• the two biggest contributing factors, at this time, to the increasing rate of inflation are - downward spiraling value of the dollar, increasing cost of oil, and overextension of federal dollars. my ideas - invest in alternative fuels and drill for oil under the EPA, stop spending $168 trillion a year we don't have, increase by 1/4% FICA, increase tariffs, using tax and monetary policy - work to increase corporations that settle in america thus creating jobs and discourage corporations from using cheap - third world labor, buy american campaign, i don't have a problem with big government AS LONG AS IT IS ACTUALLY PRODUCING SOMETHING!!! - increases in NASA, NIH, Energy and Environment. DoD results in net loss. Most other agencies have minimal net economic effect.
  • Re elect WJC, William Jefferson Clinton
  • Have a revolution and start over.
  • To reverse inflation: Control of government spending, increase production of exportable goods and increase interest rates. The above three are the most important.Inflation depends on how much people spend instead of saving their money thus lowering spending is important and foreign capitals also go to the banks this can only be done with high interest rates. Regards.
  • We can only downsize our government when we as individuals decide to take on more responsbility ourselves, which is the way it is supposed to be. This would help eradicate the need for massive government spending, LESS programs. This means that we fall in line with traditional family relationships and monies to help promote these. The cost of this I believe would be considerably less than what we're spending now. As for increasing production, this would include a no smoking policy, and a diligence on the workers' part to put forth his/her best effort to earn the wage he/she has been given. It means we work harder as individuals, and those that don't work, go hungry.
  • Do what we do in private business. Create redundancies for half the people. Since salaries in this case(government)will definetly be the highest turnover.
  • We've already experienced something like that when we went through stagflation!
  • Have a depression - does wonders for inflation. Inflation is not the enemy. It's just a symptom of the economy moving upwards. It affects individuals more than it affects governments, but individuals have little to no power over it. Want to slow down inflation? Make peace. Want to increase inflation? Start a war. The greatest food for inflation is borrowing money. Guess which one governments borrow for more often?
  • The first thing people need to do is understand the monitary system not only of the USA but the rest of the world as well. The major cause of inflation is the Federal Reserve System which is NOT Federal nor is it a reserve! It is a private corporation (they pay income tax) who creates currency out of thin air and loans it to the federal government at interest. John Kennedy tried to stop the Fed by issuing American bank notes. this was one of the reasons he was assassinated. We have Pres. Wilson to thank for the Fed. which he signed into law in 1914, in violation of the Constitution, to repay political debts for his re-election. Rothchild, a big banker in the UK, said, "Give me control of the money in any country and I care not whom writes the laws." Eliminate the Federal Reserve System and require the Government to work within a budget and stay out of costly foreign wars will help. Read this bit if information for a better understanding:

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