• christianity I don't know but legally it is against the law..if you are blood relative.
  • Man,why would you want to?Any genetic deficiancies are going to be in the two of you.And will then be passed on to your inocent child.Don't do it.
  • It isn't against Christianity, but it is illegal in some states, so you should check your local laws (there's a chart on which states it's legal in on the incest article on Wikipedia.) The reason it's illegal is that your children are more likely to be unheathy because there is so much similarity in you and your cousins genes. It is not the unhealthiest thing in the world, but it's not the greatest either. You should meet people besides your cousin, and see if the feeling passes.
  • Just because you marry someone, be it your cousin or not, does not mean you have to have children. Go for it. Get fixed first.
  • As far as it being against Christianity, it depends. Biblically, it was common. Currently, it's probably deemed to be a bad thing by some, not so much by others. As far as my personal beliefs go, no, it's not against Christianity. As far as having children with a cousin, it depends. If there are recessive genes from a prior cousin marriage, it could cause a problem. If there were absolutely none of those marriages for many generations back, it's probably safe. For those countries in which cousin marriage is common, the states are that they 13% more likely to have a child with a birth defect for that reason.
  • No it is not against the bible! There are many instances in the bible where God commands cousins to marry. There will be people that will try to say that it is forbidden under the law of the bible but you can check Lev:18 which is the book of law in the bible and this particular passage outlines what relationships are not allowed and cousins are not on the list of relationships that are not allowed by God! Read for yourself! Now as for the idiot that said that you and your cousins genes are so close that there will be birth defects etc... he is a truly uninformed and ignorant person. Do the research and you will find that the average couple have a 3 to 5 percent chance of having a child with birth defects and a cousin couple runs a 5 to 7 percent chance of children with defects.This means that the odds of you and your cousin having a child that is born with a birth defect is no greater than that of a wouman that is 40yrs old having a child with birth defects. Society is basing their judgements on cousin marriages and the children of cousin marriages on a report that was published almost 100yrs ago and was based on absolutely no scientific merit! Todays genetics has proven that there is only a slightly higher chance of birth defects in children of cousin relationships than in the average couple. The New York times even did an article on this subject. Do yourself a favor and don't listen to morons that say its wrong or say you will have defective children. Do the research for yourself!!! I myself am in a relationship with my 1st cousin and did all the research myself and was amazed at all the disinformation out there to discourage relationships between cousins. Thanks, D.Ervin

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