• If and only if I agreed with the politics. Life would be he** for me if I were surrounded by those whose political views were 180 degrees opposite..biting my tongue is not something I do well. I'm a very private person, so I would not enjoy scrutiny or celebrity by association..I'd stay way in the background, living my own life as much as possible. I don't like the limelight for myself..I leave it to others who bask in it! :) Happy Tuesday! :) ((hugs))
  • I wouldn't mind it. I'd just be in the background anyway. The pros would probably be meeting interesting people and travelling to interesting places. The biggest con would be constantly watching what you have to say. I'm assuming you mean marrying someone you love who has similar political views.
  • Cons: My life would become everyone else's business My husband would be instantly thought of as a liar/thief I would have certain entertaining and political responsibilities myself that I am not interested in taking on. Our family's income would be scrutinized. I would have to become instantly 'fake' to fit in with the asinine idea of 'political correctness' Everyday we would be faced with the knowledge that you cannot please everyone. I am at a loss for Pros.
  • Meh, if I really liked the girl that I wouldn't let things like that get in the way. So yeah.
  • I would have to really stop and think about it. Of course I never have had the chance and can't see how I could. I would have to have all the same political views and concerns as my intended so I wouldn't have to think they were full of BS. It would really detract from our relationship. I also am not real good keeping my mouth shut when people are real critical, etc. I don't sit back and take unfair critism well. Have I come up with any pros yet? I'd love the money, the ease of obtaining things this would bring, the special favors and opportunities. But, in the end I think I would become a failure because I would not be comfortable at not being myself. I would 'snap' and spoil everything.
  • Yes, I would consider..are you offering? Pro's You have a voice that has a chance at actually making a difference and letting our people be heard. Con's If its that High profile of a political family we probably disagree on A LOT of issues.
  • You said this is a hypothetical question so lets say the girl was from a well known family already. Shes always been very popular and should be used to attention. The man shes going to marry thinks the world of her. Escaping to another state and changing her last name has not brought her happiness. She already is very involved in her charities and marrying into this family will help her to help the causes she already believes in. The man she will marry is not interested in a political career. There are family duties but they are nominal. She will be very happy.
  • if the individual I was marrying was compatible with me... she would probably be the black sheep of her family because I dispise the republicratic party for betraying the people to powers both foerign and domestic and to be compatible with me could not defend their aristocratic positions.
  • No, because my past would come up to haunt me. It wouldn't matter by today's standards, (or lack of) but to know it was out there for everyone else to read, would kill me from embarrassment, if my mother didn't kill me first. =D
  • Yes, I would. I would not necessarily have to agree with their politics. I would have to have my views respected. I love a good debate, but that isn't all there is to a relationship. I would expect our private life to be public which would be difficult but manageable. Not getting to spend as much time with my spouse would be difficult.

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