• Considering people smoke it, I would say some of it (in a close area) would go into your lungs. However if it was a one time quick exposure I would say no,it wouldnt show up
  • if your the one using it. the smoke isnt thick enough to affect you being in the same room
  • actually, you can come up positive if you touch crack cocaine because it is absorbed through your skin, cocaine whether cooked or not dissolves into your skin, it also dissolves over time so if you have a sack and it sits for a long time that is why it loses weight when you are dealing with large amounts of crack (like if you deal and are breakin up rocks) it will stay in your system but even after touching a small amount if you are immediately drug tested it will come up positive, you can also inhale it through second hand smoke, but the thing is is that it only stays in your system for like 3 days so even if it is in your system it won't be there for long
  • no. even if u r taking piss tests for parole or probation the levels in ur urine would not be high enough to trigger a positive response.
  • it's possible

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