• Canada, out strange neighbor to the North. I like how the Canadian band, the Arrogant worms, sings about Canada. Ontario sucks and Canada's Really Big are two of their songs, and We are the Beaver and the Last Saskatchewan Pirate, the list does on and on. Hehe. Canadian's do seem nice though. Use of the F Word in Canada by the Arrogant Worms
  • STrangely I have never met a Canadian in my life time. Believe it or not.
  • Every Canadian I have ever met has been friendly and most have had wonderful, dry senses of humor. My favorite band is Canadian, the Barenaked Ladies. Love them!!
  • Was camping some time many years ago. My sister and I were swimming, and it was maybe 65 degrees American outside. This was by the NY/Canadian border, on the NY side, and Canadians kids were there, about our age, visiting our country. They referred to us as 'stupid Americans' because we were taking advantage of swimming time though it may have been a touch chili for the Canadians. Though it was just the two, that surely didn't seem too nice nor friendly to us. However, I do enjoy it when the Goldeyes come to visit, despite most players are American. Usually makes for a good game.

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