• Only God knows how much time he's got left. Some alcoholics can go on for years drinking like that. Unfortunately, no one can force an alcoholic to get help. It's a strange disease that way. The alcoholic has to want help for himself.
  • I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but here it is: NO ONE AND NO CIRCUMSTANCES are going to change anyone's mind about doing something (stopping the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs) and then doing something (checking into a rehab or de-tox program, UNTIL he/she admits he/she has a problem AND admits he/has a problem which needs to be taken care of. Alcoholics and drug addicts ARE ALWAYS "in denial". Everyone else is wrong AND they are ALWAYS right! Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: Because you asked. An unpleasant stroll down "Memory Lane". 4 former friends and acquaintances had problems with alcohol and/ir drugs. 3 of the 4 were in denial until it was way too late. The 4th made it to recovery. "THE University of Hard Knocks" also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons"
  • If he's that far gone, no chance.
  • Winston Churchill drank a quart of Scotch whisky every day for forty years. He died at 92. But he was a VERY exceptional man. Your friend may be beyond rescue. But the "silver cure" is almost always effective, at least in the short run. The family cannot force him into help; they could have him put in a detox programme, but that will work only so long as he is locked up in the clinic. . Seek counselling.
  • No one can force him into help. He has to want it for himself. Unfortunately he has to hit a bottom and unfortunately his bottom may be death. I hope he makes it.
  • It’s unfortunate that someone has reached that level of alcoholism and not only he, but even his family is in denial! Convincing the family is something that is definitely needed, but forcing him into help might make things worse. It is always better to show love, respect and sensitivity while talking to someone with alcohol problem. You need to make the person see that he is cared for and that he needs help. Get help from a professional counselor. You can try the alcohol abuse helpline at 1-800-871-361224 or visit . Counselors are available round the clock; they are committed and sensitive and you can talk to them about everything in complete confidentiality. Good luck!
  • As soon as possible because tonight, tomarrow, 5 months, or a year from now, that person could possibly drive a car after have been drinking and winde up dead or end up dead from a trillian other bizarre ways of dieing from being intoxicated on alcohol. So if you really feel this is a disaster waiting to happen, then get some help as soon as possible.

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