. You can really help it along if you find someone else to go out with. Another relationship will really take the pressure off of this one. Trust me!
  • It doesnt sound like you completly let go. I think first, you have to forgive yourself. Realize it wasnt your fault. Then realize how important you're truly worth and that you deserve so much better then the guy you were with. Realize that you were lucky to get out and that you are a strong person and have alot to offer. You dont need him i nyour life and can find someone so much better than him. I think its all about building your self-esteem up and becoming idependant (if you arent) and seperating yourself from him (or thoughts from him). Like newlywed said, I'm glad you got out ok.
  • You are Still in Love with him! You think about him everyday, and cannot get him off your mind. It is very very hard, just to put the brakes on and say "I don't love him anymore" because down deep you know that you do. You were with him for two and a half years and it is almost impossible just to walk away. You are a very strong woman just to end it, after being in a relationship for that long. Try and talk to your friends about what happened, talking to someone will help you a Great deal, tell them all about the relationship that you had with him, all the mental and emotional abuse you had to encounter. Tell them everything that you went through, get it off your chest it will help you forget about him if someone knows all the abuse you took. Maybe you could try and talk to a professional, a psychologist would help you very much, maybe it would be easier to talk to someone that you do not know! Treat yourself to a night out with the girls, get all dolled up, and have a good time, you probably will meet someone that you would like to spend time with, you are a very attractive lady, strutt your stuff, I am sure someone will notice your inner beauty and how attractive you are. Just try and get him out of your thoughts. I wish you the Best of Luck!!
  • I was a complete and udder asshole to my ex.I am an alcoholic,sober for 6 yrs now thanks to the good Lord. My ex and i speak from time to time now and she told me she took my picture,put it on a dart board,and filled it full of holes.Sounds crazy but she said it helped when she started to think about and get angry at me.
  • You might still be thinking about the 'better' times and also the company!! I would do as many others say/do... be with your friends. (Put it (Past) in a box in the back of your mind and open the next box you want to fill! Take your time and find your Soul Mate!
  • Maybe because its in your nature to fix problems and your blaming yourself because you couldn't help him. When in all reality you did the best thing you could do for him, by not standing by him. Remember you can't change other people you can only change yourself.
  • First of all, you should never try to change someone from who they are. If you are not happy with someone as they are, you should not be with them in the first place. Love only works if you love the person for who they are, and let them be who they are. If he was abusive to you, you probably knew he was this way when you first met him, or you should have. What you need to realize is that there are somethings that are out of your control that you can do nothing about. You should not feel guilty, which it sounds like you do. You just need to go on with you life. For the next time, you may want to get to know someone a little more before you enter into a relationship with them. And do not ever enter a relationship thinking that you are going to change them, this never works, it only will end in a lot of pain for yourself.
  • love is funny sometimes you think that you hate that person but its just that you were mad at him I think you should think about giving him another chance because even in your note you posted you are still mad at him talk down about the man however there must have been some good time with him or you would not miss him go back to him you know its what make it right for you no matter how ups and down you two go threw so go get you man back
  • I had a similar thing during one year dating someone for the most time at a distance, but someone who was manipulating. A really simple and normal question about us got him immediately judging me as making drama and wining. He wanted to go with the flow but stating that he was very serious with me and wanted to get with me for real in the near future when we could spend more time together. We weren't official yet, but I think he thought that I would not find out about other girls he was dating. Knowing that he wasn't serious, eventhough he keeps claiming to be so, I felt I had to break-up. Now I miss him and he still wants to be friends. Did you stay in contact? I dont know how you explain that person that he hurt me and I dont know if Iwant to be friends - maybe not yet now. I also think it's better to delete him of my Facebook as it hurts seeing him connecting with so many other girls. But I don't know how to explain and somehow I wanna keep the door open in case he does get serious.

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