• sweety the only thing is with love sometimes its like R&J but you know if you really love your boyfriend then I mean fight for him I know that yea family come first I fully respect that but you know sometimes when you love somebody you willen to risk alot of things give up alot of things you know what I mean thats what I did my bf is black and am puerto rican you just have to persuade sometimes it dont always work just being friends your feelings are still fresh then you might just end up going back together you know what I mean theres no wrong or right with this kind of situation you just have to be strong
  • If it is definately over, it is best to have no communication for a time. Otherwise on a deeper level there is still attachment. Its like pulling a plaster off - how quick or slow do you want to do it ? My advice - try to reconcile the relationship, if you cant move on and maybe consider friendship in 12 - 18 months time if you are 100% over the person. Hope that helps.
  • You did the wrong thing. Breaking up because he has black skin is disgusting. I have nothing more to say.
  • I'm not sure. Did you break up with him because your family disagrees with you having an interracial relationship? If so then that's too bad. I have to say though, if that's the reason you broke up with him then it probably is the right thing for him at least because you would always be the type of person that would care more about what other people think than for him and his feelings. In a way, whether you meant to be selfless or not, you're giving him a chance to find someone who loves him for who he is and not just for the color of his skin, so cheers to you!
  • why did you do it? :( if you love someone, you should learn how to fight with them.. though i know you love your family as well but its not your family who will come and be with the one you love.. if the man you love is worthy of your love then why left him because of your family? friendship won't be a success if both of you still have the feelings for each other.. the only option you both have is go on or never.. two people with feelings still for each other can't be a normal friends.. you will just both hurt by the situation.. if you love him go with him, if you want to move on because of your family.. (which is pathetic in my opinion) then move on and don't bother for friendship..
  • no you didnt do the right thing because obviously its making you upset. if i was you i would get back with him and be happy. if your family dissaprove of the relationship because your bf is black then your not going to change their minds but stand up to them and let them no there is nothing wrong with what you are doing
  • You didnt do the right thing,its not your familys choice its yours,its your life,and they should respect your feelings. They are in the wrong not you,hope you can get back with your boyfriend.Good luck
  • If the colour of his skin is the only reason that you broke up with this young man,after two years it is very little wonder that you are unhappy. Of course you did the wrong thing I am surprised he is still decent and nice enough to talk to you. No you cannot get over it that way and should feel sad and upset with your descision
  • This really depends on how old you are. If you're under 18 and your family disapproves of this guy, no matter how wrong it seems, breaking up with him is good to do because your family has authority over you. However, if you are over 18, this is your decision you must make on your own, despite your family. But if you DO want to break up with him, talking every day is the worst thing you can do. If you want to talk, get back together, but if you're serious about breaking things off, break things off. Maybe one day you can be just friends but as of now it's not happening. Trust me, I've been through neraly this exact situation.
  • Did your family disapprove because he is black? That's silly. Is he a good guy, takes care of himself? Treat you good? Have a good future? I think your family is wrong to have put such pressure on you based on skin color. If you found love, and the color of his skin doesn't matter to you, then it shouldn't matter to them. Ignore them, call him and renew the relationship.
  • First of all, you were with this guy for 2yrs why break it off now???? i don't think you did the right thing. If he is a stand up guy than who cares what your parents have to say about it!! you can't get over anything if you still have contact with this person everyday.....i think you should go with your heart and f#$k everyone else.....i am Mexican and my guy is black as well, well my ex guy is black we broke up but because of his color.
  • If you really truly broke up with him because of your family, you made the wrong choice. If they gave you an out, live with what you did. I am a black woman who has been married to and been with my white husband for over 20 years. His mother is still mad, but unlike my white friends who are married to white spouses, I never have to pretend I like my mother-in-law. (LOL)

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