• it means nothing. lots of people seek meaning is the artbitray. Lights go off all the time I see no meaning i it
  • It happens to me periodically, sometimes several times in a row and then nothing for months. Someone once told me that since we humans are comprised of energy, it is our electrical energy that has sorta run amok or is like a power surge. I clearly remember one early evening, rainy and dark so the street lights had come on early. I was driving my son to work at the sirport and six street lights in a row blew as I drove under them. I didn't find that coincidental, but have no other explanation as to why it happened. Do you have a lot of static electricity shocks in cold weather when you touch metal, too? I do.
  • Means nothing. It's just random. They also do that when you are not there, but you are just not there to see it!
  • This happens to me too. It's exactly the same. I feel more protected when it happens but who knows?? I'd like some answers to this too.
  • Well, on one hand you could just be isolating out incidents where something interesting happens as opposed to the 99/100 other times where nothing happens. but on the other hand, weird shit does happen.
  • I offer a different perspective. First, let me say that street lights DO dim often, which is intentional. It saves the city/county money by lowering the electric bill. We are made up of electrical impulses. Electricity runs through our bodies. Without them, we would die almost immediately. There is also such a thing as Ley lines. these are magnetic lines that blanket the earth. They particularly affect psychic energy and those with mental illnesses. I am bipolar, which motivated me to educate myself on this issue. It is quite normal for those two groups of people to blow light bulbs or be unable to run a radio/stereo without a strong antennae, especially if they are near or on a Ley line. Other odd things happen, too. Birds won't feed in their yards, and won't nest. You'll see animal activity, but if you watch, they aren't staying for long - they are just passing through. The reason is that animals are very sensitive to electrical energy, so they cannot stay on a Ley Line, particularly if they are migratory animals. The Ley lines and power from major electrical stations disrupts thier intrinsic ability to "read" the earths power fields. If you'll notice, they do not build nests, burrows or dens at a power station, either. Insects who require warmth to survive are the exception to the rule. For instance, roaches do not migrate. So for them, the warmth generated by a strong electrical source is an attractant. +5
  • This happens to our son. He was just telling us about it yesterday. Not only street lights, but lights in the house and outside lights. When he is by them, they flicker and go out. When he goes to leave, they flicker and go back on. He even had an incident with a automatic door at the bank. It was opening and closing without stop. When he left the bank, it worked normally. I think maybe certain people with high energy levels and emotions can cause this to happen, but I'm no expert. Just know that you are not alone.
  • happens to me too,but my main problem is when i"m aggitated electronics/computers go haywire
  • I dont know what this means but it happens to me constantly i cant go for a walk with out a light diming when im near it and going back to normal after i pass it, this is the first time i check for an answer on the coputer and thought i would find nothing, but here you are. house lights do it here and there but if i go on an hour walk at night ill see 10-15 lights do it, and occasionly (rarly) they will blow out all together they surge bright then pop. you should email me more about this im verry excited to see what we have incomon that could cause this. my email is

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