• that's the thing with anorexia - at some point you won't be able to because you will become glaringly thin.
  • Why do you want to hide it?
  • ...My dear you are not truly anorexic. If you were anorexic you would not be seeking attention from people on answerbag. I was anorexic in highschool for wrestling, and after researching the disease did you know that 9/10 people who suffer from the disease either in denial or do not flaunt that they are. Stop being an attention whore drama queen and grow up. (-2)!!!!
  • I would think you would have a hard time admiting you had anorexia if you actually did. Perhaps you could go vegetarian.
  • if you truely have anorexia you dont hide it. . . if you have it you need to get help... hiding it wont solve anything
  • You shouldn't hide it, for you are not just hiding your anorexia, but what actually caused it, and that is worse, and what really matters.
  • You should not hide it. Anorexia is serious and you should seek help from your family and a professional.
  • Hide it? Why don't you want to fix it? You do realize that a lot of people die from that. Not to be the one to kick you in the butt, but that's not something you can just let sit and hope it goes away.
  • Don't The effects of Anorexia Nervosa are serious and wide-ranging. Of any known psychiatric disorder Anorexia may have the highest mortality rate. Approximately ten-percent of known diagnosed cases of the disorder eventually die of related causes and complications. The suicide rate of people with anorexia nervosa is higher than that of the general population and is purported to be a major cause of death for those affected by the disorder. Data suggests that less than one-half recover in full, one-third improve their conditions, and twenty percent remain chronically ill.
  • im sorry but i have to agree with the lastr comment to a certain extent on growing up and not being an attention seeker/ drama queen. if you had an eating disorder then im sorry but in my opinion you wouldnt advertise it fulkl stop.
  • You shall not hide it, you shall talk about it to get help.
  • This condition is a mental/emotional disorder. Don't be ashamed of it. Discuss it with a school consular first if you feel uncomfortable speaking to your parents. You can and should get help for this. Many famous people have and have had this condition and many have died or permanently ruined their health. Please don't be one of them. Once a problem is out in the open, you'll be surprised at how much help will be offered and don't let anyone jump on you for it. It's serious, it's about self image and it's treatable. Be kind to yourself, you're not crazy, it's a very common condition but you must seek help for it. Please do so immediately. Best wishes.
  • You should read Wasted by marya hornbacher. It's about her struggle with anorexia and bulimia. It's a very good book. To be honest It'll either give you tips or make you realize how bad this disease can get and convince you to stop.
  • The easiest method is if you have a pet dog. Make a show of making something for your parents/siblings and then when possible feed it to the dog. Also works with school lunches. Make sure someone sees you make a lunch to take to school, but befor you go into the house in the afternoon feed it to your pet. When having meals talk constantly. Ask lots of questions and change the subject alot. This distracts from your plate. Keep your cutlery in your hands at all times and constantly move your hands. Keep cutting peices of food and mashing food while you talk to make your plate look more empty. The best one if if you're having a different meal to say "This is great, try some" and place a large forkful on the other persons plate. Living with people means that you may have to eat sooner or later and if you have the urge to purge afterwards taking a shower is the best option. It is the one place you are alone and evidence is easily destroyed. Invest in a bathroom radio to cover noise and help keep track of how long you are in there. Also if you feel the need to excercise more always just say you are going for a walk, not a run. People are less alarmed by a long walk than a long run. I do not understand how you can label this girl "attention seeking", she has come here to ask how to hide this therefore doing the exact opposite. This girl knows there is something wrong with her and has faced that herself and wants to keep it to herself. The internet offers very little help on this topic so research must not have worked for her. In my opinion asking this question on an internet site to people she does not know and will never meet creates as little attention in her life as possible.
  • Natty, this is your father. We need to have a long talk together about your health and poor outlook on your body image. Come see me after dinner tonight. q:)
  • People will notice your condition since your body is changing. I suggest you speak to your parents and ask them for support. If that is not an option I am sure there is a guidance counselor at your school or a school psychologist you can speak to. There are loads of people in your community who are willing to lend a helping hand. All you need to do is accept the help. Godspeed for the times ahead, I hope you receive the help you need. :-)
  • Wear bigger clothes that look nice on you. And stop being anorexic. I dont know what you look like. But girls look way hotter when they have meat on their bones. Not alot. Just enough so your not known as the anorexic one. Hope you get help, unless you can help your self. ;)
  • Go the table during food and just make comments such as "this is yummy" and then take a bunch of food but dont eat it when they r not looking or wtever throw it out.ASAP.

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