• Mythlawlogy.
  • Canon Law
  • There is not one answer to that question. There are several. Yes, the Bible is one of the guiding priciples of the Church, but the oral tradition, passed on by the early church fathers is another. You see, long before any Christian scripture was ever written, the truths that the apostles were taught at the feet of Jesus were passed on from teacher through learner to the time they were first codified, which wasn't until at least four or so decades after Jesus' death on the Cross. In addition to that, you probably realise that not everything Jesus taught can be contained in any written work. You can find a compendium of what we believe in the Catholic catechism, which is a large book, available in paperback, for those who are interested. If you get a copy, you might look up the Majeserium...there you will find additional answers you may seek. Don't ever be afraid to ask questions. That is the way myth is exposed, and the truth comes to light. Good luck, and thanks for asking! Neokantian

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