• This is a type of muscle relaxer. Is it yours? Do you have a legit script? Do you operate heavy machinery or drive for your job? If it is legit and there are no restrictions, don't worry about it. Otherwise, it may show up as a barbituate, and this is tested for. You can pass this by going to the health food store and buying a solution called body cleanse. You drink it at least one hour before the test and follow that with lots of water. Follow the instructions on the bottle and you can probably pass. I've used it when I used to smoke pot and snort coke. Don't do that anymore but it did get me through at least a half-dozen drug tests. At least the tests at the doc-in-the-box offices. Typical pee test. They look for the High Fives: Meth, coke, pot, opiates and barbituates. Basically you're flushing your kidneys, so be sure to take some B vitamins to add color otherwise your pee will be clear and they won't take it.

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