• Matter itself
  • If current theories are correct, the "dark matter" whose nature has not yet been determined, but which outweighs all the visible matter. I am not entirely happy with the "dark matter" hypothesis. All the matter in stars is in the form of plasma - very highly ionized nuclei in a sea of dissociated electrons. But this may be outweighed by the matter in interstellar gas clouds, which is moderately ionized gases. Three things that are uncommon in the universe are the states we regard as normal: solid, liquid, and un-ionized gasses.
  • Confusion.
  • Popular belief is plasma
  • One would sufficiently think that Dark Matter, or Anti-Matter would be the most abundant matter in the universe. However, it hasn't been completely verifyed as a state of matter, it's just a theory. So ruling that out, I would think a high level of Plasma.
  • Dark Matter
  • liquid
  • Gaseous. That reminds me, shouldn't have had that last burrito. ; )
  • Gas surely?
  • Missing altogether. Most of the universe is empty. A harder vacuum than any we can make on Earth.
  • The most common state of matter that we can discern in the Universe is "Plasma". This is simply where a material has been heated to a sufficient temperature that not only are they disassociated from one another but the electrons have "boiled" off the atoms themselves. This of course excludes Dark Matter for which you can't really say anything about as there's no evidence what it's made of or what state it's composition is in (if not it's own special state). The thing many people forget is Dark Matter was invented by Astrophysicists to explain the large Mass deficit in the universe and so explain the discrepencies they see in visible matter.
  • PLASMA is the most command matter in the UNIVERSE!

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