• I have basic arachnophobia of spiders. I also have a minor fear of driving =S
  • Here is my list: Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons Nyctohylophobia- Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)
  • phobophobia--im afraid of phobias and people who have them or are interested in them
  • Homophobephobia - I'm scared of Homophobes.
  • Hoplophobia- Fear of firearms. I also have an irrational fear of peeing in public restrooms, like when other people can hear you. :) Weird, I know.
  • Emetophobia - Fear of vomit. Scoleciphobia - Fear of worms, caterpillars, slugs, maggots, etc... HOWEVER, mine would only extend to maggots. I think those are the only two things I'd call out as a phobia, though; anything else I have a problem with is just a simple fear or even nuisance, really.
  • Scoleciphobia, the fear of worms. This was never diagnosed, nor do I know in which worm fear category it fits into, but I'm pretty sure it's a phobia. I don't like things that move but which have no recognizable end. A snake is fine, it has a head, tentacles are fine, they're attached to something, but worms are just sick. I can stand them on television or pictures of them, but even then it evokes this real unease, and forget me if I see one, or several of them, in real life. I don't even like thinking about them, like right now lol. But I guess I have to, they say that to cure these things you have to face the fear right? And I don't care what kind it is, if it has no eyes or nothing, don't bring that close to me.
  • Arachnophobia not diagnosed, but then again im not scared of all spiders, only the big ones or medium ones. I cant stand them and if i see them my heart beats a thousant times per minute i run away and cry and refuse to come back into the room unless its completley gone!
  • Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Ataxiophobia- Fear of ataxia. (muscular incoordination) Atychiphobia- Fear of failure. Patroiophobia- Fear of heredity. Social phobia- Self-explanatory! Tocophobia- Fear of pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Heights. I think its called Fearoffallingobia

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