• Did you go to school? If so then these documents must exist. Unless you were born way back in the beginning of the century - the 20th century. Did you never see a doctor as a kid? You must have, you were immunized to go to school. They have to have received a social security number. Anyone in the USA as a child from about 1968 onward had to show some sort of identifying papers to get enrolled in school - later on when immunization became mandatory it was necessary to have those numbers and papers to put you in the system. So somewhere along the line your Mom or your Dad had to get you an SS number. But lets say on some off chance you never went to school, or saw a doctor, or were immunized, then there are at least people who have known you since you were knee high to a toad - they will have identifying papers and can sign affidavit(s) that you are you and we can get you into the system - because as a citizen you MUST be in the system - to work, to bank, to drive, to fly, to... do anything that means living in society you MUST be in the system. If you do not have any living relatives who remember you as a child, who your parents were, etc - then you are in desperate need of a lawyer before the System finds out and starts the process of deportation. Your best bet is to ask your mom or dad what they did in order to claim you as a dependent on taxes, or where they took you for all of those shots, or how they managed to keep you from school without the right paperwork not only in the way of home schooling, but not proving that you were theirs to school at home - yeah even that requires some paperwork to prove that you are who you are.
  • How old are you? I had a baby brother kidnapped from Colorado many years ago, he was only 7 months old. We assume he doesn't know he was kidnapped.

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